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Lucy flipped the sign to read "open".

"First day of business," Lucy smiled, looking at Tim.

Tim was standing behind the counter and staring down at the register, "What do all these buttons do?"

"Don't touch anything," said Lucy, joining him.

Before Tim could get an argument out, the bell on the door had rung.

A blonde girl had walked in, looked like a college student.

"Hi," Lucy smiled. 

"Hi," the girl said, digging through her purse. "I am so sorry, I need some roses like...right now."

"Well you're in luck, we have roses," said Lucy. She made her way around the counter to grab a bunch of roses.

"Is this a new spot? I've never seen it before," the girl asks.

"Um, yeah. We're new, my husband, Matt, and I. I always dreamed of owning my own flower shop," said Lucy, handing her the bunch.

"How much?" the girl asks, looking at Tim.


"That's all? Wow, you guys are cheap," the girl says, fishing out her wallet.

"Sorry," the girl continues as she grabs a $20 bill. "I didn't mean to sound rude. This is just the cheapest rate that I've seen a dozen roses go for."

"We pride ourselves in quality flowers for a reasonable price," says Tim.

"Keep the change," the girl says, sliding the bill across the counter.

"Have a good day," she says before heading for the door.

"You too," Tim and Lucy say in unison.

"Our first customer," Lucy smiles.

"First of hopefully very few," said Tim.

"You're such a downer," Lucy fake pouts. 

"Not a downer, I just wished that Madris would find us sooner to get this over with."

"Whatever," Lucy giggled. "Who's staying up tonight for the check-in with Sergeant Grey?" 

"We can take turns," Tim suggests.

"Like...every other night?"

"Yeah," Tim shrugged.

"Okay," Lucy smiled. "I'm going to go grab a snack from the kitchen. Want something?"

"I'm good," said Tim.

It was at that moment that Lucy wished that they had bought more snacks when they had gone to the store.

"Ugh," she groaned, looking at the bare cabinets.

"Hey, Tim," she called, heading back for the front of the shop.

"I'm sorry, sir, I cannot sell you our shop," she hears Tim say.

"What's going on?" Lucy asks, walking through the door.

The two of them stand there and watch the man walk out the door.

"Some weirdo wanted to buy the shop from us," said Tim.

"Okay, um, anyways," Lucy starts. "Why don't we take this $20 and go buy some snacks?"

"Snacks?" Tim scoffs. "You're such a softie."

"I am not," Lucy frowns. "Sorry for wanting to not starve to death."

Tim throws his head back and groans. "Fine."

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