What if Everything changed

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Introduction; Jackson had died and Angela was rescued, Tim and Lucy had slept with each on and off for a while but they are both in a relationship every time they it's the last time it never is the last time with them!

J- John
B- Bailey
L - Lucy
T- Tim
G - Grey
N- Nyla
Ce- Celina
Aa - Aaron
C- Chris
Ash- Ashley
W- Wesley
Ja - James Nyla husband

It was a dark windy night and all Lucy could think about it her and Tim's last time together, something felt strange it was different. She remembered the he made her body feel, the way he always kissed her goodnight and always made sure she was okay. Then she looks over to the other side of her bed and saw Chris sleeping not knowing she was awake and in her own thoughts.
When they got up in the morning Chris smiled at Lucy.
C- good morning
L- morning
C- I was wondering if we could have a chat
L- sure what's up!
C- I think it's time we started looking at houses I know you wouldn't go any where with Celina.
L- wait buy a house!
C- yeah I thought it's the next time and then maybe a family..
I'm Lucy's mind she hasn't slept with Chris since she started sleeping with Tim, she slept with Tim around 1/2 times a week. She knew she didn't love Chris he was just there as a distraction! She knew who she loved and his name was Timothy Bradford!
L- can we talk about this later?
C- erm ok
They walk out the bedroom and saw Celina sitting on the sofa drinking some coffee.
Ce- hey luce ! Chris
Celina didn't like Chris, she knew Lucy's heart belonged to someone else.
C- hi I better get going
L- bye
Ce- now he's gone I heard you! You couldn't sleep and this morning! Buying a house! Lucy
L- I don't want to, I don't even want to be in this relationship but he's just there...
Lucy looked down at her phone and saw a test from...

We need to talk!

Sure what's up

Can I pop over

No Chris should be here tonight

Fine.. I think we should stop seeing each over as your with Chris and I'm with Ashley. All of this is just a mistake Lucy. I'm sorry but this is never happening again.

She left him on read, Tim couldn't understand why he even messaged her in the first place because he's with Ashley and she is with Chris but little did Tim know that Lucy is planning on breaking up with Chris and not telling anyone other then Celina and Aaron!
They get to work.. Everyone knows that Tim loves Lucy and Lucy loves Tim but they don't see it. No one knew that they had frequent hook ups but, they all know that there both in a relationship.

Tim with Angela as they met out side as Tim called her saying he needed to talk to someone!
A- what's up?
T- what if that under cover op with Lucy wasn't just a cover!
A- are you saying Lucy has feelings for you?
T- erm
A- do you have feeling for Lucy? Timothy?
T- Nooo I'm with Ashley and she is with Chris!
A- all true but not what I asked but she probably see it just for work like you do!
T- what if everything that happened on the op happened after the op too?
A- wait! What?
T- only curious

All the girls were in the locker room.
A- hey luce!
L- Hey
N- hey girls
Ce- hey
A- sorry Celina I didn't see you there
Ce- it's okay
A- me, Nyla and Bailey are getting drinks after work would you both like to come?
L- yeah I'll come
Ce- yeah me too
L- we better get to roll call!
They walk into roll call and Lucy sees Tim standing there next to grey.
After roll call they all went out on patrol and now it was lunch time so they headed to the food truck.
Aa- are we still on for tonight?
Ce- no me and Lucy are going out for drinks with the girls.
Before Lucy walked over to Celina and Aaron Tim stood behind her.
T- hello
L- hi
T- why are you avoiding me
L- like You said this morning everything we have done was a massive mistake. Your with Ashley and I'm with Chris.
T- do you love him?
L- do you love her?
T- yes
L- that's why we can't keep doing this.
Lucy walked over to Celina and Aaron!
L- Hey love birds!
No one knows Aaron and Celina are dating other then Lucy as she lives with Celina and Aaron is always there!
Ce- keep your voice down
L- omg sorry I completely forgot!
Aa- I wonder what Ashley is doing here?
Lucy's heart sunk while walking over to the table with Celina and Aaron.
A- hey luce
L- hey
A- Ashley is coming for drinks with us.
Ce- ok
L- great
Celina looked straight to Lucy and faked a smile, Lucy did the same!
Nyla and Angela look at each with werid looks.
Later on that day when shift was finished all the girls was in the locker room.
A- Lucy whats up
L- I'm not feeling great
A- ahh okay we will have fun tonight
N- is everything ok with you and Chris?
L- perfect!
Lucy looked down at her phone and texted Chris, Chris met Lucy at the station.
C- hay
L- hello
C- you ok
L- no Look your lovely but I don't think I love you anymore, I'm sorry but I think it's best if we brake up
C- you must of felt like this for a while for to do it with no plan you plan everything.
L- I'm so sorry Chris
Lucy went back to the girls and then they met up with Ashley. While at the pub a group of lads walk into the bar, Nyla looks ups.
N- look the lads are here. I'll call them over to join us
Pointing at John Wesley James grey Aaron and Tim!
Lucy and Celina looked at each over giving each over a look, Nyla and Angela caught on!
A- hey guys
Everyone said hello.
A while later.....
A- we should play a game
B- let's do it
N- say it or shot it
Celina and Lucy both look at each because they know what some questions might be.
Ash- Celina do you have a boyfriend
Celina takes a shot
N - Lucy do you love someone
L- Nope
J- wait what about Chris
L- it's one question at a time
A- Lucy are you single
L- yep
Everyone looked at her confused... Lucy looked at Tim and saw him staring at her, Nyla and Angela both noticed and thought they would have some fun.
Ce- Angela any babies any time soon
A- definitely not!
N- Lucy do you like someone
L- Nope, I hate men!
All the men ouch!
Lucy went to the bar and Nyla and Angela followed her..
A- Lucy are you okay?
L- best Time of my life
N- what happened with Chris
L- he wanted to buy a house I didn't.. I don't love him.. he just not... she never finished her sentence.
N- not who?
A- Aaron?
L- god no
N- Tim?
L- I'm going now
After Lucy left Nyla and and Angela looked back at the table and they knew!
Back at the table.

J- Aaron do you have a girlfriend
Aa- Yes, yea I do
J- seriously?
G- why are you surprised
Tim was staring at lucy and the girls notice expect Ashley and she was on Tim's lap.
A- Tim do you love any one here?
T- yes while looking at Lucy
N- Tim do you want to get married
T- yeah at some point
Ash- wait you want to get married because I don't.
Everyone sat back and took mouthful of there drink
Ash- Tim could we go out side please as I'm going to head home but I'll see you at home
Everyone said bye
Ash- look it's not going to work if you want to get married
T- why didn't you say you never wanted to get married
Ash- because I never knew you wanted to, I'm so sorry to do this to you but I think we should brake up.
C- hey guys is Lucy here
T- erm
Ash- she's in side
Tim went back in side to see that Chris is talking to Lucy.
T- what's going on?
J- Chris is pissed but don't know why
L- Chris leave it
C- how can I when you know everything
L- go away
C- I know you have been sleeping with Aaron
Everyone looked in shock
L- I'm sorry I'm not sleeping with Aaron he has a GIRLFRIEND!
C- yeah sure probably sneaking behind my back!
Everyone looked shocked
After a while
A- Lucy are you okay?
L- I'm fine
N- are you two sleeping together
L- nope he's got a girlfriend and I... she didn't finish..
Lucy looked at Celina they was pretty drunk.
L- ima get a taxi home
Aa- can we ride share
Lucy smiled and Tim got the wrong impression was Lucy Aaron's girlfriend??
Ce- yeah let's go to the bar and close out
Aa&ce&l - bye guys
Everyone said bye

Everyone went home. Celina and Aaron went to bed in Celina room and all she could think about Tim saying he loved someone that someone probably being Ashley!

The next day they went to work and everyone was hanging!
Tim and Angela was talking because she was confused why Tim looked sad.
A- Timothy?
T- yes?
A- what's the matter?
T- Ashley and I broke up
A- I'm so sorry
T- don't worry about it
N- what's happened?
A- Ashley and Tim broke up
Celina over heard and went and told Lucy who was throwing up in the bathroom!
L- really
Ce- yeah And why are you so sick no one else is! what are you pregnant?!
Ce- what is it
L- what is the date
Ce - the 19th may
Lucy realised she never had a period for a while and Lucy looked at Celina
Ce- Lucy could you? Chris
L- maybe and nope
Ce- who did you sleep with wait an minute you and Tim was sleeping around behind Chris and Ashley's back!
L- Celina please don't say anything to anyone! I'm going to grey!
Ce- I won't!
Lucy went to talk to grey
G- officer Chen are you okay
L- sir I don't feel well I spent the last hour throwing up
G- go home and keep Celina with you so someone is with you!
Meanwhile Tim Angela and Nyla saw Lucy talking to Grey.
T- what's going on in there
A - no got a clue but must be serious
N- maybe she's not feeling great I heard someone being sick
T- maybe she drank to much last night
A- I'm surprised she made it home and Celina!
N- I think Aaron helped them!
They looked at Tim who looked jealous!
Back to Lucy and Grey
L- thanks sir
Lucy walked to Celina and said Grey told me to go home and take you with me so i am not alone. As they was walking to the end of the station Ashley showed up and looked for Tim the girls started walking slower.
T- what are you doing here?
Ash- i am sorry I rethought everything and I would love to get married some time.
T- really?
Ash- yeah he picked her up as to him it's amazing news!

Lucy and Celina left on there way home they picked up a pregnancy test.
They got home and Lucy done the test.....

Who knew her world was about to come crashing down if it was positive

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