TME - Meet 'n Flirt?

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        Today is the actual day I am meeting these boys I found and now adore. I hate walking, especially because a lot of jerks from school live on my street, and I have to walk the park to meet the boys. I decided to try and look nice for the sake of myself. And the boys' eyes. I wear shorts and a black and white crop top with a flannel shirt tied around my waist. OH and I have my combat boots on because why not? I would never wear this to school, but today is the day I'm not alone anymore.

        As I walk out of this house the air is different. A good kind of different. It seemed as if the world was trying to tell me things are changing for the better and it will stay that way. Walking down the street is different too. Almost every jerk was out, but I did not hear any of the names I was all too familiar with. I heard the one name I barely hear. My own. The guy jerks on the street just stare at me and some try to get my attention. The girls all whisper and just stare. It feels kind of nice but it makes me angry at the same time. Why do I have to dress like this just for them to notice me or even like me? Andrew Jones, the biggest jerk of them all, walks up to me. "Hey, Mea? That is your name right? Whatever, anyways why don't I see you around school like this? You look damn hot." As soon as he said that I just stare and blink. But I decided today was not the day to just stand back and take it. "Why do I have to dress like this just to get your attention? Not like it was wanted anyways. Mea is my name and your voice is the last one I want to hear it come out of. Goodbye." I flipped him off as a natural reaction and pushed past him and his "posse". I was proud of myself. Every girl I passed by just whispered more and ran off. Good, people are learning to keep the streets clean.

        I finally got to the park, avoiding all jerks and comments. I go to the far end of the park, secluding myself. I didn't see the boys anywhere so I pull out my phone to check Twitter. As soon as I do I get a text from Niall saying they were just walking in the park. I tell him where I am and soon enough they were all standing in front of me. I stand up and every single one of the boys look me up and down and smile genuinely at me. I smiled and of course blushed and just looked down at my feet. As I'm looking back up, Niall is coming closer to hug me. He wrapped his surprisingly strong arms around my waist and so I just wrapped mine around his neck. I hugged the rest of the boys and we all sat down on a blanket they brought.

        "So, Mea. How did you find us?" Louis said in his adorable accent. "I was going through covers of a song on YouTube and you guys came up and I just kept watching your videos over and over. I actually starting calling you all my secret." I laughed and just put my hands over my face. "I know it sounds really weird but I've never had something special that no one else really knew about." I clarified. I looked over the boys and saw that Harry was just staring at me, not in a creepy way, but in a cute way. He smiled at everything I said so far, and laughed at all of my lame puns. Cute.

        "It's getting late. I should probably get home." The boys all agreed. We packed everything up and I was starting to walk back home. Niall spoke up, "Hey, Mea? I'm gonna walk you home so you get there safe okay?" I smiled and nodded. We started walking back to my house, and I was a little ahead of Niall, when he suddenly ran up and grabbed my hand. I giggled, I guess. "That was unexpected. Hi?" Niall was really cute. "Your hand looked really lonely, babe." Babe? BABE?! My face did a thing where it smiled really huge and heat rushed to my cheeks. "Oh." We both just looked at each other and smiled. We got to my house after a little while. "Thanks for walking me home, Niall." I unlocked the door about to walk in and Niall hugged me really tight and kissed me on the forehead. Again, I blushed and I've never blushed so much in my life. "It was my pleasure walking you home. I had a really good time." He glanced at his watch. "I really gotta go. I'll text you later, Mea? Bye!" He smiled and a black van pulled up and he got in. I just smiled. What a day.

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