Chapter 12 - Mercy

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    "You may go." I said.

My smile was that of a child after he left. Finally, she will be free.

I turned back, hoping to see Father coming out but I did not.

I could not stay and wait for his arrival. I was much too restless for patience so I made the decision to take the lead instead. I found my horse and mounted it hastily.

I kicked it to full speed. With the air racing through my locks freely, my heart made merry in my chest as the distance between my mate and I closed with every passing moment.

Her face seemed to appear before me, beckoning me to come faster. To hurry into her arms.

Oh how pleased she would be when I break the news from my men to her, after they tell me she has been truthful since she arrived.
Is she waiting restlessly for her redemption?

I will not keep you waiting Ally. My dear mate, soon we shall be free together.

I arrived at the castle and sensed at once that there was something wrong. The guards were not stationed at their assigned post.
The castle was left unprotected.

I climbed off my horse with caution, my ears sensitive for any movement or threat.
The smell of blood wafted through the air, drawing my attention to the stains of blood on the ground.

A loud crash sliced through the dead silence of the night. My blood ran cold.

Ally! She might be in trouble.

Without a moment's thought to strategy, I dashed into the castle in the direction of the dungeons.

I had to make sure my mate was not hurt before any other thing.

Oh Moon Goddess, please let her be in the dungeons. Please let her be drunk with sleep and unscathed on the underground floors of the dungeons, I prayed to the Moon Goddess as I ran through the hallways.

Indeed the hallways were as empty as the entrance of the castle. And there was blood wherever the eye could see.

The castle, or even worse; the kingdom, was under attack. I could not think of who would attack us but I did not give it much thought.

I would wonder about that after I ensured Ally is safe. She was my priority.

Marla's scream stopped me in my tracks, reminding me that she too was left in the castle. My breaths weighed heavy on my chest and beads of sweat formed on my forehead.

I could not ignore her. She was human and vulnerable. Derrick would never forgive me if I stood for her to get hurt.

I looked before me, in the direction of the dungeons, longingly. I had no other choice. I had to ensure Marla was safe first.

Be safe my mate, I shall return for you.

Strangled by guilt and hurt, I turned and began to make my way to Marla. As I ran, I could not take my thoughts of my mate.

I was a fool for prioritizing the mate of another man over my very own and I knew that. But the situation called for that response and there was very little I could do but hope no harm befalls my mate.

Finally, I had reached Marla, but the sight that awaited me was almost too much to bear.

Marla stood before the doors of her chamber. She was bleeding from her arm, it looked like a scratch wound, but aside from that she was fine and the wound did not look too deep.

She wasn't what almost threw me in a state of disarray.

Before her, protecting her was my mate, Ally. She was much more bloody than Marla. I could not tell where her wounds were from because of how ripped and red her clothing was.

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