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NOTE: This is a continuation of Kings On The Horizon Vol. 4-6. If you have not read that book, head to my profile and start with that first before reading this. Thank you!


DOZEN OF GUARDS FORM a line as Étienne, the Lemieux's most trusted butler, steps out of a private jet, Marcus Thompson following right behind him, their expressions filled with worry and panic. They just arrived at Pforzheim, a city that's a 30-minute drive away from Karlsruhe, the city where Max and River were just in last night.

     Étienne has been on high alert since Max arrived in Germany, so when he saw the emergency signal connected to Max's watch go off, he wasted no time and contacted everyone they knew in Germany and sent a helicopter to get the young heir. Fortunately, after tracking him down, they were able to retrieve him and River in time before driving them to Pforzheim where Sinclaire Hotel's German branch is located. (Most of the hotels are still named Sinclaire and have not been changed to Lemieux yet).

     Once it was confirmed that Max was safe, Étienne alerted Denzel before heading to Pforzheim with Marcus, who insisted on coming with him. They still don't know what exactly happened to them, but they could tell that something big definitely unfolded while they were meeting up with the forgotten heir, Klyde Vitus Von Hatzfeld. Neither Étienne nor Marcus was ready to hear the story though.

     "Where's Max now?" Marcus asks as he and Étienne enter a car that would drive them to the hotel.

     "I heard he's resting in a presidential suit. I also instructed that they guard the whole floor and the entire building in case something were to happen," Étienne explains, making Marcus sigh, troubled about the fact that he still doesn't know what really happened to his brother.

     As soon as the two got inside the car, they immediately drove to the hotel.

     "I can't even contact River," Marcus says nervously. "I knew that this was dangerous. I should have come with him, or at least followed him there. Klyde was hiding for a reason. If Max got involved with him then I don't know what I'll do. If Max gets targeted, Madam Luna will—"

    "Sir Thompson," Étienne immediately calls out, making Marcus stop talking in an instant. Étienne reaches out to gently touch Marcus's shoulder. When Marcus felt his warm assurance, he took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down.

     "We did good, right Étienne? We've done our best to protect him. We always have. I-I've...I've done everything. I fucking drugged him. I...I just wanted him to be safe."

    When Étienne saw a tear stream down Marcus's eyes, he was flustered. He didn't know what else to do. Étienne has always seen himself in Marcus. Like him, he cared about Max and would even go as far as to sacrifice himself for his safety. They've watched over him since the very beginning, and if Max ends up in the hands of the very people they tried to run away from despite everything they've done to him, then that would have been a hard punch in the gut.

     "He'll be alright. We'll return to London. We'll make sure nothing happens to Leigh. No one will be able to touch him. We will make sure of it," Étienne can only assure him.

     Marcus, despite being the eldest, looked so scared that Étienne's heart broke for him. Thankfully, after a while, he eventually relaxed, and the two safely arrived at the hotel where Max and River were staying.

    The building was surrounded by police, and some of the guests were even being escorted out of the hotel. As expected, the media was also there, curious as to why the hotel was being surrounded. That would have been a big problem...if Étienne only came with Marcus. As per Estelle Lemieux's request–Max's grandmother– Étienne and Marcus were escorted by the Lemieux's special guard unit that Estelle brought with her from France.

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