Chapter 3

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Hello ji,

I am first time author, and this is the first time i am penning some of my thoughts, it will be really appreciated if you could bless me with vote or comment, no computation or pressure but it will mean the world to me 


As Raghav regained consciousness, his father and sibling rushed to his side, immediately calling for the doctor. After the doctor reassured them, a sigh of relief escaped Rajvanshi.

Once the doctor left, Rajvardhan was visibly tense. He had never seen his resilient son in such a vulnerable state since his mother's passing, and it deeply worried him.

"Raghav, are you feeling better now?" asked his father with great concern. However, Raghav appeared to be lost in a trance, unable to snap out of it until Rajvardhan embraced him, gently bringing him back to reality.

To the horror of everyone present, tears welled up in Raghav's eyes as he spoke his first words upon waking up, "Dad, I failed. I'm the biggest failure. My Vaidehi must be heartbroken." These words puzzled his family, hearing the name "Vaidehi" for the first time. They realized its profound significance to Raghav despite never hearing it before.

"Vaidehi, who, bhai?" asked Ahan, unable to contain his impatience.

"My wife," Raghav replied solemnly. A complete silence ensued for two minutes as everyone tried to grasp the weight of his words.

"I think I misheard," nervously chuckled the youngest, breaking the silence. However, the reality of the situation soon dawned on them.

"What are you saying, Raghav? You're scaring me," Rajvardhan struggled to fit these events into any feasible timeline.

Raghav was too absorbed in his thoughts of Vaidehi to comprehend their reactions or emotions. "I need to find her. She must be very worried. I have to find her and make things right," he muttered, trying to rise hastily but stumbled, caught by his father who guided him back to sit.

"Raghav, explain yourself now," Rajvardhan demanded sternly, snapping him out of his reverie.

"Dad, when I had an accident seven years ago and was missing for five months, I lost all my memories. Now, they've all come flooding back," Raghav explained.

Raghav's Perspective:

"When I woke up after the accident, I couldn't remember anything. Every trace of my identity was lost in the fire. Our information is so protected that retrieving any details seemed impossible. I was trying to make sense of it all when a girl entered. She looked like an angel, and as she spoke, it felt like I had entered heaven."

"You've awakened?" Vaidehi greeted cheerfully as she tended to his injured hand.

"What's your name? Do you remember your family or any contact we could inform?" Vaidehi bombarded him with questions, realizing his partial amnesia likely stemmed from head trauma, given her final year of medical training.

"I don't know who I am. Don't you know my identity?" Raghav's distress was palpable.

"Could you tell me the last thing you remember?" Vaidehi asked, attempting to gauge the situation.

As Raghav struggled to recall, he found his mind blank, like a sheet of paper devoid of any markings.

"I don't remember anything at all," he answered in anguish.

"Okay, can you try signing this paper?" Vaidehi handed him a blank sheet, and unconsciously, he wrote "RAGHAV." But just as suddenly, his hand froze, unable to recall anything further.

"I don't remember anything. How could I write my name then?" Raghav wondered aloud.

"It's your muscle memory. You wrote your name, Mr. Raghav. It's likely temporary. You'll remember everything soon. Please don't stress," Vaidehi reassured him, finding herself unexpectedly drawn to him, despite knowing little about him.

"I would have taken you to the hospital, but we're stuck in this remote village with no network for the past week," Vaidehi answered his unasked question.

"But who are you, and why are you helping me?" Raghav asked, confusion evident in his voice.

"I'm Vaidehi Bansal. I was here for a medical practice camp. Somehow, I missed the bus, and then the storm hit, cutting off all communication. The village head offered me accommodation. When they found you near the river, they brought you here because there's no medical help available," Vaidehi explained with a smile.

"How can you smile in such a situation? Aren't you worried?" Raghav couldn't help but ask.

"Will worrying change anything? I prefer to deal with it positively. You know, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade," Vaidehi replied with a smile that soon spread to Raghav's face.

"You're amazing."

Raghav's life took a dramatic turn after a tragic accident seven years ago, which left him with complete amnesia. With all personal belongings destroyed in the accident, he was unable to identify himself. Fate led him to a remote village where Vaidehi Bansal, a compassionate medical student on a practice camp, found him near a riverbank. Despite his memory loss, Raghav found himself drawn to Vaidehi, who became his caretaker and confidante during his recovery.

During the week-long storm that isolated them in the village, Raghav and Vaidehi grew closer. Despite his initial confusion and distress over his lost memories, Raghav found solace in Vaidehi's presence. Her optimism and unwavering support began to fill the void left by his forgotten past. Their bond deepened as they spent days talking, laughing, and supporting each other through uncertain times.

As communication was restored and the storm subsided, Vaidehi informed her worried family and friends about her whereabouts and Raghav's situation. Despite efforts to uncover his identity, including medical examinations that confirmed his physical health but revealed no clues to his past, Raghav remained nameless and without a history.

In the absence of a known identity, Raghav focused on building a future with Vaidehi. He became an integral part of her life, ingratiating himself with her friends and community through his problem-solving skills and natural intelligence. Although he could not remember his academic background or professional skills, Raghav demonstrated an innate ability to learn and adapt, earning respect and admiration from those around him.

Months passed, marked by their growing affection and Raghav's gradual acceptance of his amnesia. Their relationship reached a pivotal moment when they discovered Vaidehi was pregnant. The news of impending parenthood awakened Raghav's determination to provide stability and security for his growing family. Despite their private wedding due to Vaidehi's father's health, they faced the future with optimism and hope.

Driven by a newfound sense of responsibility, Raghav took on freelance projects to support his family financially. His skills and reputation as a problem solver grew, attracting lucrative opportunities like developing an app for a Mumbai-based company. However, fate intervened once more when Raghav was involved in an accident upon his return from Mumbai. The collision resulted in another bout of memory loss, erasing the precious time he had spent with Vaidehi and jeopardizing his newfound stability.

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