The apology!

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Lucy opens the door.
Tim was standing there with glossy eyes that was staring at her.
L- why are you here Tim?
T- I wanted to see if you was okay!
L- I'm fine, now you can leave.
T- luce
L- Tim dont
T- please
Lucy let Tim into the appartment.
They both sat on the sofa
T- I love you luce
L- you don't love me Tim your with Ashley
T- I won't be with her much longer
L- then Tim please stop what your doing and go and be with your girlfriend
T- Lucy please can we sit here and just watch top chef.
L- fine but I'm not sitting here I put a tv in my room so I can't hear Celina and Aaron anymore!
She stood up and Tim followed her to her bedroom as they really didn't want to listen to Aaron and Celina having sex!
T- Lucy
L- Tim
They were stood there looking at each over the gap between them started to close and close before anything Lucy pulled away
L- Tim we can't your still with Ashley
T- your right.
Tim pulled out his phone and started calling someone. He put his hand over Lucy's mouth so she couldn't say anything.
Ash- hey
T- hey look we need to talk
Ash- yeah what about?
T- I don't think we should be together anymore, I do care for you but I don't think I love you anymore and it isn't fair for you if I string you along just to see if I do actually love you.
Ash- I know I feel the same way. Also I need to add I was secretly seeing someone being your back for a while anyway.
T- okay I'm sorry but this is over
Ash- I know Tim I hope you find what you need
T- you too
He removed his hand from Lucy's mouth after he put his phone down on her draws.
L- what the hell did you do Tim!
T- I broke up with Ashley as I love you and I don't love Ashley, it's always been you!

Before either of them could say anything both there lips crashed together. The kiss started to get more passionate, Tim sat on the end of Lucy's bed not breaking the kiss. Lucy started to undress herself and Tim, she sat onto his lap while the was still kissing.
T- are you sure
L- mmmm
They started ykyk
4 hours later
L- omg
T- I missed this and I just missed being near you.
L- me too I honestly love you
T- I love you too
They then went to sleep and at 5am the alarm went off, Tim turned around and saw Lucy still sleeping on his chest.
T- luce
L- mmm
T- we need to get up
L- 10 mins
T- fine but no later as she kissed the top of her head.
L- but after we get up we will go back to not talking or anything. Ashley will probably try and win you back. So don't moan at me if I wanted to stay like this for then Tim
T- wow slow down, I'm not going back to Ashley. I love you Lucy, I will talk to you and I'll always show up I'll always be there for you. If you want I can call in sick metro don't need, and you can call I'm sick too
L- wow okay
They both sit up in the bed and Lucy texts Grey while Tim rang him.
T- I need coffee
Tim went to get up but Lucy pulled him down.
L- you can't
T- why
L- Aaron and Celina?
T- right but I'll be coming over more so why does it matter if they see me here now
L- wait your serious about us?
T- Lucy I was broke up with Ashley the moment I found out you and Chris broke up. We did the wrong thing we slept together more then once when we was with people, but my feelings for you never changed a thing.
L- okay good Bradford!
They open the door Lucy walked out first and Celina and Aaron haven't noticed her yet.
L- morning
Aa- morning are you okay
L- yeah I had a good night
Ce- really
As Celina turned around she saw Lucy and Tim just behind them.
Ce- oh what's up
Aa- what?
Aaron turns around
Aa- hey Tim
T- hello
Aa- wait Tim why are you here? Your with Ashley?
T- me and Ashley broke up. I also know you know everything but I love Lucy and I wanted to make sure she was okay after last night.
Ce- are you guys dating or what
L- no
T- no?
L- we should take things slow because you just left Ashley right before we did it!
Aa- you know the whole station have a bet on you guys
L- what?
Ce- yeah to see how long until you will get together. We will keep your secret if you keep ours.
L- I have know for nearly a year don't worry
T- a year wow! Don't worry I won't say
They all sit down and have breakfast and Celina and Aaron leave for work. That day Lucy and Tim sat on the sofa cuddled up and kissing and watching top chef all day. It got to dinner and Tim saw Lucy asleep in his chest he grabbed his phone and then started to order food but before he hit order he messaged Celina and Aaron to see if they wanted anything and then after they gave him there order he ordered the food and cuddled back into Lucy.
T- luce
L- mmm
T- food is here
L- you ordered food?
Ce- yeah he did.
L- omg what time is it I fell asleep?
T- about 8
L- thanks for food
That night Aaron and Celina went to bed and Tim and Lucy went into her room.
They ykyk after a while they went to sleep.

The alarm went off at 5 they both got up and drove to work Tim had Aaron in his truck and Lucy took in Celina. Trying to keep everything a secret about them as it's only been a day where they decided they was going to take it slow.

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