chapter 4

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I woke at dawn to Levi shaking me violently. I felt the ground shake and my eyes grew wide.

Please... not now

We quickly woke everyone else up and mounted our horses, hoping to outrun the bastards. We should have thought of this last night..... They're attracted to large groups of people. Dammit!

We ran through the trees and spotted three titans coming at us from the right. Mikasa and Erwin activated their 3DM gear and took down the monsters;each of them killing one and sharing the third one.
We continued running until we reached an open field. We slowed and looked around, seeing a hoard of titans coming at us. Shit!
We turned and ran back into the forest for more mobility with our gear. I anchored onto a tree, flying around a titan and killing it. Levi trailed behind me, probably making sure the titans didn't touch me. One of the bastards grabbed my leg and i cut its hand off, allowing me to get away and let Levi finish it off. Armin was doing good in this situation. He was killing a few titans and was remaining fairly calm compared to how he usually is. A titan swung at him and he hit a tree, falling to the ground. He was knocked unconcious.
I distracted the titan while Erwin got Armin out of there. He took him up in a tree to safety. I stabbed the titan in the eyes, blinding him and then cut a huge chunk off of the nape. More titans were coming from all directions......this fight wasn't over yet. I went up and checked on Armin. Erwin was holding him in his lap and gently stroking his hair, softly begging him to wake up. I slowly backed away, hoping i didn't interrupt anything, and continued killing titans. Hanji glided through the trees, cheering and laughing.
She got on a low branch and started to tease a titan.
"Come on big guy i promise i won't hurt you. Cross my heart and hope to die!" the titan reached for her and she jumped out of the way, slicing the nape deep wnough to take off the head. She landed on another branch as the titan hit the ground.
"See? I bet you didn't even feel a thing".
Hanji was crazy.....but she was an elite. An expert at killing titans...but she also showed a great love and passion for the creatures. I don't know why, but i didn't really care as long as she kept killing them. I looked around, suddenly realizing that Levi was nowhere in sight. I got in a tree and panicked.
Shit shit shit!!!
This can't happen....not now...not ever. I need him. If he dies.... I.... No. He's not going to die. He told me before the mission that he was going to stay alive for me.
I pushed it to the back of my mind and focused on slaughtering every last titan. As i sliced through them, some blood splattered on my cheek, burning my flesh slightly.
We finally cut down the last titan. The last one in existence. It's all over. I looked atound for Levi, expecting him to jump into my arms and give me a kiss...... But he wasn't there.
"Where's Levi?" everyone looked at me with questioning looks. Armin looked at me with a glint of fear in his eyes.
Hanji spoke up, "we thought you knew where he was".
My eyes grew wide.
I swung from tree to tree, keeping my eyes on the ground, hoping to see Levi somewhere. My eyes began to water.
What if he was eaten?
I shook my head violently. He was not dead!
I continued looking and finally saw a body on the ground. I stopped and looked to see who it was. I squinted slightly to see the face.
Oh no.....

*A/N* cliffhanger!!!! No sorry for this. I'm starting another chapter right after this i swear.

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