The day after

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Tim and Lucy woke up on the sofa, Lucy quickly got up because she was still heart broken that Tim just left and then decided when to come back.
They woke up before Grayson woke up
L- I'm sorry for falling asleep on you
T- it's okay
L- I think we should talk before Grayson wakes up.
T- yeah that would be good.
L- why did you leave me what did I do so wrong that you left for 5 whole months Hardly spoke to me! She started to cry
T- Lucy don't cry please *he brought his hand onto her face and used his thumb to wipe away her tears* Lucy I left because I had to sort something out, if you knew what it was you wouldn't look at me or love me the same way you did.
L- tell me what you had done
T- there was an incident 12 years ago and I thought this man was dead and then 5 months and 5 days ago and I had to sort the problem. Tim carried on explaining everything to Lucy
L - you could of told me!
T- I'm sorry but I meant everything I said last night.
L- mmm
T- I meant it Lucy don't forgive me now or try to but I promise you I will make it up to you in small dose you allow. I love you so much Lucy and I'm sorry how everything happened! You are the love of my life, the mother of my children. Your the person I want to spend the rest of my life with!
As Tim was talking Grayson woke up as he was hungry and Lucy had to get him ready for Day care.
L- I have to get him up and give him breakfast before I drop him to day care so I can go to work.
T- I can help
L- can you give him breakfast while I get dressed and get his clothes out.
T- yeah Of course
Grayson- Daddaaaaaa
T- hi buddy want some breakfast
Grayson- yeahh
Lucy came down and got Grayson ready for day care. Lucy and Tim dropped Grayson off at day care and then got to the station!

In the girls locker room.
A- Are you okay lucy!
L- I don't know Ang I really don't know.
N- what's going on?
Ce- Lucy are you okay?
Lucy looks at Angela and starts crying.
A- Tim came to mine last night and started grovelling about how he messed up with Lucy, we had a every long conversation and he decided that he was gunna go and talk to Lucy! I don't know how that went or anything but as all of us can see Lucy is emotional. So let's just be hear for our friend.
Ce- did he hurt you more then he has?!
N- I'll hurt him
A- me too
L- no he said he will try and make up it to me as much as he can in what ever small doses I allow but I couldn't help and think what if he hurts me all over again. Talking to them while she sobbed.
Ce- it will take time to earn his forgiveness and for him to get your trust back into him.
N- let me when you want!
A- I knew Tim always still loved you, the way both ignored each over in the halls but then glanced at each over when the other wasn't looking.
L- thanks guy let's do some work

They all go into the roll call room.
After Roll call has finished they went to there desk.
Grey shouted for Lucy to come to his office.
G- should you be working your like 11 months pregnant!
L- I'm fine to work until I'm 37 weeks!
G- no serious calls, no leaving the station unless it's to go home or to get Grayson!
L- understood
Lucy left Greys office.
A- you okay
L- yeah he asked if I should be here
N- how long at you got left
L- I've got about 3 days until I'm 37 weeks
Ce- you should go home Lucy
L- what and be depressed because the man I love hurt me and wants to try and make it up to me. I'll be home alone Celina! Tim is picking Grayson up from day care and taking him to his.
N- oh Lucy
Angela walks off from everyone as she is extremely sad about her best friend and other best friend. She notices Tim walking into the break room.
A- hi
T- are you okay!
A - I am yes but Lucy isn't okay
T- the baby
A- is fine but she isn't ok Tim! We're gunna have a talk Lucy is depressed. She wants to forgive you and trust you but she is hurting Tim she thinks your going to hurt her all over again. Grey asked her if she should be here and she said yes because she didn't want to go home to an empty house as you have Grayson for the night. Tim I thought you said you loved her. If it was me I would of booked today if hired a baby sitter for Grayson for the night done the place up really nice and spoiled her with food everything. I know how she feels because Wesley was an ass until I spoke forward!
T- right erm I do love her and we wouldn't got to watch Grayson, what if she doesn't want me back like that where I have messed up so much with her!
A- I will take Grayson for the night him and Jackson are the Best of friends! Have you met Lucy that girl is completely in love with you Tim. I know you love her make her feel loved and appreciated, make her feel like she is the only girl in the world!
T- thanks and I will
Tim goes into greys office and explains everything and what he wants to do for Lucy and what time to send her home, after grey agreed he left and went and set up loads of different things for Lucy!
Lucy was still working and decided it was time to go home to the dark place. Where no one would be. Grey messaged Tim saying lucy left the station.
Lucy through her front door when she was greeted by Tim with balloons and cake blankets snacks everything all set out for a movie night.
L- what are you doing here
T- making you a date
L- I love it but...
T- but?
L- im starving I need to get dinner and then we can do this.
T- no you don't
L- why?
T- I'm going to order dinner for you and your gunna get into your new pyjamas and sit on that sofa and not move at all!
L- ok she said while smiling
T- what would you like to eat?
L- chinese
T- you got it princess It's done!
L- Tim
T- yes
L- you don't have to do this! Also where is Grayson?
T- he's at Angela's house with Jackson and I do have to do this, actually I want to do this I want to prove your the women I want to spend the rest of my life with
L- Tim
T- what movie
L- Tim !
T- yes
L- I still love you and this pains me but I don't want to be hurt again
T- I know baby and I do love you and I won't hurt you ever again!
Lucy kept looking at Tim's lips she wanted them to touch hers but Tim wasn't making any move to start the kiss that they both wanted to do!
Food came and they had finished eat and Lucy was cuddling into to Tim. He kept looking at her but she didn't notice. Lucy was getting tired and after a while she fell asleep, Tim noticed and decided to carry Lucy to bed. Lucy started to wake up.
L- Tim?
T- yeah luce?
L- can you lay with me?
T- yes I can
L- I love you
T- I love you
L- Timmy?
T- seriously Timmy?
L- can I have kisses
T- yeah while laughing
Tim and Lucy started making out with each over and things started getting more and more heated! She knew what she wanted and he wants it to! They have sex for about 4 hours. And then collapsed and Lucy when onto Tim chest!
L- I missed that
T- yeah me too
L- I know I'm exhausted after that
T- me too!
They went to sleep as they both had work the next day! Angela was already taking the boys to day care, Angela was also wondering if Lucy got her spark back. Everyone at the station knew Lucy and Tim were soulmates but everyone knew that they had split up. Tim and Lucy woke up. He watched her sleep on his chest for a while as she looked looked cute and piece full
T- good morning baby
L- good morning
T- are you okay? We should get up for work soon
L- 5 more minutes! And I'm fine baby are you
T- yeah I'm okay... Lucy I need to talk to you
L- oh no
T-it isn't anything bad luce, I just want to know what is going on with me you
L- I'm completely in love with you. You are mine but it will take me time to get over the hurt but I don't want to be with out you!
T- good because I'm not leaving.

They leave and go to work but little did they know how wrong everything might go!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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