Chapter 14

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WARNING! This chapter may contain spoilers about the identity of the female titan!!! If you haven't completed the Anime, I suggest that you don't read this chapter!!

I charged at the female titan threw a punch at her face. She dodged it and kicked my side, causing me to stumble into a tree. She took a few steps back and held her fists up high to guard her face.
I hesitated before lunging at her and tackling her to the ground. I straddled her waist and held her arms down as I roared in her face. She cringed away from me and turned her head slightly. She kicked me off of her and i flew back and hit a tree. I stood up and she punched my jaw, breaking my face in half. My tongue was hanging out and my body was steaming as i looked at her with rage. My eyes widened for a second before she kicked me and my head flew off. I fell to the ground and she walked over to me, kneeling down and opening her mouth.
Is she going to eat me?

Levi's POV
I flew through the trees to get to Eren, and I came to a complete stop when I saw him. He was lying on the ground and the female titan was kneeling next to him. She opened her mouth and bit down, ripping the skin off of his nape. Eren emerged from the nape and his eyes were slightly open with tears streaming down his face. I couldn't move..... I wanted to save him... I wanted to move!!
She bit down and swallowed Eren. I screamed as he disappeared. She got up and started running away. I gained control of my body again and I went after her.
"Get back here, you piece of shit!"
I took my blades out and flipped them around in my hands, ready to attack. She turned around and threw a punch, but I was expecting that. I spun and dug my blades into her arm, slicing from her wrist to her shoulder and onto her back. I threw myself back and came forward again, shoving my blades into her eyes. She fell against a tree and slid down to a sitting position. I sliced at the skin on her shoulders and arms, flying in a circle around her, all while injuring her more. I sliced her jaw and her mouth opened, revealing a disgusting Eren. I advanced forward and retrieved Eren from her mouth. I turned around and made a hasty retreat.
Mother of Sina, Eren.... You're always scaring me.

Eren's POV
I opened my eyes and sat up. I looked at my surroundings, seeing people wrapping up the dead in cloth. Mikasa was among the dead..... It was all my fault. If I had gone back to help her instead of screaming at her.... She wouldn't.... She would still be here...
I got up and walked over to my dead comrades, cringing away from the smell of their blood. I scanned their heads, the color and length of their hair... The look on their faces... I searched for Mikasa. I made my way down and closed their eyes to finally put them to rest. I stopped in front of Mikasa and i dropped to my knees. I stared at her tear-stained cheeks before reaching down and brushing my hand across her face to gently close her eyes. I opened up the cloth slowly and ripped the patch off the arm of her jacket before putting it in my pocket.
"I'm so sorry, Mikasa..... I should've went back for you..... I should've destroyed her before she could kill you" tears streamed down my cheeks
"I'm so sorry"
Levi put his hand on my shoulder.
"It wasn't your fault, Eren. The important thing is that you tried....... And she's with Ian now. They're finally together again".
I continued to cry and he knelt down next to me before pulling me into his arms. I buried my face into his shoulder and cried harder as he rubbed circles on my back.
"She was always there to save me..... And I couldn't even be there to save her when she needed me the most".
"It's okay Eren. I'm sure she'd forgive you. She wouldn't want you to be upset over this"
I took a shaky breath and sniffled. He kissed my head and helped me stand up.
"Come on.... Lets get her into the wagon"
I nodded slowly and we started loading the bodies into the wagon. I got in there with the bodies to make sure none of them would fall off. Levi asked if I wanted him to ride in there with me and I shook my head.
"You should ride your horse. Tie mine to yours please".
He nodded and got my horse before walking it over to his and tying them together.
"Get ready to move out everyone!"
Erwin yelled at us and everyone got on their horses. I looked at Mikasa and brushed the hair out of her face.
"Everything's going to be okay, Mikasa..... I'm going to destroy her. I'm going to avenge you"

*A/N* so sorry for the long wait. I honestly forgot about this story. But I'll be getting in a lot more updates from now on :)
Anyway!! A huge thank you to everyone who reads this story, it really means a lot to me. Love ya! Mmmwaa! ;)

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