Chapter 16

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"What are you doing here?" Father asked.

I looked at him, my face calm. He met me standing on my feet, away from Ally. My arms were crossed before my chest.

"I am checking up on the rogue." I said.

Father made a sound.

"The night is deep. You should rest. Your presence here is not necessary." Father said.

I caught what he did not say but meant.
I took a step closer to Ally and spent a minute admiring her peaceful appearance.

"I am aware. I simply desired to know how she fared. It has been a week and I think it is right that I see her again."

Father said nothing and walked to me.

"The rogue is getting better. Let that calm you. Now leave. I want to have the night alone with the rogue." Father said.

His words instilled suspicion and cautious fear in me.

Why did he want to be alone with her? What business did he have with the rogue?
Or perhaps he wanted her dead?

"Do you want to end her life with the night?" I asked him.

Father chuckled.

"Fear not son. I will not harm your savior. Go now."

"Yes Father." I said with a slight bow.

I hesitated for a moment to take in all I could of her. I hoped it would be enough to keep me through the night.

I said a prayer to the Moon Goddess to protect my mate from my father.

I walked out.

Father had his men outside who made sure I left the Royal Clinic and went straight to my chambers. That made me even more afraid for my mate. I began to pace around.

Father had said he would not hurt her and Father does not go against his words but...
I could not trust him.

He disliked her. And it was no fault of hers. It was not her fault she was made a rogue.

It was not her fault that she saved me in my moment of weakness.

Oh Moon Goddess, soften his heart.

"My Lord." Savi said.

I turned to him. He had a kind smile on.

"Rest easy Crown Prince. King Breaven does not hope to hurt your mate." He said.

"Why do you say so? What knowledge do you have that I do not?" I asked him.

"Before he encountered you, King Breaven spoke to the physicist. The King merely wants to monitor her health. He also believes you see the rogue in a special light as it is unlike you."

I sighed, relieved that she was safe. I sat on the bed slowly.

"My Lord, I advise you to tell the King of the bond you and the rogue share. He would treat her better if you did." Savi said earnestly.

I bit my lip, thinking of the future of that action.

"I fear he would request I reject her." I said after a while.

"My Lord, he has no reason to. Your mate has been proven innocent. She is trustworthy." Savis reasoned.

"But she is a rogue Savi. A rogue for Luna might be hard to accept."

"My Lord, do you have plans of telling your parents of this bond?"

I thought of it.

"I wish to be alone. Goodnight." I said instead.

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