The winning side

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The desert was cold at night. The wind blows sand in his eyes. He squints them shut and lets out a groan. It's not night yet. The sun shines down on him from the horizon. He shields his eyes so that no more sand would attack him.

The Lady Bone demon. Oh that name, it fills him with dread. Memories start to race through his mind. Memories of him attacking Mk and his little friends. His face falters before it gave way to a sour and furious look. He was just following orders. It wasn't like he wanted to do this. Sure he could have just joined there team. But why would he do that? He lost all of his powers.

And The Lady Bone demon promised them back to him. She advised him on how to get them back. He might be a pawn in her vanquish, but nevertheless. He was a powerful pawn to her.

The grunting of somebody tired and worn came to his attention. It was an annoying sound, annoying and loud. "Would you shut up?" He yelled, whipping around to glower at him.

"Why am I here, Macaque?" The other said, shaking.

"Because I can't come back empty handed." Macaque said angrily. "Thanks to your little distraction, I don't have Monkey King or any of those little brats."

The other narrowed his eyes, looking at the simian in front of him. "Oh? So you're afraid because you failed?" He snickered, mocking Macaque.

"I'm not afraid—" Macaque shouts before getting cut off abruptly. A flaming blue portal opened up near the black furred simian. A hand grabbed him and pulled him through.

Oh what the fuck. Now would be a good time to run! He tried to shift into a dragon, but he didn't have enough strength to do anything. His hands were tied behind his back. He couldn't cut himself free. But he had to run, he had too—

"Hello!" A weird mayor looking person creeped his head out of the fiery ghost portal. "Where are you going now, dragon?" The man said in a creepy tone. Wasn't this the person in the theatre when the shadow play was going on? He glared at the man. He should have seen this coming.


Pigsy and Tang were working, they were working hard. They both were packing up. Monkey King was... well, he was glowing. And not being very helpful. While Pigsy was struggling, Monkey King was just sitting around and doing nothing! Which annoyed him very much. After a while of struggling with the chair, Pigsy finally snapped.

"Tang, go get the others. Let's get going!" The pig demon huffed angrily.


"Okay, MK. It's time. Time to look inward. Time to reclaim the power. Time to shout out till the whole world hears—"

"Here. Comes. Monkie Kid!" Mk hollers out, interrupting Mei.

"Go Mk!"

"You can do it!"

After lots of hyping up, Mk falls to the ground in pure anguish. "I can't do it!" He says sadly.

"It's okay Mk. You did it before, you can do it again!" Mei cheers him up, patting him on the head.

"Yeah. Maybe it's like Monkey King said. The power will come when you need it most." Sandy said, using Monkey Kings words.

"But what use am I if I can't be sure my powers are gonna work?  And gold vision? That's like the baby power. And I can't even do that. I'm not even as good as a baby. So what about 72 transformations, or duplication, or shrinking. Or- how am I meant to fight the Lady Bone Demon?" Mk rants, his voice getting more shrill the more he spoke.

"That's why we're going to find those fancy-pantsy rings, yo. Light her up with samadhi fire, bing bang boom!" Mei says cheerfully. Wrapping an arm around his neck and poking his cheek happily.

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