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"Get ready for our call," Tim said, locking the door to their bedroom.

Lucy kicked off her heels, "I'm exhausted."

"I know," Tim said, undoing his tie. "I'd say we handled ourselves pretty good in there."

"I'm starving, I have a pounding headache, and all I want to do is sleep," Lucy groaned, falling back onto their bed.

"Pretty soon," Tim reassured her, watching her as she closed her eyes.

"Don't fall asleep yet, we need to call Grey still," Tim said, checking his watch..

"I know," she said rubbing her face. "It better be a quick call."

"No promises," Tim said. "We made contact with Madris."


"They're early," Tim says, pulling out the burner phone.

"Matt Lee," he said into the phone.

"It's us," said Angela. "How was your first day at the compound?"

"It was...interesting," Tim said.

"How so?"

"For starters," Lucy piped in, sitting up from the bed. "It's in the middle of no where."

"What?" said Sergeant Grey.

"We have no idea where we are, we don't even know if we're still in California," said Tim.

"How long was the drive?" Grey asked.

"Maybe two or three hours?" Tim guessed, making a confused face at Lucy.

"Something like that," she agreed. "But we did make contact with Madris."

"You met Madris already?" Angela asked.

"Surprisingly so," said Tim. "Had dinner with him."

"Kind of," said Lucy.

"Was anything important talked about?" Grey asked.

"He threatened to kill us if we don't work for him," said Lucy.

"And what is this 'work' that you'll be doing?" asked Grey.

"Today all we did was make some H for six straight hours," said Tim.

"Anything else?" asked Angela.

"The man we met last night said his name is Dimitri," said Lucy. "I'm not sure if that's helpful."

"It can be," said Angela. "We'll run a name and see if anything comes up."

"Anything else?" asked Grey.

"I think that's all," said Lucy.

"Hang in there, this will all be over soon," said Angela.

"I hope," said Lucy before Tim hung up the phone.

"As much as I love this dress, I am so excited to take it off," said Lucy walking into the bathroom.

"Uncomfterale?" asked Tim.

"I can barely breathe," said Lucy, unzipping the dress from the back.

She slipped into one of the robes that were hanging in the closet.

"Oh my gosh," said Lucy, emerging from the bathroom. "They're silk."

"Silk?" asked Tim.

"Silk," Lucy giggled. "I am so taking this home."

Tim smiled slightly. "I can take the floor again."

"You don't have to do that," said Lucy, pulling her hair into a ponytail.

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