Chapter 6

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Raghav's POV

Racing towards the ICU ward, my heart pounded with a mix of dread and desperate hope. Fear gripped me like never before-a suffocating fear of losing my little family, my precious daughter.

Amid the tumult of emotions, my thoughts raced to Vaidehi-my wife whom I hadn't seen in seven years. Would she look at me with anger for disappearing, for leaving her when she needed me most? The image of her eyes, once filled with love and now possibly clouded with hurt, haunted me.

Arriving at the floor where Ashi lay, I spotted Vaidehi and Ansh, their faces etched with worry and prayer. Vaidehi's body tensed as if sensing my presence, and then her eyes fluttered open. Those eyes, so familiar and beloved, locked onto mine with a mix of disbelief and longing.

A sudden commotion erupted, jolting Ansh as well . They stared at me, stunned and speechless. Vaidehi's disbelief softened into a fragile hope, quickly overshadowed by a wave of unconsciousness. I caught her before she could collapse, carrying her swiftly to a nearby room and urgently calling for a doctor.

"Dad?" Ansh's voice trembled beside me, his eyes searching mine as if unsure of my reality. His expression pierced through my guilt and shame.

"Yes, Ansh. I'm here," I reassured him, gathering him into my arms.

"Mom... what happened to Mom? Please, Dad, tell me she'll be okay now that you're here," Ansh pleaded, tears streaming down his face as he clung to me, his earlier facade crumbling in the face of overwhelming fear and relief.

"Dad, please save Mom and Ashi. Please," Ansh's voice cracked, his desperation palpable as he finally allowed himself to lean on me, abandoning the mask of indifference he had worn to shield himself from pain.

My heart shattered at the sight of my family in such turmoil. These three souls, so dear to me yet so distant for so long, now depended on me in their moment of deepest need.

"Buddy, shh, everything will be okay. I promise," I whispered, holding Ansh tightly against me, trying to convey strength and reassurance despite my own inner turmoil.

"And Mom and Ashi?" Ansh's voice trembled with unspoken fear.

"They'll be alright. I won't let anything happen to them. I'm here now, and I'm not leaving," I vowed, my voice thick with emotion as tears blurred my vision.

"Promise me, Dad. Promise you'll stay," Ansh's plea was raw and vulnerable, revealing the depth of his need for stability and love.

"I promise, Ansh. I'll never leave you again," I vowed, my voice breaking with emotion as I held him close, praying silently for Vaidehi and Ashi's recovery, and silently cursing myself for the pain I had caused them all.

As Ansh finally succumbed to exhaustion and fell asleep in my arms, I looked around at my family-Vaidehi, so fragile yet strong in her love; Ansh, my brave little boy now showing his vulnerability; and Ashi, fighting for her life. The weight of my absence and its consequences bore down on me, and for the first time in years, tears of regret and determination streamed down my face.

Author's POV

The atmosphere in the hospital room was thick with anxiety as the entire family waited anxiously for news about Ashi's condition. Vaidehi, already overwhelmed, had been given a sedative to calm her skyrocketing blood pressure, a visible testament to the toll the ordeal had taken on her.

Raghav sat beside Vaidehi, his grip on her hand tight and desperate. Ansh, exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster, slept fitfully in his father's lap, his small frame curled up against Raghav's chest for comfort.

Rajvardhan, observing Vaidehi for the first time, felt a rush of admiration and tenderness. Despite the years of separation and the trials they had endured, she had remained steadfast, nurturing their children with unwavering love. Ansh, lying there like a younger version of Raghav in his embrace, stirred memories of simpler times, when life was filled with promise and joy.

Grandchildren, he mused silently, truly were a grandparent's greatest treasure, a sentiment that tugged at his heart as he watched over Ansh and prayed for Ashi's recovery. His affection for them ran deep, an unspoken bond forged through the shared love and protection of Raghav.

Ahan and Aarav, normally composed and self-assured, now stood silently beside their father, their usually confident demeanor replaced by worry and helplessness. Raghav had always been their rock, the pillar of their family, and seeing him vulnerable tore at their hearts. Vaidehi, despite her initial outsider status, had earned their respect through her unwavering devotion to Raghav and their children. Her love for Raghav, devoid of any selfishness or expectation, had quietly won them over. They couldn't help but admire her strength and resilience in facing life's trials.

The room fell into a heavy silence, each member of the family lost in their own thoughts and fears. No words could express the anguish they felt, the fear of losing one of their own, the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

Meanwhile, Rajnath, burdened by the weight of responsibility, navigated the hospital corridors with a heavy heart. This unexpected crisis had thrust him into a role requiring both strength and sensitivity. Securing the hospital, summoning the finest medical experts, and protecting the family's privacy were all part of his duty, one he embraced without hesitation.

He had emphasized to the doctors the gravity of the situation and the formidable reputation of the Rajvanshi family, instilling a sense of urgency and the absolute necessity for the best possible outcome. The hospital staff, acutely aware of the implications, moved swiftly and with unwavering dedication. Their actions were not only driven by their loyalty to the royal family but also by a palpable fear of failure. They understood all too well that any mishap with the beloved princess would invite severe consequences, sparing no one from the wrath of the Rajvanshis.

As Rajnath managed the crisis within the hospital walls, Vatsal, consumed by a mix of fear and fury, pursued the person responsible for the accident. It wasn't just duty that drove him; it was a deep-seated loyalty to the family and a burning desire for justice. The thought of anyone harming their beloved princess, ignited a rage that matched the intensity of his devotion.

As the team of doctors emerged from the room, Rajnath summoned the family outside, leaving Ansh and Vaidehi sleeping inside.

The doctors, their foreheads damp with cold sweat, were visibly shaken as they faced the imposing presence of the royals. They needed no introduction; the powerful, regal aura they exuded was suffocating. It carried an unspoken promise of destruction in their eyes if the outcome wasn't favorable.

"S S SSir, the princess is in critical condition due to excessive blood loss," stammered the doctor and the next moment he was pinned into wall by his neck as Raghav chocked him

"What did you say? If anything happens to her, I will not only kill you brutely, but your bloodline will be vanished "Raghav's tone was though calm but extremely cold and dangerous.

Doctor started breathing heavily because of the pressure, Raghav left him, and he felt on the ground and the other who were present can feel the fear so great that it is chocking them physically.

"Do whatever you have to do, but I need her perfectly fine, understood?" Rajvardhan commanded in his powerful voice.

"Y Y Yes, sir, we need to perform urgent surgery," said the doctor, visibly nervous.

"Then do it! Why are you wasting time?" Ahan shouted angrily.

"We need consent from the parent to proceed," the doctor stuttered, frightened.

"Listen carefully. I don't care about rules, and neither should you. If something happens to her, you won't live to face the consequences," Raghav's tone was chillingly cold, striking fear into them.

They all rushed to the operating theater, determined to give their best effort, knowing that Aashi's well-being was crucial for their survival.

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