Chapter 3 - Mate Meet

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"My Lord, what's the matter?" Savi asked.

He handed me my sword. I looked at him and from his eyes, I could see that he understood everything.

"Why did you stop them brother? He could be a spy sent to harm us." Prince Michael said.

"He was harmless. It must have been a child who wandered too far away from the stream." I said calmly.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I continued to look out into the distance.

"You do not know that for sure. I say we should hunt him down. If he is indeed a child, we shall let him go."

I turned to look at him and in his eyes I saw worry, but not for himself. For Marla.

"No. It is time we returned. Let us leave."

Derrick was not pleased with my decision but I decided I would not give him any explanation.
I was still understanding what had just happened myself.

Savi did not say a single word on the matter even when we were alone in my chambers. I appreciated that. I did not want to speak to anyone after the day's revelation.

I laid on my bed after asking him to leave.
Tears pricked my eyes and although I contained my sob, I didn't stop the tears from falling.

Princess Svannah was not my mate and it made me angry. It made me sad.

I breathed in deeply

This could not be happening. Why? Why a total stranger when there was already so perfect for me?

I did not expect an answer from the Moon Goddess. She never answers to anyone.
Whatever she says always goes.


Well, not with me.

Not. With. Me.

I don't care if Princess Svannah isn't the one the Moon Goddess gave to. She is the one I choose and that is all that matters.

I've given up too much for her to let her go.
What about my mate?

I chose not to give any thought to her. She was not important to me. We have not met and the bond was not at all strong yet.

Why should I care about the one I do not want?

I must have dozed off at some point because the next thing I knew, Savi woke me up for the evening meal. He helped me get dressed, saying nothing concerning my mate.

If I was being true to myself, I was not at all hungry but I had no reason to not be present.
Reluctantly, I joined my family to eat.

(That Night)

Dinner was grand as usual but I felt no desire to eat. Mother shared a word of thanks to the Moon Goddess before we began to eat.

"What happened in the forest today?" Father asked.

"We just went horse riding Father." I answered.

"There was a spy keeping watch, I'm using Father and Zan refused to let our men capture him." Prince Derrick said.

I glared at him but his attention was not on me.

"Why is that son?" Mother asked me.

"The intruder was nothing but a harmless boy Mother. There was no need to send my army after him"

"Did you have a look at this spy to know he was indeed a harmless boy and not a threat?"

I restrained myself from telling Father how I knew the intruder was not a threat. Until I find out who my mate is, she is going to remain a secret.

My silence was an answer to my Father.

"My men tell me that the intruder was beyond the border. It is for this reason that I will let this blunder pass by this time son, but tomorrow you shall head a search for this intruder and make sure you find him. Am I understood?"

"Yes Father."

"I only hope your mistake will not come back to harm this family again." Mother said.

We got the reference and a solemn air rested amongst us. I was even more surprised at how calm Father was concerning the matter.

"I am glad nothing happened to Marla." Prince Derrick said, holding her hands.

"She was with you?" Mother questioned.

Mother did not keep her condescending tone out of her words.

"I will not allow her to be locked up in here all the time Mother." Prince Derrick said defensively.

"I agree my son, but-"

I stopped following the conversation when I felt that familiar pit open in my heart.

And time stopped.

At least for me it did.

Everything numbed. There was something that forced itself on me but I couldn't see it.

I could only feel it. And I knew what it was and what it meant. I could feel the bond.

My mate was in this room with us.

My eyes darted round the room in search for her but we were all alone. Excluding the guards that watched us as we ate.

Which one was she? Or had the Moon Goddess given me a male?

I shuddered at the thought.

That was impossible. No, not when I already had someone I wanted. No, it should be-

The doors opened, startling me. I must have not heard the call that was given to alert us of a visitor.

The Head of Security and Defenses walked in and behind him were two men who were almost dragging a young woman with them.

One look at her and I knew what she meant to me. I could feel it.

I could also feel anger rise within me. I clenched my fist, trying to contain myself.

"My apologies Your Highness, we found a rogue wan-"

I slammed my hand on the table. I could feel their eyes on me. They wanted an explanation. I breathed in deeply, trying to control my emotions but that did nothing to calm me. I had lost my composure at the sight of her.

A rogue??!

My mate is a rogue?!

The Moon Goddess had traded Princess Svannah with this scum?

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