chapter 4

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As the tale of Raghav's past unfolded, the entire family was stunned. It was a lot to process, but amidst the uncertainty, they knew one thing for certain: their love was steadfast, like the sky that endures any storm and remains eternal.

Despite harboring doubts about Vaidehi and her intentions, Rajvardhan trusted his son's judgment implicitly.

"Dad, she must be alone, heartbroken. She probably thinks I betrayed her, leaving her with our unborn child. I have to find them and make things right," Raghav declared with unwavering determination.

"Son, I promise you we will find her. I'll gather all the information about Vaidehi within the next 24 hours. But please, you need rest. You've lost a lot of blood and you're weak. Trust me, if I can't fulfill my promise, you can take charge," Rajvardhan urged, his concern for his son palpable.

Raghav was about to protest but a wave of dizziness overcame him, rendering him unconscious once more. The doctors had already warned about the effects of the strong medications.

Rajvardhan reflected on the events of the day-the possibility of becoming a grandfather thrilled him to the core, yet it also made him anxious. He hoped Vaidehi hadn't moved on; selfish as it may be, he couldn't bear to see his son shattered. Raghav might not have known Vaidehi for long, but his love for her was evident.

"Rajnath, I need every detail on Vaidehi Bansal, who was the student from Lifeline Medical College in Delhi 7 years ago . Ensure the information is thorough and accurate. This is a personal and a very confidential matter. I expect the report within 24 hours," Rajvardhan instructed his most trusted aide.

"Ji Hukum," came the prompt reply from Rajnath, who lived to serve the royal family and will fulfil his duty at any cost though the order this time puzzled him but he kept the questions to himself as it is not his pace to know

"Ahan, Aarav, stay here. I'll be back soon." Rajvardhan needed a moment to clear his head and get some fresh air.

As he left, his security team was poised to follow him, but he waved them off. While he appeared unconcerned about his safety, the perimeter was secured, and undercover agents were already in place-a relief to Vatsal Rajput, responsible for security.

Needing a break from the intensity of the situation, Rajvardhan found solace in the hospital garden. Lost in thought, a stray ball interrupted his solitude, causing his security team to tense. But when a sweet little girl approached, Rajvardhan signaled them to stand down.

"I'm terribly sorry, sir," the girl said softly, her voice like music to his ears. Her eyes, reminiscent of his beloved queen's, instantly forged a connection.

"It's alright, princess. I'm fine. What's your name?" Rajvardhan asked gently, his tone unusually soft-a stark contrast to his usual demeanor that surprised even his own security detail as they have never saw him using such soft voice to even his sons, but maintained their stoic composure.

"My name is Aashi, but I'm not a princess," Aashi replied shyly.

"But you're as beautiful as one," Rajvardhan complimented, noticing the sadness in her eyes.

"Really? Do I look like a princess? They live in palaces like Elsa and Ariel, but I live in a small home," Aashi innocently responded.

Rajvardhan wasn't familiar with Elsa and Ariel, but he knew no princess could compare to this charming little girl.

"You know, you look like a king yourself. Can I call you Mr. King?" Aashi asked bashfully.

"Sure, whatever you'd like," Rajvardhan replied, surprised yet touched. Besides his wife, no one had the privilege of giving him a nickname.

"So, would you like to have some chocolate?" Aashi almost said yes but then remembered her mother's advice about accepting gifts from strangers. Though kind and innocent, Aashi was also smart.

"No, I can't. My mumma told me not to take anything from strangers," Aashi explained.

Rajvardhan felt a pang at being called a stranger but also swelled with pride at Aashi's wisdom.

"You're right. How about we become friends first, and then we can think about chocolate? You can ask your mom," he suggested.

"Yes! That's a great idea, Mr. King!" Aashi exclaimed joyfully, her smile melting even the stoic king's heart.

For the first time in a long while, Rajvardhan felt genuine happiness conversing with the little princess. Their interaction was interrupted when Sneha called out to Aashi.

"Oh, I forgot. My Masi must be waiting for me. Bye-bye, Mr. King!" Aashi began to leave but suddenly turned back. "Will you come tomorrow?" she asked, her innocent eyes impossible to resist.

"I'll be there," Rajvardhan assured her, realizing he looked forward to it as much as she did.

As Aashi left, Rajvardhan felt a lingering discomfort. His thoughts wandered to the possibility of his own grandchild, and for a moment, he imagined Aashi in that role. He knew it was impossible, yet meeting Aashi had lifted his spirits in a way he hadn't expected.

"Aashi, who were you talking to?" asked Sneha, her voice tinged with concern.

Aashi launched into a detailed account of her encounter with "Mr. King," describing their conversation and the bond they had formed. Sneha couldn't help feeling a twinge of worry, momentarily concerned if Aashi had been talking to someone from the Rajvanshi family. However, she dismissed the thought quickly; the idea of the formidable Rajvanshis engaging with Aashi as a friend seemed unlikely.

"Aashi, remember, don't talk to strangers, okay?" Sneha reminded her daughter, her concern evident.

Aashi nodded, understanding her mother's cautionary advice. Deep down, though, she cherished the bond she had formed with "Mr. King" and eagerly looked forward to their next meeting. She decided to keep this excitement to herself, knowing her mother and brother would otherwise be overly protective and might spoil her plans.

soon they encountered Vaidehi and ansh were waiting for her for lunch after finishing lunch ansh and ashi were in day care which was there in hospital after which late at night they left for home from the hospital and heading home, unaware of the impending changes about to disrupt their lives-a storm approaching their way.

The Bansals' apartment was only half a kilometer away, so they decided to walk home since Vaidehi's scooty was in the garage after breaking down again.

As they crossed the road, a car suddenly appeared out of nowhere, speeding recklessly. It collided with Aashi, who was knocked unconscious instantly. The driver didn't stop to check on her, callously driving away from the scene.

Vaidehi and Ansh were devastated and frantic, trying desperately to wake Aashi. Sneha, who arrived to help, joined them in their distress, and together they rushed Aashi to the hospital for immediate medical attention.

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