TME - Amnesia

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        I woke up and my head was hurting. Why was it hurting? I was laying in the back of a van. I saw my mom sitting back here with me. "Mom? What are we doing? What day is it? Where's dad?" She looked confused but quickly regained herself. "Uh, we're going on a road trip honey. It's June 22, two days after your 16th birthday. Don't you remember your party?" I honestly could not remember anything. And I'm 16? The last I remember was my 10th birthday. My head is pounding horribly and I feel like passing out.

"My head hurts. And I can't remember anything. Mom what's going on?"

"Sweetie, you slipped and fell really hard on the concrete while we were walking around. You just may have some memory loss. We can take you to the hospital right now."

        I don't remember much, but my mom was never this nice to me. I know something is up but my head hurts way too much to figure it out.


        I wake up in hospital. The IV in my arm was really uncomfortable. I would rip it out, but I don't want restraints or anything. I watch too many movies and TV shows. My mom was sleeping in a chair across the room. "Mom?" She opened her eyes and walked over to me looking concerned.

"Babygirl are you feeling okay?" Her concern is more than she's ever showed. "My head still hurts a little. What did the doctors say?" She sighed. But then smiled. "Well you only have a minor concussion, but it did give you memory loss. They said they don't know when it'll come back. But it will." I heard her mumble something under her breath. It sounded like she said 'hopefully not', but it's whatever. I'll just be glad that I'm spending time with her. She was always kind of...distant?

"Where's dad?" She just looked at me and stared then sighed. "Well since you've had memory loss, I guess you don't remember us getting divorced. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, kind of. I mean you already know, just yeah you get it." She's looked also kind of nervous this whole time. This all just seems pretty weird.

        We left the hospital after I got cleared and we got back into the van and drove off. I don't know where we were going, but I hope it's nice.

        We pulled up to a cabin in the woods. Yeah, that sounds pretty creepy and I don't know why we'd come here, but it was like a camping grounds. So it's not that bad. The inside was pretty big too, and it smelled like the camping we would always do. I smiled at the thought. I haven't been camping since I was much younger. I still haven't even met the man driving, but I assume I will later.

        Like I predicted my mom wants me to meet him. When he walked in he had a ton of groceries. He was super tall, like he towered of my mom and I. His hair was black and it was slicked back. He had these gorgeous bright blue eyes. You go mom. He looked kind of like a lumber jack, as odd as it sounds. But it works for him.

"Mea, honey. This is Gavin, my boyfriend. Gavin, this is my daughter, Mea, as you already know." He smiled and it was beautiful. I don't know why I'm thinking this. He is way older, and my MOM'S boyfriend. He went in for a hug and I obliged. He smelled like camping, as I expected. And he smelled of cologne. It was nice. Once I was done daydreaming, I pulled away and he looked right into my eyes. Like he could see into my soul. I quickly turned around to my mom and smiled.

        I was exhausted. I finally went into my room in the cabin, and just laid down waiting for my eyes to finally give in. As I was about to go to sleep, someone walked into my room.


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