chapter 4: infiltration

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Cyrus held his breath. The series of footsteps increasing as they roamed the area. he crawled forward. The air was thick and thin. His skin scratching around the hot metal. Breathing was hard in such an enclosed space

damn Lork and his brilliant plans

Cyrus crawled through his hiding spot. His gaze sweeping through the room. It was full of cleaning utensils. A strong odor burning his senses. he held his nose.

He pulled the door open. Arranging his collar he stood straight, trying his best to blend in, he began walking 

They look extremely busy here. 

Finding his way through the sea of people moving up and down in an almost robotic way. He finally found his way in front of an office. It was found on its level alone. Nothing else. For an unknown reason he felt intimidated by the closed door. It suddenly looked so big. Like an unsurmountable mountain.

According to Lork the boss should be here today. Its my chance 

His heart accelerated; He raised his hand but froze on the spot. “What are you doing. its right in front of your face “he mumbled to himself.

If I screw up its off to the mines or a date with the bureau’s executioner, which let’s face it wouldn’t be the highlight of my day. But hey if I bite the dust at least I wouldn’t have to deal with this mess anymore. sight there is no respawning here, next time might be 

He sighs retracting his hand. His head tilted downward.

Another half-baked excuse, Cyrus you never fail to disappoint 

He laughed in self mockery. “Why bother investing energy in an endeavor your dare not to see through “a sharp voice sliced through him. he jolted in fright shifting to face the owner.

“you “he froze on the spot. His hands trembling as he pointed. 

“Yes me, and you’re obstructing my way for the second time “she said. Her golden hairs so striking he simply couldn’t have forgotten about her. This time he got a closer look. She looked two years younger than him probably 17. dressed in an elegant suit she looked out of this world. The oddest thing about her was the dark umbrella she hid underneath.

Who in this world carries open an umbrella inside a building?

“Apologies I will just show myself out then “he suddenly said stepping pass her. “Do you genuinely believe you have the privilege to come and go at your leisure without consequences “her voice rose. 

He fell an invisible aura fall on him, the familiar sensation like the transport capsule. He gritted his teeth falling to his knees. He desperately tried to get up but to no avail. He fell like a whole skyscraper fell on his back. A beat of sweat trickle down his face as his muscle began screaming in pain.

“Next time I wouldn’t be this lenient “she declared. glancing at him for the first time. Her sparkling golden eyes flickered blending with her golden hairs. given her a unique and mysterious charm. Almost bestial. 

It was so strong that his body reacted on its own. He trembled slightly why was his body reacting alone. 

I can’t control myself

Her gaze hardened; bestial traits flashed on her delicate features before vanishing as fast as they came but long enough for him to catch a glimpse. “Control yourself if you value your eyesight “a look of disgust on her face. gazing at him from up, she gracefully turned and entered the office. 

He was so shocked by what had happened he didn’t move immediately. He was unsure whether to feel angry or not. 

she clearly unleashed that aura to embarrass me, this time there is no doubt she is a non-human but how come can she roam so freely? 

An array of conflicting thoughts bombarded his head, until a group of gorilla guys came picking him up. 

Cyrus returned home, throwing his back away on the sofa. he forced himself to the kitchen gripping a glass of juice. The cold substance glided down his throat, refreshing but He spat it out. It had no taste. it wasn’t wasted it simply had no taste for him. He slided down the counter. 

Crawling back to the safest position, a position we all assume to protect and flee from danger. Gripping his knees, he felt empty

Might be am not good enough for this world. Might be I should just leave like I came

Thoughts he would probably never have experienced before, his mind astray unsure of what to do when suddenly a ringing sound. 

Cyrus lifted his head wiping the faint droplets off his eyes. he hastily stood up rising back to the living room. 

A familiar white object floated in the void. An intricate design began forming like a pair of magical hands drawing in the void. it looked like magical pieces of a rubix cube being carefully glued together to form an image.

Cyrus lifted his arms shielding himself from the blinding light. After a few seconds the light subsided, A series of people became visible 

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