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Walking alone after the scene, Ellie headed to the bike rack where she had left her bike

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Walking alone after the scene, Ellie headed to the bike rack where she had left her bike. As she started unlocking it, a grand car pulled up in front of her, revealing Rian. She glanced away, focusing on her bike.

"Ellie, leave it there. Let's celebrate," he called out, stepping out of his car. Ellie ignored him, but when he reached out to stop her, she snapped, "Don't touch my bike." She glared at him fiercely.

"I'm going home. Celebrate alone," she said firmly and began to ride away from Rian. But he had other plans and quickly got back into his car to follow her.

As Ellie biked along, humming happily to herself, she was unaware that Rian was trailing behind, watching her ride her bike in her usual carefree manner. After a few minutes of driving, they reached a village and an apartment complex.

Ellie glanced back, her eyes widening in irritation as she realized Rian had indeed followed her. She scoffed, waiting for him to catch up as she parked her bike.

"Are you an idiot? Really, following me? We're outside the school. Stop bothering me," she said, her frustration clear. She started walking toward her apartment, quickly sending a message to In Ha: "Don't come to my house."

As they reached the elevator, Rian continued to follow her. "You know what, King? You're not going to like this place. If I were you, I'd go home," she said.

"I don't mind. I need to talk to you about how we clear up our fake relationship," Rian replied, his tone serious.

Ellie sighed deeply, not sure how to respond. The elevator ride was quiet until she felt Rian's chest against her back. "What the fuck?" she hissed, turning to see him looking down.

She followed his gaze to a dead cockroach on the elevator floor and chuckled. "Damn, it's only a cockroach, your highness," she said sarcastically. They finally reached her floor, and she started to open her apartment door.

Ellie entered first, leaving the door open for Rian to follow. She turned back to him and pointed at his shoes. "Remove your shoes first," she ordered. Rian complied, stepping into her space and looking around.

Rian had expected her place to be messy and dirty, but he was surprised to find it quite decent and clean. Ellie headed to the bathroom, leaving Rian to make himself comfortable. "What a nice place, I think," he muttered as he started to look around.

After a few moments, Ellie emerged from the bathroom, feeling a bit more composed. Rian, still looking around, glanced at her. "You know, Ellie, you could have a much better place. I could arrange something nicer for you," he offered, his tone almost sincere.

Ellie shot him a withering glare. "I don't need your charity, Rian. My place is fine the way it is. Besides, I like my independence. Now, what do you really want?" she demanded.

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