Telling tim

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Lucy walked through the door, Grayson was already in bed and Tim was sat on the sofa watching the game. He heard the keys in the door so he turned the tv down.
T- Hey babe
Lucy just walked to the bathroom as she needed to pee
T- luce
L- hey sorry I had to pee so bad
T- do you want dinner we could order I fed Grayson and bathed him and now he is in his bed sound asleep.
L- yeah can do maybe a pizza?
T- okay babe
After Tim ordered food Lucy was just staring into space.
Tim go a phone call and just got up and left.
Lucy tried to call him but it went to answer phone.
Lucy eat pizza and went to bed.
Tim was ignoring her for 5 whole days straight not a word from him. Tim always declining her calls he would send one text message at night to see if Grayson was okay.
It was her first day back at work Grayson was going into day care and lucy wanted to go back to work.
Lucy got to work after dropping Grayson off at daycare.
At roll call she saw Tim and smiled at him he ignored her, Angela noticed and said to Tim your girlfriend smiled at you. Tim replied she won't be my girlfriend anymore because I can't do this. Angela was left gob smacked. Lucy went up to Tim and she wanted to talk but he walked off to his office.
Lucy walked into his office and closed the door
L- hey can we talk?
T- yeah we need to
L- have I done something?
T- Lucy I'm going to stop you there, look your an amazing women and your the mother of my child but I can't be with you anymore. I will always love you I just can't be with you anymore.
Lucy could feel the tears falling down her face.
L- are you breaking up with me?
T- yes I'm sorry
L- no Tim you can't leave me for 5 days not knowing anything!
T- I'm sorry
L- wait what about Grayson? Do you want to see him or anything? Or you walking away from him too.
T- I'll have him on the weekends every weekend I'll always be there for him.
Lucy got up and walked to the bathroom and Angela saw and followed her as Lucy was throwing up Angela knocked on the stall
A- Lucy are you okay!
L- Tim broke up with me I just wanted to tel him about the baby! I was hoping he would come with me tomorrow to the scan.
A- I will come with you I have one tomorrrow
L- thankyou!

Lucy went to pick Grayson up from daycare and went home and went to bed.
The next day Lucy got up and Angela popped over. They both went to drop Jackson and Grayson off at day care when they both went to there scan after
Doc- Lucy Chen
L- hello
Doc- who do you have with you?
L- this is Angela lopez she is my best friend she has a scan after me.
Doc- I could do your scan and then Angela If you want.
A- yea please
After both there scans was done, they found out they were both having baby girls!
As they had the day off Lucy and Angela went shopping.
At Lucy's home they had 4 bedroom one was a guest bedroom now. She spent the rest of the day after she picked up Grayson getting the room ready for his baby sister, she still hasn't told Tim anything.
A few months passed Lucy is now 8 months pregnant.
It was Friday evening and the door knocked Lucy wasn't sure if it was all her Parcels for her baby girl or if it was Tim coming to pick up Graysons.
It was her parcels.
Tim was driving to Angela's to talk to her, as he misses Lucy's no one knew why Tim broke up with Lucy.
Tim knocked on Angela's door.
A- Timothy
T- Hey
A- why are you here?
T- I need to talk to someone
A- you could of spoken to Lucy wait you left her.
T- Angela just listen
A- ok
T- I was in some trouble from something that happened 12 years ago. If I stayed with Lucy then I would of put her into trouble, she wouldn't of loved me the same or liked me the same if she knew the truth; so I had to leave Lucy it's only just been sorted but Lucy's happy now I have Grayson every weekend and im always there when he needs anything. Plus he's nearly 1!
A- you think Lucy is happy?
T- yeah she! I think we hardly talk only about Grayson every time I ask her if she is okay she cries.
A- tim I'm going to tell you a few things and shut up and listen to me and don't over react.
T- ok
A- Lucy is pregnant Tim, she found out 5 months ago the day she was going to tell you, you left and then ignored her for 5 days told her you couldn't do this anymore witch me and you know is crap! She's done everything her self I've gone to scans with her I've helped her. Do you know what she is doing after you collect Grayson tonight? No you don't. Lucy is putting together a wardrobe and a crib and other furniture for her baby girl, Yes tim a baby girl. Maybe you just take some time to figure out your life don't bring Lucy down, that girl lost her spark when you left her she didn't know what she was doing wrong! Tim you thought you knew best, the girl loves you and won't be the same anymore you broke her and haven't even noticed!

Tim sat there speechless
Time phone bussed he got a text message from lucy.
Hey, not sure if your coming tonight for Grayson but I've put him to bed as he was tried! Come in the morning for him if you want. Xxxx

Hello sorry I'm late I'm talking to Angela and Time slipped away, but could maybe me and you have a chat tomorrow when I get Grayson!

Erm sure, what did you want to discuss? I thought everything was okay with our arrangement! Xxxx

Lucy We can talk about it tomorrow go rest! See you tomorrow xxx

Back to Tim and Angela;

A- are you going to sit there or try and make up with Lucy! But can I ask something first.
T- yeah
A- do you still love Lucy?
T- yeah I messed up ang

Tim jumped into his car and raced to Lucy but Time Tim got to Lucy's, she had already put Grayson down for bed at it was 9pm and Tim normally comes at 7pm but never showed witch made lucy sad.

With Lucy;
There was a knock at the door Lucy was confused, tim texted saying he will be here tomorrow morning.
Lucy opened the door.

L- hello?
T- hey, can I come in?
L- sure?
T- thanks
L- why are you here Tim!
T- I want to talk
Lucy didn't realise but you could see her bump and she forget she was talking talking to Tim.
Tim followed her to this bedroom paited pink and Lucy started doing things
T- luce why is this room pink?
Tim knew but wanted to get Lucy to tell him.
L- because I'm having a baby and it's a girl
T- and the father?
L- erm
T- luce
Lucy started to cry and Tim pulled her in for a hug.
L- I wanted to tel you but you left you walked away tim!
T- Lucy you still could of told me
L- when every time you saw me you either walked away or asked if Grayson was okay once I said yeah or no you left Tim!
T- I'm sorry
Lucy couldn't stop crying her eyes out.
Tim takes Lucy to the sofa
T- Lucy I'm so so sorry, I never meant to hurt you I was in some trouble and if I stayed with you it would of came back on you. It only got sorted yesterday, lucy I know I screwed everything up with you but I'll try every single Time you allow to repay you in what ever small doses you allow me to.
L- Tim we don't need to do this...
T- Yea we do Lucy
L- are you hungry? Because me and baby girl are hungry I'm going to order food!
T- erm I could eat, here put your order in
L- okay
Lucy picked Mexican food
L- here give it back after you done yours.
Tim already paid for food he locked his phone and put it in his pocket.
L- hey I said I'll pay!
T- Lucy I'm not letting you pay.
L- I love you
L- omg I'm so sorry ignore me
T- it's alright I love you too
L- let's just do baby steps Tim.

They eat food and they both fell asleep on the sofa.

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