TME - Him

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It’s been two weeks since I lost my memory. My mom is still being oddly nice and loving. It’s kind of nice, but still odd. I don’t know what to think. My mind lately...has been a little distracted. Gavin is just so gorgeous. His green eyes could tell me a million stories. That sounds really cliche and stupid, but it’s true. He’s always wearing either a flannel or some jacket and it’s cute. He looks like a lumberjack. Just without the beard, of course.

We’ve kind of been...flirting? Sometimes, well most times, he’ll just stare at me in a way...even I cannot describe. That’s a big deal. With all the time I have, I study everything in my surroundings, looking up words to describe them. Call me a thesaurus? Gavin can read me like one. Or any book in particular. Why am I so open to him? I’ve never been open to anyone in my life. There are still some things I don’t tell my own dad. He’s my best friend. Gavin just..he just.. gets me, you know?



My mom left to go do something. Groceries? It’s whatever. So it’s just Gavin and I. It’s not awkward, but it is. I’m kind of scared to talk to him. What if I just spilled out my feelings for him out of nowhere? Oh heck.

“Mea?” I didn’t realize I was staring at this gorgeous, lumberjack man.

“Huh? Sorry, ha. I was just...uh...studying your flannel?” He laughed. Gosh, I’m so obvious and stupid. Really Mea? ‘Studying your flannel’? Wow.

“Do you want it? I mean, you do look kind of cold?” I smirked a little. Me? Smirking? What is going on inside my brain, because I don’t even know at the moment.

“I guess I am a little cold..” MEA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?! He took off his flannel and what was he wearing underneath? Nothing. NOTHING.

“Here.” He smirked back at me. I couldn’t help but smile and pull it over my tiny self and take in his scent. Surprisingly enough, he smelled like the outdoors, but in a good way. It was mixed with something else, but I couldn’t tell. I looked up to see him just staring at me the way he does. I smiled. “What?” He laughed and turned to go to the kitchen. I followed.

“That’s cute.” He looked back at me and grinned. “Oh.” I laughed. His smile was to die for.


My mom walked through the door and I dropped the flannel on the ground. “Gavin? Why are you shirtless? Mea? Why were you wearing his flannel?” We both looked at each other in a little panic. “Girl said she was cold. I was getting hot anyways. How was the store, babe?” I sighed in relief. He saved my ass. Yes, my ass. My mom can be a little crazy sometimes. I get a little scared, you could say.


My mom cooked dinner and we’re all sitting in awkward silence while we eat. She made my favorite meal, however. So I was pretty concentrated on eating this masterpiece. I love my mom’s mexican food. She makes about everything. From tacos, to taquitos, to guacamole. She is a pretty good cook, I’ll give her that.

Every time I would look up, though, he would be looking at me. He’d keep the gaze for two seconds then look away. I guess so it won’t draw attention? But what even is there to draw attention to? I’m pretty sure my mom would kill me before she even thought about killing him. She is literally obsessed with him, but he doesn’t mind. He quite enjoys it. I just have this huge crush on him, no biggie. Maybe I’ll get over it. But he is always here and sends some signals. Get over yourself, Mea. My conscious is right.

“So Mea, darling, how are you enjoying it here?” My mom tried to break the silence. Tried.

“It’s pretty cool. I enjoy the view from my room. The outside is gorgeous at night. Thanks for asking.” I smiled at her and she quickly smiled back. I quickly looked over to the dream boy. Man. Person and half-smiled. Then just went back to eating. This dinner was pretty bomb.


After dinner, I went to my room to draw some outdoor-sey things before it got too dark. My mom came in my room not long after and we talked. She asked me about the flannel. I told her I really was cold and that he was just being polite. But then she asked why I wore it the whole day. I didn’t even realize it until she said something. Then I apologized for that. She said I could keep it since I liked it so much. I don’t think I liked it because it was cute. I liked it because it was his.

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