2: The country club

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"Oh they're here," Victoria said. "Who?" "Some friends I made this past year, and who also gave me the mustang." I drank some tea—I'm gonna have to get used to this. "This way girls." Around the corner came something that followed me from New York. "Sera, Jenny, this's my sister, Audrey."

Audrey's POV:

Katia and Esmeralda were fraternal, but Sera and Jenny are identical twins. Same green eyes same ginger hair, although you can tell them apart. "Hi Sera." "Welcome," she said, Sera has different colored highlights in her hair, and Jenny doesn't. "Let's sit ladies," Victoria said. "So you both have green eyes, twins or not?" "No, Victoria's a year older than me." "And I'm a minute older than her," Sera said. "Don't make me—"
"Ok change of subject," Victoria said while pouring more tea, "Audrey you know how we're Latin Americans, they're Irish American." I looked at them. "Really, ok first I don't hear the accent, and second what are you doing in Wales?" "We use the accent when we get home," Jenny said, "born in Ireland but right when we could stand, our parents moved to America, they said they wanted something better for us." "I see." "But we always came back to visit," Sera said, "as for Wales well we're visiting some family members for the summer." "Ok you two said you had something to say, so spill," Victoria said. "Right, the city's country club is having a party, and I was wondering if you and your sister wanted to come." "We'd love to," Victoria said. "You two are members," I said. "Yeah, and we can bring a plus one," Jenny said. "Well I know I've got something to wear, so you girls will have to help her find something," Victoria said. Sera had this smile on her face. "Audrey, when's the last time you played dress up?" She said.

💜the next night💜

Curly hair, a nice dress, and some heels, as for my sister black and champagne—with lace at the top—were always her classy colors. She flattened her hair and had opened toed heels, those always kill me. "We're here, and there are the girls," Victoria said, "let's go." They had jumpsuits on, Jenny's yellow and Sera a dark pink. "Alright just act like you got money and you'll fit right in," Victoria said. "Did you just quote Titanic?" "Yes now come on," my sister said.

💜after a few snacks💜

"You look beautiful and yet no one has asked you to dance," "Sera said. That's because they don't—"
"Oh don't worry they will, your sister told me one of your favorite songs," she pulled out her phone, "I'll make sure they play it." She went off, "Sera has a thing for music . . . Don't worry, you won't dance alone," Victoria said.
(It's bloody marry from the Wednesday show on Netflix.)

Dylan's POV:

"What's wrong, you tell us the country club is celebrating its summer opening, and yet you won't dance with anyone." "I'm just not in the mood mum." "Britannia leave him be, besides now he sounds just as bad as Arthur." I invited my five brothers and my parents and yet nothing good has happened. "Guys listen . . . Let's go." Peter nags us all close to the dance floor, where we see two girls dancing.

"I'll dance dance dance,
With my hands hands hands."

"Wow they are really good," Arthur said. "Yeah, especially that brunette, you can tell she's really into the dance," I said. "Someone finally catches your eye," mom says. "Seamus isn't that your lass in the Dj booth," Allistor said. "That explains the music," dad says. The song ends and they slowly go down, holding their position on one leg with the other out.

Audrey's POV:

Utter silence, they either liked it, or I danced my ass off in heels for nothing . . . Then I hear a clap, then another, then slowly everyone starts to clap. I look at my sister and smile, she mouths back "told you," and smiled. "Need a hand?" Someone walked over to help me up, couldn't see his face that well, but I took his hand and got up. "You were amazing." "That was, nothing." I could finally see him, and he looked handsome while I was starting to sweat. "What's your name?" He ask. "Audrey." "I'm Dylan—"
"Sis we have to go, now before I get a parking ticket," Victoria said.  Dylan pulled me to the side. "Do you live near here?" "Sorta." "Meet me at Cardiff Bay at noon tomorrow," he said. "How'll I find you?" "Don't worry," he took a strand of my hair in between his index and middle finger, "I'll find you." My sister pulls me away from him, I basically Cinderella'd him, and I can still feel his touch.

💜back at the flat with Jenny and Sera💜

"So did you have a good time?" Jenny ask. "Did you see who helped her up, oh she had a great time," Sera said. "I'm still new here, so who helped me up, because I have to meet him tomorrow at Cardiff Bay." I looked at Victoria—who already got into her pjs—she was massaging her temples. "I can't believe you met on of them, why did this happen." "Sis you're scaring me," I said. "Ok describe him again," Victoria said. "Brown hair to his shoulders, these forest green eyes, and he said his name was Dylan." "The fourth of six children," Jenny and Sera said. "The normal one," Victoria said, "Jenny throw me that pillow that has the British isles on it." Victoria caught the pillow then came to the armrest. "Long ago a Scottish man married a rich British woman, and over time they had children, they stopped at six, after the father talked it over with his wife, they sent each of their sons to parts of the island for school." She points at the five countries. "The oldest went to Scotland, the second went to Ireland—and he's dating Sera—his twin went to northern Ireland, the fourth went here Wales, the fifth staid in England, and now their youngest is studying in England as well."

"So you're telling me rich parents sent their children to different places to learn." "Yes," Victoria said. "I met their fourth eldest." "Yes," Jenny said. "And now I have to meet him again tomorrow, at noon." "Yes," Sera said. ". . . I need to get this dress off, and some tea." "I'll go make the tea," Sera said.

💜a few hours later💜

"Ok so the bay is a five minute walk from here, you wake up and get ready, then head over there and tell me everything when I get back from work," Victoria said. "Is this a good idea?" "Sis you already said you'd meet him there, you've no choice," Victoria said. "Do I have a choice in what I wear?" ". . . Let's make this quick because I'm tired," she said.

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