Chapter 3

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I was in Olivia’s lab as she frantically searched her chests, the sounds of things clanking together filling the decently sized room full of machinery and potions. "So, what do you need this stuff for anyway, Axel?" Olivia questioned me as she raised her head from the chest. I shrugged. "Nothing much, just some machine-"

"I know your not into machinery, Axel." She snapped, giving me a stern stare. I was shocked for a second, my expression changing back to normal, scoffing, leaning against a wall. "Look, it doesn't matter." I said, brushing it off.

She looked at me skeptically, lowering her head back into the chest. "So, I heard you and got into a bit of a physical fight with Lukas." She mentioned, still rumaging through the chest. I mumbled inaudible words under my breath when she mentioned the incident.

"He was being a douche." I added vaguely, not going into the details. "And I heard about the falling-out with Jesse." She added. I mumbled some more. I sighed, clearly annoyed at the pestering. "I rather not-"

"Must of been pretty bad, huh?" She interrupted, finally finding the stuff and standing up, brushing one of her dreads away from her face. "Olivia, zip it." I warned, glaring at her.

"I'm just saying. You've gotten into plenty of fights with him before." She replied sternly, like a mother lecturing a child. I was going to grab the stuff from her hand before she pulled it away, staring me down. "Don't make me regret this, Axel." She warned. I rolled my eyes, not threatened.

"I won't, jeez." I scoffed, grabbing the things from her hand. "I mean it." She snapped again as I stuffed the machinery into my inventory. "Relax, it's not like I'll KILL anyone." I said back in a rude manner.

"What are you even going to do with this stuff anyway?" Olivia continued, dusting her hands off on her dark red lab coat. "None of your buisness." I muttered, crossing my arms and staring her down. She gave me that same pissed off stare.

"Answer the question." She demanded, snapping her fingers. I scoffed again. "Something for BoomTown." I lied in a snappy manner. She clearly didn't believe me. "Tell me." She said, her eyes staring daggers into me. I glared at her, stating those same daggers back at her, not muttering a word.

She got even more pissed. She screamed. "TELL ME-" She went silent, her face changing to one of horror and shock. Her gaze shifted to the dagger stabbed into her heart, it bleeding immensely onto the shiny blade, her gaze changing back to me. Her eyes softened as she teared up.

"W-why..." She stampered, blood leaking from her mouth as I ripped the dagger out of her heart. She collapsed onto the ground, her eyes showing no sign of life, a teardrop dripping down from her emotionless eyes.

"No more fucking questions." I replied under my breath, sliding the covering to the dagger back into it's case before walk away from the scene like nothing happened. I didn't feel bad. I warned her.