TME - Movie Night

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After what happened with Gavin and I, we fell asleep. Well, I know that I did. I could barely move after that, as cheesy as that sounds. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was the sweet sound of Gavin humming me to sleep. He was so gentle with me, every movement sweeter than the last.

I changed into acceptable pajamas, in case my mother was home. What time is it anyways? I sleepily walked out of my room and towards the living room and I could make out voices. When I was standing in the doorway, Gavin and my mother were whispering to each other and immediately changed their expressions when they saw me. "Look who's awake! I bought you some new clothes while I was out." My mother came up and hugged me with her smile reaching from ear to ear. I looked behind her and Gavin was just standing there, hands in his pockets, smirking at me. I hid my face in my mother's hair so he wouldn't see my bright red cheeks. "Thanks mom." And she took the bags to my room.

"You slept quite a while. Must've been really worn out." He was still smirking, the little bastard. I walked closer to him, "Wonder what made me so tired." And I walked past him, making sure my butt swayed more than it usually does. After all, I was wearing shorts that didn't even pass my fingertips and just a plain old tank top.

We were all sat at the dinner table, my mom made steak. "Dinner is really good, mom. Thanks." She smiled at me, making sure not to show all of the food in her mouth. I felt Gavin's stare on me the whole time at dinner. I had to check to see if my mom could tell there was something going on, hoping she didn't.

After dinner, we all went in the living room to watch a movie. My mom sat next to Gavin, who was sat next to me. "So what movie are we gonna watch?" I asked quizzically, since Netflix contains thousands of movies. After searching for what seemed like hours, we decided on some movie from the 90's, I think. We were maybe 10 minutes in and I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked to my left and saw Gavin still looking forward, but a small smirk on his grim face. I felt that all-too-familiar heat rise to my cheeks and I continued to watch the movie.

We were halfway through and I felt his hand get closer to the hem of my pj shorts. This alone made me squirm and he knew that, by the obvious look on his face. It was a good thing I had a blanket over myself or else my mom would kill us both. Suddenly I felt a cool breeze against my core as Gavin lifted the edge of my underwear up so he could slip his hand in.

Then I felt it. He slipped a finger up and down my slit. I had to bite my lip so I didn't scream out from the sudden contact. He noticed my struggle and silently laughed. At that moment, he shoved a finger through my entrance. I screwed my eyes shut, since I couldn't make any noise. He slowly brought his large digit in and out of me. Then he put another one in and picked up the pace. It took all I had not to moan, for the sake of my mother right next to us. He brought his thumb up to my clit and drew little circles all over it. I threw my head back, pleasure washing all over me. I was already close, and he knew I was about to unravel. He picked up the pace even more, and watched me as I internally combusted. I released myself all over his fingers and he brought them up to his mouth, cleaning them off. Then he continued to watch the movie, as if nothing happened. I excused myself to the bathroom as I thought about what just happened.


I decided to keep this story going! I hope you guys like this chapter, since I finally got the courage to write some smut.

Most of the chapters are really short, but they'll get longer soon, I promise.

Thank you for reading and being patient with me!

-Lanie <3

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