Character sketch

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Raghav Rajvanshi(31 years)

Raghav Rajvanshi, a name that can create havoc everywhere, is the CEO and president of the humongous RV empire and royal crowned prince of Rajvanshi, which comes under the topmost 5 companies in the world. The RV empire has been ruling the business arena and world politics for decades now, and after the second gen, they have been forced to delve into the underworld as well. It was not by choice but by compulsion of protecting their family. When Rajvanshi dealt with something, it is definitely not as a survivor but rulers. So now, the underworld is also under their control, even if they don't directly deal with it.

He is unofficially one of the most influential men on earth. There is no pinnacle that hasn't been achieved by him in terms of success, wealth, fame, respect, fear. But his face is unknown to the world, including his whole family, and the media is under his pocket to do anything against his wishes. Even his personal life is perfect. Loving Father and siblings who love him to the moon and back, and he also loves them with all his heart, but something still feels empty in his heart for the last 7 years, a puzzle he is trying to solve but to no avail.

Vaidehi Bansal(27 years)

Vedehi Bansal has achieved her dream of becoming a doctor and is now devoted to her profession and her little ones. She is living the hard but peaceful life with her twins and a job that gives her satisfaction. But life is not a bed of roses for her. Belonging from a lower-middle-class background, she has to always struggle for things, despite having really loving parents who supported her every decision in life and still being her anchor for managing her kids and profession. She became a doctor just last year, and after paying all her loans and managing two growing kids, it is no easy feat. Being a doctor may be her dream, but her kids are her life. They are the symbol of her short-lived but eternal love, which is her ultimate motivation to thrive for a peaceful life. But the keyword is peaceful, not happy, as her happiness is lost to her after losing her love forever. The most bizarre thing is that her dreams and her nightmares have the same face. She is waiting for her love to come back. I am trying my best to be happy. I am still hung up on the hope that one day you will return to your Vedehi. Please come back before I lose myself or worse, lose your essence.

Rajvardhan Rajvanshi(58 years)

he patriarch of the RV empire and the reigning king of the Rajvanshi dynasty, he commands authority and respect with a ruthlessness that belies his age. Despite his advanced years, he exudes a formidable aura of power, instilling both fear and admiration in those around him.

Though known for his strict demeanor, especially in matters of business and governance, he is a devoted and affectionate father to his three sons. His love for them knows no bounds, and he is willing to go to any lengths to ensure their happiness and well-being.

In a departure from traditional royal customs, he embodies a modern mindset, evidenced by his decision to marry for love rather than adhering to centuries-old protocols dictating royal unions. This progressive outlook extends to his aspirations for his sons, as he desires nothing less than for them to find fulfillment and love in their own lives, unencumbered by outdated traditions.

Aahan Rajvanshi(26 years)

he younger prince of the Rajvanshi dynasty, he stands as one of the pillars of the RV empire, serving as his brother's trusted right hand and legal advisor on the board of directors. With striking good looks that turn heads wherever he goes, he possesses an air of icy aloofness that masks his inner turmoil.

Scarred by a past heartbreak, he harbors a deep-seated aversion to romantic entanglements, leading him to shun relationships with the fairer sex. To the outside world, he appears cool, collected, and indifferent, but within the confines of his family circle, he is a loving and devoted son and brother.

Despite his cold exterior, his loyalty to his family knows no bounds, and he will stop at nothing to protect and support those he holds dear.

Aarav Rajvanshi(17 years)

The youngest member of the prestigious Rajvanshi clan, he is currently in the final year of his schooling. Despite the expectations that come with his family's esteemed lineage, he harbors a passionate aspiration to pursue a career in music. Under the unwavering support of his family, he diligently hones his musical talents, even in the face of societal judgments that often look down upon such pursuits, particularly within royal circles.

While he enjoys the privilege of being pampered within his family, he r is not spoiled by their affluence. However, beneath his composed demeanor lies a latent ferocity that can emerge when provoked. Despite this, his family stands as a formidable shield against any who dare to challenge or oppose his chosen path, ensuring that he is able to pursue his dreams with unwavering determination.

Ansh Bansal(6 years)

At just six years old, he is the spitting image of his father, Raghav, both in physical appearance and personality. Despite his tender age, he displays a remarkable level of maturity, often leaving others astounded by his wisdom beyond his years. A certified genius, he demonstrates exceptional aptitude in subjects like mathematics and computers, effortlessly grasping concepts that typically elude children his age.

While he exudes an aura of aloofness towards most individuals, reserving his warmth and affection exclusively for his mother and sister, he harbors a deep-seated longing for his father, Raghav, whom he knows little about. Despite his yearning to know more about his dad and the void his absence leaves in his life, he bravely masks his emotions, never allowing his mother to witness his inner turmoil.

Bansal(6 years)

The younger twin sister of Ayan, she embodies sweetness and innocence, radiating an aura of pure warmth wherever she goes. Despite her tender age, she possesses a surprising level of intelligence, often catching others off guard with her astute observations and quick wit.

An inherently talkative soul, she thrives on interactions with those around her, spreading joy with her bubbly personality and infectious laughter. With her striking resemblance to her mother, she shares a profound connection with music, finding solace and joy in its melodies.

Though she knows little about her father, she holds him in high regard, viewing him through the lens of a child's imagination as a larger-than-life superhero. Despite the absence of his presence in her life, she carries his memory with her, filling the void with boundless love and admiration.

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