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Tim and Lucy followed Dimitri down a long rock hallway.

"Where are we going?" Lucy asked.

"You ask a lot of questions, Nova," Dimitri grunts.

"It's a fair question," Tim snaps.

"Watch your mouth," Dimitri says.

At the end of the hallway was a metal door similar to the one that was at their bedroom.

"Your station," Dimitri says, pushing open the door.

"What's with the metal doors?" Tim asks, following Lucy inside the room.

"Bulletproof," Dimitri says, knocking his hand on the door.

"That's unsettling. My days of being shot at are over," Lucy says.

"Well too bad," Dimitri says. "Get started, Madris wants some H by tomorrow"

"Well how much?" Tim asks.

"Cook until your arms fall of," Dimitri says. "Or I'll chop them, the choice is yours."

Lucy rolls her eyes as Dimitri walks back to the hallway, closing the door behind him.

"I guess we better get started," Lucy sighs, reaching for the gasmask on the counter.

"Is there no aprons?" Tim mutters, looking around the room.

"What? You nervous that your clothes are gonna get dirty?" Lucy smirks.

"No," Tim scoffs. "I just don't like getting messy."

"Mhm," Lucy grins.

The next six hours were filled with them making as much H as they could.

"You two work good," Dimitri said, opening the metal door.

"Can we take a break? We've been working for like six hours," Lucy complained.

"Fine," Dimitri says. "Madris would like you two to meet him for dinner."

"Dinner?" Lucy asks.

"We get to meet Madris?" Tim asks.

"Sounds like you're a fan," Dimitri says.

"It's just that you said we wouldn't be meeting Madris," Lucy says.

"He changed his mind," Dimitri said. "Now get washed up."

"We have nothing to wear," Lucy said. "Literally just the clothes that you took us in."

"Check the closet in your room," 

Lucy gave Tim a look.

"Well what are you waiting for?" Dimitri asked. "Dinner's in an hour."

Lucy and Tim took each other's hand as they made their way back into the rock hallway.

They continued to walk hand-in-hand all the way back to their room.

"Madris loves punctuality, just remember that," Dimitri says before closing their bedroom door.

Lucy rushed over to the closet to find a sleek black suit and the most gorgeous  dress she had ever seen.

"Wow," Lucy said, reaching for the dress. "This looks like it costs more than I make in a year."

The dress was all black, floor length, spaghetti strapped, had ruffles on the side swooping across the front, and an open back completed with some complicated straps in the back.

"This suit is velvet," Tim said, rubbing his fingers along the sleeves.

"I guess it pays off to be a drug lord," Lucy smirked, still admiring the dress. "I am so keeping this dress after all of this is over."

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