Chapter 18

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The Welcome to Massachusetts sign looks so fake to me. The flowers look like a cartoon image added on by a child. I find it hard to believe in general that I'm here. Weeks ago the craziest thing I had done was go to a club. Now I'm training in hand-to-hand combat, traveling the country, and breaking a century-old curse. I wanted a change, but not this much change.

"You know," Elijah says, pulling me out of my own thoughts "if you ask me your stupid are we there yet question, I'll have a different answer for you."

"Let's just get to Boston okay? Because technically, we are not there yet."

"We've been in this car that I know you hate for a day and a half, and now that we are just one hour away you decide you want to be peaceful and quiet? That's nuts."

"Shut up Elijah." I laugh and I can hear him chuckle along with me. "So what now? I mean yeah, we go to Boston but what after that?"

"I'm not sure. I think we should try getting intel from an affiliated group here. Maybe they can point us in the right direction." I look back out the window and my mind falls into deep thought again. How do I look Logan in the eye knowing what I feel for Elijah? Or what I think I feel. And how can he act all nonchalant about this? He hasn't seemed any kind of upset or even uncomfortable this whole trip but I couldn't think of anything but that almost something we had. I'm done going through this by myself.

"Elijah maybe we should talk about-"

"Not even close Mittens. Nothing happened. Nothing was going to happen. Nothing was meant to happen. Just drop it." I could see his grip tighten on the steering wheel but I couldn't help but take some satisfaction out of the fact that (1) he had been thinking about it and (2) he was displaying some emotions towards it.

"I just think that-"

"Tyler please," he said quickly. The seriousness in his voice bordered anger. "Do you want to break this curse? Do you want to be done and rid of all of this? Then stop pushing it."

"Elijah, if you would just stop cutting me off then I could explain!"

"Explain what?" He was well past anger now.

"I don't know! Do you think I am prepared for this? Do you think I got all the answers? I just know that something-"


"ELIJAH! Shut up! Please for one second!" I don't care about his anger. I don't care that he wants to just forget it. There are two of us. "You can't unilaterally make decisions. I get a say."

"Not when what you say prevents me from seeing my family. Don't forget that Cal and Simon are among the people we are trying to save. Not just your precious First." Elijah keeps one hand on the steering wheel as he uses his other gloved hand to push back his hair.

"I don't even know him Eli," I say lowly.

"Well, the Gods say you do. Soulmates and whatnot. Just drop it Tyler. What do you want us to do huh? Learn to get along? Hold hands? We don't even like each other."

"That's not true," I say close to tears.

"Nothing truer Mittens. Since day one. Now we are an hour away from our answers. An hour. Pull yourself together." He sounds so final that I have to fight the urge to use the fighting techniques he taught me on him in this very car.

"Fuck you."

"You'll learn to love me."

But that was my problem I was scared I already had.





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