chapter 6: Gambling

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I should have never done that “Cyrus said spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Cyrus stepped out of the transport capsule. a magnificent building spanned his view. Made of golden ornament, it shone brightly exciting an imposing and mystical aura withing the dark night. Despite the time it was cranked with people.

“Is there anything I can help with “a charming voice echoed. A lady elegantly dressed proposed to take his pullover.

Cyrus timidly nodded and stepped into the main hall. His surrounding seemed to have morphed. he inhaled the air seemed different, soothing music flowed pulling him into a great mood. The sound of balls clashing. cards flapping. 

“Is there something particular you will like to start with? “The charming lady by his side asked. 

“Where is the best place to double up my gains “he asked directly 

“I see, this way sir “She said gesturing him elegantly to follow after her. Her every move gentle and enticing. Her simply presence was pleasing to the eye, her voice almost magical each of her words drawing him deeper.

Soon Cyrus found himself in front of a great attraction. On the platform a man. his auras completely different from all the others. Around the platform several guesses of all works, men and women included.

“You have great chances of even tripling your gains here “She declared confidently 

“Alright count me in “he replied almost instantly. 

“Welcome to you all gentlemen, enchanting souls and estimated guest “the man bowed, saluting all with due respect. “Today marks the beginning of another thrilling expedition into the realm of tracking magic. As we gather here let’s harness our knowledge and skills to uncover the hidden mysteries that await us.  Without further ado let’s begin “he said 

Cyrus tensed; the lady had already made him crystal clear about all the rules. Now it was up to him to make his way.

The man demeanor shifted. He began drawing in the void. A dazzling light followed after his finger. A mesmerizing pattern flashed in the void, it danced with elegance, tracing and disappearing. It flashed in circles, spined upward before exploding in a magical firework.

Cyrus closed his eyes trying to recover the pattern. then began drawing with the pen he was provided. just like everyone they all tried to reproduce the pattern in the void. 

“ladies and gentlemen let me direct your attention to our esteemed candidate 10, the undisputed victor of the evening spectacle. With all twenty participants engaged in the mesmerizing display, the rewards are nothing short of extraordinary twenty times your initial bet! now if that isn’t a stroke of enchantment, I don’t know what is. congratulations to our esteemed winner and all who dared to embark continue “The man voice fell, on the stage he applauded. 

Their gaze all fell on Cyrus. He feels little embarrassed as he was the youngest around. Like spell bound by his words many more people joined the fray. With every round despite the loosing track many more jumped in. The magician  words acted like hypnotic rhythm drawing them deeper with ever game.

Once was already lucky, five times in a row, they all began suspecting him. Cyrus was going wild. Thanks to his eagle eyes and amazing memory, His gains shot through the roof, going as far a hundred times what he bet.

How stupid was I not to come here way earlier. 

Ten minutes later, the man was frowning no matter how fast or complicated the pattern he drew Cyrus managed to get it perfectly. “ Ladies and gentlemen are you ready “ the man snapped his fingers. Attracting everyone attention. “Are you ready for the ultimate challenge? bet against the house. “His voice attracted a series of gasp. Their shocked gaze left room for no question.

Cyrus fell his body tremble, a surge of adrenaline pumping through his vein. That was it . if he won again the house then... 

Ther aren’t fools they will probably stack everything in their favor

He shook his head , “I think am logging off for today “He said. He had earned so much he simply couldn’t count. There was no reason to continue.

Under the astonished gaze of everyone, Cyrus left immediately after collecting his gains. Rushing towards the transport portal, he suspiciously looked left and right. he knew he definitely couldn’t stare there. He had to leave and leave fast.

He stepped forward when he fell a familiar aura crashing on him. His muscle tensed as he hastily turned back. A group of individual dangerously approached. Without warning a metallic bar was smashed on his face.

His head tilted to the side, spitting blood he hammered the ground. His hands holding his dislocated Jow he screamed in pain. Without warning an avalanche of hits crashed on him, the powerful aura still binding him on the ground robbing him of any power defend himself

“You bunch of cheaters going against the rules like that will tarnish the reputation of this place “

“They only hold within “a sarcastic voice echoed

“I should have never done that “Cyrus said spitting out a mouthful of blood. his curled in a ball. Their punches and kicks falling in succession. The sounds of bone continuously cracking echoed. His body rapidly littered in blood. 

The pain was so excruciating that his vision turned blurry. He could vaguely see his aggressor fleeing driven by a familiar figure. 

Back to his apartment, Cyrus felt dejected on the sofa. 

“What did you even have in mind? “Lork asked throwing him a glass of cold water

He trembled, the cold substance coming in contact with his wounds. 

“are you trying to get rid of me ? “He glared 

“That would have been Smarter. You know I can’t stick around “ Lork said his gaze unfocused  “Get your act together and sort things out “Lork tapped him on the shoulder and moved away. As a non human he couldn’t roam the streets of Arkania freely.

Lork stopped at the door glancing back in his direction. “I saved your life. can I have a look at project T? “ 

“it’s the seventh time already Lork you know I can’t. It contains a lot of technology from the company other monitoring system and why do you even need that you have always evaded the bureau without much of a hassle” Cyrus said, holding the cold glass again his forehead. 

He was confused as to why Lork was so curious about his company. It was indeed the best in City zero but Lork didn’t need it system to avoid the bureau. His head ached, he frowned unable to ponder for long. 

Cyrus fell silent, his shoulder sluggishly laid back .  “Now am completely broke, what’s next a karmic monster knocking at my door? “He laughed bitterly.

Suddenly he fell a sharp pain coarse though his forehead. He screamed falling down. Gripping his forehead in a futile attempt to calm the pain. It felt different it had nothing to do with all the hits he received it was deeper as if his soul was being touched.

He frowned,

The last time this feeling came Something terrible happened 

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