Chapter 4

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"Hello? Is anyone there? Axel?" Lukas called out for me, peaking his head around a tree. "Finally showed up, about time." I added, leaning against a nearby tree, receiving the normal death stare from Lukas. "What, going to screw up my arm AGAIN." He snapped.

"No," I began, sitting up from the tree. "I called you here for, this." I continued, handing him a small box. He glared at me, skeptical of the box. "What's in it." Lukas questioned. "It's a suprise." I smirked, making Lukas even more skeptical.

"It's not one of your stupid pranks again, right?" He glared. "No trickery. Just an apology." I assured him. He cautiously took the box from my hand. I turned around and began to walk away as Lukas lifted the top off the box.

I heard the beeping of the contraption growing rapid, causing me to chuckle under my breath. The force of the explosions caused me to get launched into a tree, causing me to hit my head, making my vision blurry.

As soon as my vision cleared up, my eyes widened at the sight ahead if me. Lukas apparently was launched back from the explosion too, but not being as lucky. He was flown back into a rock- a sharp, pointy rock,- his face showing pure shock, eyes lifeless as he was pierced with one of It's spikes. He was bleeding a shit ton, the spike covered in blood and his striped shirt stained with blood.

My attention changed to the lack of vision in my right eye. I immediately ran to the nearby lake, avoiding the small patches of fire scattered around. I looked into the reflective water, seeing one side of my face heavily burned, making me blind in that eye. Hurt like hell, but now I have a cool scar.

"Damn. Well, karma isn't gonna stop me now." I replied, standing up. I slowly walked away, the smell of burning grass still lingering in the air as I chuckled menacingly, approaching Lukas's pierced corpse. I tilted his head upwards as I kneeled down.

"Don't worry, you won't be alone for too long." I smirked, standing up and walking away, already hatching an evil plan. A little something to show who's really in charge around here, and how I really got the title of the 'King of BoomTown'.