Chapter 9

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Vaidehi's POV

As i heard that my daughter is fine, my legs turned to jelly, and I stumbled but Raghav held me and as all the people left us alone my dam i was holding broke and i cried like never before in arm of the man whom i love with my everything. All the emotion that has buried inside me came flowing through my tears.

Raghav's embrace is both a lifeline and a bittersweet reminder of the years we've lost. As I melt into his arms, my tears flow uncontrollably, a torrent of emotions that I've bottled up for too long. His strength envelops me, grounding me in the reality of his presence after what felt like an eternity of absence.

"It wasn't an easy journey for me either, but our children and your memories made it bearable, Raghav. Even when I missed you like I was missing my own soul, I knew you would come back to me. I love you so much. Please, please don't leave me again. I don't think I could bear it this time. I would die of pain" I whisper through my tears, each word laced with a mixture of pain and love. 

His grip tightens around me, a silent promise to never let go again. The weight of his guilt is palpable, but in this moment, I choose to set it aside. Our love has weathered storms that would have torn others apart, and now, reunited, I feel a renewed sense of purpose and strength.

In that moment, as our lips meet in a fierce kiss, I know that our love has survived the test of time and distance. The scars of our separation have healed, replaced by a deep, unshakable bond that no hardship can break.

"I missed you more than words can say," I continue, my voice trembling with emotion. "Our children grew up without their father, but your love, your memory, they kept us going. And now, seeing you again, holding you like this... it feels like a dream."

Raghav brushes a strand of hair away from my face, his touch gentle yet filled with a longing that matches my own. "Vaidehi, you're my anchor," he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion. "I promise you, I'll never leave you again. I'll make up for every moment lost, every tear shed. We'll build a future together, stronger than ever."

In that moment, as our lips meet in a tender kiss This time filled only love.

As we hold each other close, I whisper a silent prayer of gratitude—for second chances, for love that endures, and for a future where our family is whole once more. I closed my eyes, letting his words wash over me like a healing balm. For so long, I had carried the weight of loneliness and longing, but now, with Raghav beside me once more, I felt lighter, as if a burden had been lifted from my shoulders.

Author's POV

fter their heartfelt moment, Raghav and Vaidehi made their way to Aashi's room, their hearts heavy with concern yet hopeful for their daughter's recovery. Vaidehi gestured for Raghav to sit close to Aashi's bedside, knowing how much he longed to be near their daughter. They watched with bated breath as Aashi slowly attempted to open her eyes, only to wince and close them again against the bright light.

Raghav quickly dimmed the lights and called for the doctors, his voice tinged with urgency and worry. Soon, Aashi managed to open her eyes once more, and her gaze fell upon Vaidehi standing beside her.

"Mumma, it hurts a lot. Please make it go away," Aashi's hoarse voice whispered in pain, sending a pang through Raghav and Vaidehi's hearts. Vaidehi moved closer to her daughter, fighting to control her own emotions.

"Princess, please tell me where it hurts so that the doctors can help you. Once you're feeling better, we'll have your favorite chocolate milkshake, alright?" Vaidehi spoke gently, trying to comfort Aashi and keep her from panicking, while Raghav shot an icy glare at the doctor, his frustration barely contained.

The doctor, under Raghav's intense stare, stumbled over his words. "I-it's normal, sir. The wound on her head will take some time to heal. She should recover within a week," Dr. James managed to say, his fear palpable as he avoided Raghav's angry gaze.

Vaidehi, consumed with worry for her daughter, hadn't noticed the doctor's discomfort or who was attending to Aashi. She focused solely on comforting her daughter. "See, princess, the doctor says everything will be alright. You're my brave girl, aren't you?" Vaidehi gently reassured Aashi, stroking her forehead softly.

Raghav, meanwhile, had had enough. He whispered sharply to the staff to step outside, his anger simmering just below the surface. Aashi, still in pain and confusion didn't notice Raghav and sought solace in her mother's embrace.

"You said everything was fine, didn't you? Then why the hell is she in pain?" Raghav's voice thundered through the room as he confronted the doctors, his fury rolling off him in waves. The doctors, visibly shaken, struggled to explain.

"It's because of the wound, sir. But otherwise, she's fine," Dr. Reddy attempted to clarify, only to falter under Raghav's intense gaze.

"I specifically said I wanted her completely fine. It wouldn't take me more than a second to end your careers as well as your life if there's been any negligence in my daughter's case." Raghav's voice was calm but laced with a dangerous edge that sent a chill down everyone's spine. They knew they're not empty threats he will surely kill them, and nobody will dare to question it, they officerly and unofficially ruled everything with iron fist and their punishment is not just death but a very slow and painful death  

"N-no, sir, we didn't... you can ask anyone," Dr. James stammered, feeling as though his life hung in the balance.

"You're not going anywhere until I say so. Understood?" Raghav's threat hung heavy in the air as he instructed the guards to keep the doctors confined to the room until further notice.

After Raghav's stern reprimand of the doctors, his demeanor softened as he entered the room and saw his girls embracing each other. His heart swelled with a mixture of emotions—relief, apprehension, and a deep-seated fear of not being accepted by Aashi after all these years. He watched them, words catching in his throat, unsure if Aashi would welcome him or resent his absence.

Aashi, feeling better now, gently pulled away from her mother's embrace and looked up in surprise as she saw her father standing before her. Though they had never met, she recognized his face from the photos she always talks to while she missed him.

"Dada?" Aashi whispered, breaking through Raghav's thoughts and freezing him in place. Vaidehi, sensing his emotional turmoil, gently guided him closer to Aashi.

"Aashi, look, your dad is here, baby. Just like you wanted," Vaidehi said softly, taking Aashi's hand and placing it in Raghav's. Aashi tentatively touched his hand, as if confirming that he was real.

"Mumma, he's real," Aashi exclaimed in astonishment, momentarily forgetting her pain.

"Yes, he is real, baby. Do you want to get to know him?" Vaidehi asked, her voice tender as she stroked Aashi's face gently. Aashi nodded shyly and introduced herself softly, "Hello Dada, I am Aashi Bansal."

Raghav couldn't contain his emotions any longer. With tears welling up in his eyes, he pulled Aashi into a tight embrace, holding her close to his heart. "Are you okay, my princess? Does it still hurt?" he asked softly, his voice filled with concern.

"It still hurts a bit, but don't worry, I know you'll make it better," Aashi replied with unwavering trust. Her simple faith and acceptance of him soothed Raghav's soul, and he felt blessed beyond measure to finally hold his daughter in his arms.

Soon, father and daughter became engrossed in their own world, momentarily forgetting even Vaidehi, who stood aside wiping tears of joy. Raghav apologized to her and quickly filled her in on the remaining family members. Meanwhile, Aashi excitedly shared her wishlist with her father, detailing all the things she wanted to do with him.

As they talked and laughed together, a sense of completeness settled over Raghav. Despite the challenges they had faced, this moment affirmed that their family was healing and that their bond would only grow stronger from here.

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