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I can truthfully say that Italy is beautiful

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I can truthfully say that Italy is beautiful.

I wouldn't be surprised if my forehead has turned flat with the way it's been pressed up against the window throughout our whole drive towards the house.

"Impressed?" Emilio snickers from beside me.

"Look at those flowers!" I point out, turning to look at him with wide eyes.

He leans forward and looks over my shoulder at the flowers, "Bougainvillea," he states before looking back at me.

"Boo gan what now?" I furrow my brows.

He chuckles, "Bougainvillea, the flowers."

"Ohh," I nod, "that's a cute name. They're really pretty flowers."

I finally pry my forehead away from the window.

Soon enough, we're pulling into a large gravel driveway to a house that looks way cooler than the one back in the USA.


It's safe to say that as a British girl, the Italian summer heat is wiping me out.

And I thought the fragment of a summer we got in the UK was bad.

My only saviour from the heat is a chilled sangria in my right hand as I sunbathe by the pool in my bikini, a book in my lap.

My earlier dream has come true.

After arriving at the house, it was fair game for a room. Taylor claimed the second largest one (the largest being reserved for Giovanni) and I ended up with a relatively large one - not to say that any of the rooms in this absolute mansion are at all small.

Then, I relaxed for a while, letting Oscar know I got here safely and rubbing it in Josh's face that I'm in Italy and he's not.

I'm temporarily blocked.

Then, I went and straightened my hair as warm air and curls do not tend to mix very well for me. I put on a floral bikini and headed out to the sun loungers to watch Lorenzo, Emilio and Noah play with a ball in the 'games' pool.

The fact that they have a designated pool for playing games is honestly baffling for me.

And I'm not sure why, honestly.

My thoughts are disrupted by a shadow blocking the sunlight glaring dowm at me.

"What's happened to your hair?" Taylor tilts his head slightly, placing his hands on his hips.

I take a sip of my drink before answering him, "straightened it."

His face scrunches up, "why?"

"Because I wanted to," I look up a him.

"Looks like shit," he tells me.

"Says the actual shit," I pick up my book from my lap, a signal for him to leave me the fuck alone.

"Come into the pool," he demands.

"Busy," I flick my page.

"With what?" He asks.

This boy-

I look up at him with a deadpan look, rasing my sangria in one hand and my book in the other.

"Looks like laziness to me," he sasses.

"Lorenzo!" I call out.

"Chiara!" He yells back.

"Come here and chuck this asshole into the pool for me please."

We hear the water moving as Lorenzo makes his way out of the pool, and as the water drips down him he heads straight towards Taylor.

Taylor, expecting a harsh shove in the direction of the pool, runs away and I watch as the two run around the perimeter of the pool until Lorenzo successfully gets Taylor into the water.

I honestly enjoyed watching Taylor sink down for a full three seconds before he rose back up, pushing his blonde hair back with his hand.

He shakes his head to get the water off of his face and glares at our older brother who stands with a smirk on his face.

"That satisfying enough for you, piccola stella?" He turns to face me with a grin on his face.

"You're the best," I place my book back in my lap and raise my thumb up at him.

I drink some more of my sangria as he dives back into the pool, rising back up and ruffling Taylor's hair, messing it up again.

I managed to get a full ten minutes of peace before being disrupted again.

However, it's Harry so it's not annoying.

"Hey, Chiara," he comes and sits at the end of my sunbed.

"Hey, Harry," I smile at him.

"Not getting in the pool?" He questions, turning his head towards the others who have discarded the ball and are now trying to drown each other.

"I think that'd probably be the last thing I'd ever be able to do," they'd actually drown me, "and I've straightened my hair."

"Doesn't that damage it?" He squints.

"I've put heat protection on and I don't do it that often, so this once should be fine," I tell him.

"Don't make a habit out of it, your curls are cool."

"So are yours," I gesture towards his head of blonde curls.

He scrunches his nose, "more like waves than curls. Good book?"

"Yeah, it's alright. Haven't gotten that far through it though."

Despite that, I have read quite a few sex scenes already. Which I don't think my brother would be impressed to know I'm reading.

"Do you know where Giovanni is?" I ask him to change the subject from my book.

"In the office probably. That reminds me, I actually came out here to ask you if you wanted anything to eat?"

"No, I'm good thank you," I give him a tight lipped smile and divert my attention towards my drink, swirling it around lightly.

"You sure?" His brows furrow.

I nod and he rubs his hands on his legs before getting up.

"Let me know when you do want something, I'm just going to prepare something for the others," he walks towards the pool edge before pausing.

"Lorenzo!" He scolds, "you are a 22 year old man, so for the love of God, stop trying to drown our younger brothers," with that he shakes his head in an exasperated manner and walks away.

I hide my smile behind my glass at Lorenzo's face after being scolded like a young child.

I think I love Italy.

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