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I've had two drinks

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I've had two drinks.

Add five.

And add three more.

And probably add some (way) more.

That's some good maths.

Makes sense, right?

Another thing that makes sense to me right now is grabbing that bottle of tequila I can see on the countertop.

I go to reach it but my arm is gently grabbed by someone. I look up and scowl at this handsome guy.

"No more, Chiara. I've called Taylor to come grab us and take us all back to your house. Fuck knows I wouldn't be able to get both your drunk asses back home," he says.

Drunk? Who's drunk?

Not me.

Probably Noah.

Probably Noah

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Fuck's sake.

After getting the message from Alexsei telling me to come pick up my younger siblings, I actually have to go outside of my room.

I grab my car keys and put my shoes on.

Why did it have to be me getting up and going?

So pissing annoying.

I get in my car and before I start it, I messaged Giovanni to let him know I'm picking up the twins.

Having my little sister home after 14 years is weird. And slightly annoying.

Why are there hairbands everywhere?

How many hair ties does one girl need?

I look on the floor; hairband. The counter. Hairband. Side of the sofa. Hairband. Kitchen stool. A fucking hairband.

I might hide them from her and see what she does.

And although I've barely spoken to her in the two and a bit weeks she's been here, I already know she has a personality and a half.

With an attitude to go with it, too.

I'm aware it's my own fault I haven't had a conversation with Chiara, I'm not oblivious to my own actions.

I just don't want to snap at her. It's no question I'm the angriest of my siblings, the piles of medical records are testament to that. I know I stress Giovanni out on the daily but I physically cannot stop myself.

And it makes me feel like a piece of shit after everything he's done for our family; for me.

I'd rather kill myself than snap at Chiara in our first conversation since she was three fucking years old.

After parking in front of a house surrounded by teens, I sit in my car in silence trying to calm myself down for a moment. After a while, I sigh and get out, locking the car behind me.

I make my way through the crowded house, trying to find the kitchen which Alexsei said he's keeping the twins in.

He's keeping Noah and Chiara in a room most likely filled with alcohol?

I find them easily enough when I figure out where I'm actually going.

Alexsei is stood looking exhausted with a grip on Chiara and his eyes trained on Noah who looks as though he might pass out at any second.

I approach the trio, "I'll grab Chiara, you help Noah out of here," I speak to Alexsei.

He looks up at me when he hears my voice and lets go of his hold on Chiara's shoulders. Before she can run away, which she immediately tries to, I block her and hold her to me.

"Come on, we're getting you home," I tell her, looking down at her but only being able to see her curly hair.

"Taylor?" She looks up at me and oh my lord she looks so wasted.

"Yep, come on, Chiara," I try to lead her out of the kitchen.

It works and I'm holding onto her upper arms, keeping her in front of me.

All these people bumping into me is making my blood fucking rise and my chest tighten.

Focus on Chiara.

My hold on my sister immediately calms me down.

That is until some fucking idiot knocks into me from behind, causing both Chiara and I to stumble.

Although I managed to keep my grip on her - at least I've got that going for me right now - I can't simply ignore how worse that shoves made my already shitty temper.

I hold Chiara still and turn around to glare at the bastardo who knocked into me. He looks up, eyes widening, before muttering and apology and scampering off.

"You don't like me, so you should let me go and get some more tequila," Chiara says, looking up at me with her wide green eyes.

What she says immediately distracts me from how angry I currently am just from being in this house.

"I don't dislike you, Chiara," I tell her seriously.

"I smell shitty lies," she raises a brow.

I shake my head to hide my smile, getting her to start moving again with a gentle push in the correct direction.

"I'm not lying, I swear," I lean down and have to speak louder for her to hear.

"But you won't talk to me," she says.

"I didn't want to upset you by saying anything wrong," I reply truthfully.

"Just saying anything is alright for me."

"Okay, Chiara," I'll make sure I do better from now on.

"Okay, Taylor," she grins, looking back at me.

I manage to get her into the car, putting her into the passenger seat whilst Noah and Alexsei sit in the back.

"You sleeping at our place?" I ask my brother's best friend, looking back at him through the rear-view mirror.

"Yeah, if that's alright," he replies and I just nod.

Not like I can say no, our families have been friends for years.

"How come you didn't get shit faced drunk too?" I question.

"I only came to the party because Noah wanted me to meet Chiara. Well, meet her again," he says, looking at said person who's fallen asleep in her seat.

Her twin is in a similar situation to her.

Having both of them here with me is the only thing I need to calm my temper.


I have 3 weeks of mocks starting on Monday so idk when the updates are going to come as I try to pre-write them. Like for example, I'll write chapter 23 and publish chapter 20, so if there's absolutely no chapters being written, I'll just give you guys chapter 20 without writing chapter 23.

If that makes sense.

Bye hoe bags)

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