The results

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Lucy took the pregnancy test and waited the 10 minutes for the results while Celina stood next to her with a bottle of wine in one hand and tissues in the other hand!

10 mins later....

Lucy looks at the rest and it's negative!

Ce-let's open up this bottle of fine ass wine!
L- only one glass maybe it was something I ate!

Back at the station, after Angela saw that Tim and Ashley have got back together she pulled Nyla to one side.
A- Tim loves Lucy but he got back together with Ashley
N- wait what!
A- yeah Tim called me yesterday morning and asked me to meet him for a chat so I did, he thought Lucy had feelings for him when I asked him if he liked Lucy he started said he's with Ashley and Lucy with Chris he never answered me!
A- shhhhh

In the main part of the station.
G- Aaron Tim come here
Aa- yes sir
T- everything okay?
G- yeah it's fine Tim I need you to do some paper work today and Aaron Lucy isn't well she's been sick all day I sent her and Celina home can you go check on them for me!
Tim looked hurt because Lucy was sick and he wanted to go and comfort her! But he is now back with Ashley
Aa- sure sir
Aaron came through the door as grey sent him to check if Lucy was okay.
Aa- are you guys okay! Your drinking?
Ce-she had to do a pregnancy test!
Aa- are you pregnant?
L- no thank god I couldn't imagine explaining it to everyone.
Aa- why it would only be Chris baby!
L- wouldn't of been Chris's baby!
Ce- she was sleeping with Timothy Bradford!
Aa- no way!
L- can we not talk about this! Can we get food watch a movie or something
Aa- after you explain
After they ordered food Lucy told Aaron and Celina everything Celina knew bits but not the whole entire thing. The reason she broke up with Chris or anything like that. She told them about Tim's text messages and everything
Ce- omg!
Aa- I don't have any words but omg
L- no you guys know that I'm truly in love with Tim and he's with Ashley I have to sort my self out. So can we please eat and watch this movie!

After the movie had finished Lucy was feeling so much better she got up and met Aaron and Celina in the kitchen.
Ce- coffee?
L- please
Aa- are you okay?
L- yeah I'm good
Aa- going to work today?
L- yup!
Ce- you going to be Avoiding Tim?
L- YES! if I go to close then I'll want to talk about everything. Out of sight of mind!
Ce- let's go we will be late!
Aa- coming
L- I'm driving!

They turn up at the station to see everyone ready for roll call that was starting within 10 minutes! Tim scanned the room but he couldn't see Lucy but he looked at Angela and faked a smile.
N- what's wrong with Tim?
A- the girl he loves is single and the girl he is with now wants to get married!
N- Damm I forgot about all that
A- we need to help maybe?
N- evil plan under way!

Grey started roll call night shift actually done there job for a change and just be safe out there Aaron with Lucy, Tim metro don't need you today so you will be with Celina! John you will be riding with the detectives today!

I'm the shop with Tim and Celina.
T- how is Lucy?
Ce- I don't think that is any of your Bussiness sir!
T- pardon?
Ce- sorry sir
T- I guess from your response to me asking about Lucy you know everything?
Ce- yeah I do sir, I can't believe you would do that to Lucy!
T- do what?
Ce- you told her it shouldn't of happened you messaged her saying that it couldn't work you do you know the whole Time she was with Chris she never slept with Chris, only you! Did you also know Lucy broke up with Chris because she is madly in love with you and then you and Ashley brake up we over heard Lopez telling Nyla and she was happy and then lunch came and you guys got back together! Lucy was crushed and then she was really up set because everyone think she is with Aaron!
T- she not with Aaron? He went home with her?
Ce- no they are not together trust me, as Aaron is with me that's why there close because she sees him at work and then at home!
T- oh...
Ce- sir can we just not talk about this anymore
Or to anyone!
T- yeah of course sorry

Tim was In his own little world, lucy broke up with Chris for me. She told Celina and Aaron everything has happened! Does she love me why am I even thinking about Any of this! I'm happy I'm with Ashley.... I think, but my mind always goes back to Lucy.

I'm the shop with Aaron and Lucy.
Aa- you okay?
L- yeah I was thinking about drinks tonight not to many to make me sick again but I need to forget him
Aa- yea, I'll message Celina!
Afew minutes later
She said yeah
L- okay good!

Girls are in the locker room.
L- ready
A- where you girls going?
Ce- we are going to have a drink did you both want to come with us, also Aaron will be there!
A - yeah let me call Wesley and see if he will come with me so then I don't have to drive home
N- yeah let me call James
L- let's go then!
As they was walking about the door Tim bumped into Angela.
T- where you going?
A- drinks
T- okay I'm going to see Ashley now
A - why don't you both come for drinks
T- sure maybe
A- see you there.

About an hour after of getting to the bar Lucy and Celina met with Aaron Bailey John Angela Nyla Wesley and James.
B- how is it going guy?
L- it's good
N- omg
Ce- what?
N- Tim and Ashley walked through the door
A - I told him to come she whispered to Nyla!
N- your evil!
Aaron Lucy and Celina looked at each over!

T- hey guys
Everyone said hello
Ash- so good to see you all again! How you doing Lucy Tim said you wasn't feeling great!
L- yeah erm I feel better now!
Ash - that's great!
Bailey looked at how uncomfortable Lucy was! And decided to help
B- should we play a game?
A- shot or say
N- definitely!
L- let's do it
Aaron and Celina was worried because Lucy was hurt emotionally, they didn't know how it was gunna go
A- Aaron is lucy your girlfriend
Aa- No she isn't!
Ash- Lucy do you love anyone here
L- No I don't I work with everyone here so it's a family sort of love.
N- Tim if you could be anywhere but here where would you be?
T- Vegas while he was starting at Lucy.
Lucy Celina Aaron Angela all completely shocked as Nyla didn't know why!
Ash- why Vegas?
T- it was a great time when I last went
A- yeah it was such a good Time right Aaron
Aa - yeah it was such a great time!
Nyla pulled Angela to the bar and asked what's going on.
A- Tim and Lucy slept with each over and loads of times after that and he broke it off a few days ago and then that day Lucy broke up with Chris. Now your caught up!
N- omg!
A- I know
N- no omg Chris is walking in!
A- oh no
Chris walked over to Lucy.
C- can we talk
Ce- nope
L- Celina! And yeah I guess so
C- thanks
They walk away from the table as they do that, John Bailey Ashley Wesley and James  went to the bar as Angela and Nyla walked back.
Ce- oh no
T- what?
A- Celina Aaron do you know?
T- know what?
N- they do!
Ce- yeah Lucy told us both the other night and Tim you idiot about vegas.
T- oh you all know! Me and Lucy are better as friends trust me.
A- do you love her?
As she asked this Ashley came back?
Ash- who do you love? I'm confused
T- I love you Ashley yes I do a lot
Ash- I love you too
A- we understand Tim!
With Lucy and Chris.
C- I just want to talk?
L- okay
C- I'm sorry I just want to know why
L- Chris I don't love you I'm sorry, I don't think living with each over or anything will be helpful you are a lovely lad but I just don't love you like the way you love me.
C- I understand! But it's someone else ain't it, someone who is unavailable physically and mentally! Am I right!
Chris started shouting at Lucy and everyone was looking over.
Aa- Hey man should we just go out side
C- you idiot, she felt you for me
Chris punched Aaron in the face and then Chris turned to Lucy and punched her; and then Tim came over and punched Chris! While the girls picked Aaron and Lucy of the floor
John and Wesley and James out Chris out the bar.
T- luce you good?
L- I'm fine
While staring into each overs eyes
Ash- what the hell happened what did you say to him
A- I'm sorry what *before she could finish her sentence Lucy butted in
L- Ashley just leave me alone. Celina I'm going home
N- let's everyone go home
T- yeah Ashley let's go
Everyone left the bar and Tim dropped Ashley home.
Ash- what did I do wrong?
T- Lucy got punched in the face because he thought Lucy was sleeping with Aaron there not even together!
Ash- omg
T- yup
Ash - night
T- night
Tim felt the hard pain he felt knowing Lucy had been punched, but Chris her ex boyfriend!
Tim started driving right but he didn't make it to his house. He found him self at Lucy's from door....

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