◈A Small Fantasy Within Me◈

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Knox walked off with a huff while reality slowly began to sink in for Ari. She was no longer a prisoner or a simple guest on Hongjoong's ship. She was part of his crew.

Her elation at this new development, as well as now having protection against her father's men, didn't stop Ari from seeing the other truth behind Hongjoong's approval. He needed her for something, Ari knew that.

Perhaps once she has proven herself even more, Hongjoong will trust her with the truth.

"Now that all of that has been settled, let's continue our journey to Rolem Piers," Hongjoong said with a clap of his hands. He looked at Ari, observing the dirt and blood caked on her hands and feet. "Yunho, were you able to find a dress before Jun relayed my order to return to the ship?"

A sheepish look clouded Yunho's face as his eyes flickered between Hongjoong and Ari. "Unfortunately, I was not. I apologize."

Hongjoong nodded before addressing Ari. "We should be arriving in Rolem Piers before any shops close. For now, let's get you a basin of water so that you can wash up a bit."

"I would appreciate that, thank you," Ari replied.

With a friendly grin, Hongjoong made his way up to the helm while Yunho left to retrieve a basin of water. Ari wasn't alone for long before a light chuckle startled her, and she turned to find San looking at her with approval.

"That was quite a bold move, swiping a sword from a pirate's hip."

Ari looked down at the sword San was now balancing in his hand, having picked it up from where Seonghwa had kicked it. She couldn't help but grin.

"Bold or foolish?"

"For you, I'd say both." The smile on San's face deepened the dimples in his cheeks. "Skills like that don't come naturally, no matter how easy Seonghwa makes it look. Who was your teacher?"

Ari's breath caught in the back of her throat, her composure waning.

"A friend," she whispered.

Before San could question her further, Yunho returned with the basin of water and a couple of clean rags draped over his arm.

"If you'll follow me, I'll take you to an empty room for you to wash up in peace."

Grateful for the escape, Ari followed Yunho to a room with two bunk beds, the ruffled blankets a sign of previous occupancy. Only one bed was made neat.

"The captain also wanted me to inform you that this will be where you sleep from now on."

"Thank you, Yunho."

Left alone, Ari got to work on scrubbing the dirt and blood that was beginning to stain her skin. She stared at her hands as the evidence of death disappeared, a mix of emotions stirring inside of her.

Protecting Evelyn and protecting herself, no matter the means was the right thing to do. Ari had no regrets about the two lives she had taken. She just had never imagined having to make that choice in the first place.

Once she was clean, Ari walked out of the room and made her way to join Hongjoong at the helm.

"What shall you have me do now, Captain?"

Hongjoong smiled. "Now? Enjoy the view."

Turning away from Hongjoong, Ari looked out at the ocean surrounding them, her breath being stolen by the sight.

The sky was a bright blue, accented by thick, fluffy white clouds. The water below was a splendid sapphire and turquoise, the waves gently crashing against the hull as Destiny sailed on. Ari now understood what Hongjoong had meant about the view from the helm. Seeing the world this way was nothing short of majestic.

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