chapter 5

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I jumped off the branch that i was on and ran to him, not caring about the fact that i rolled my ankle when i jumped. I collapsed next to him and began to cry. His thin grey eyes met my teal eyes and he reached up to stroke my cheek.
"Levi...... I-I...what happened?"
He took a deep breath and winced. Okay he definitely had a broken rib.
"Don't worry Eren. It's just a scratch".
Tears flowed down my cheeks. How could he be denying the fact that he was seriously hurt?!
" your eyes. You have a broken have cuts all over your're covered in blood...I-"
"Eren......I'm sorry...". His voice was quiet and weak.
I knit my eyebrows together.
"For what?"
"I broke my promise.....I said.. i wouldn't..die. I-"
"Levi you're not dead. You're not going to die. Do you hear me? We're gonna take you back to Headquarters and take care of you. You're going to be okay".

He's losing a lot of blood....

I paid no attention to my comrades surrounding us until Erwin spoke up.
"Armin. Get the medical supplies".
Armin nodded and ran off, returning shortly with a pack of medical supplies. He handed them to me and put his hand on my shoulder, gently squeezing it.
I wrapped Levi's torso and head in cloth and cleaned his wounds as best as i could with a wet cloth. I handed the pack back to Armin. I gently wrapped Levi in my arms, picking him up bridal style and carrrying him to the wagon. I set him down and sat next to him, grasping his hand gently. Erwin tied Levi's horse to his own and we set off for wall Maria.
We arrived at the wall and the gate slowly opened, allowing us entrance into the city. Levi tried to sit up, failing miserably. I helped him sit up and lean on my shoulder. People cheered as we passed by, screaming things about how we showed those bastards. People were smiling and hugging....and i would occasionally see someone crying. We continued through the city and i heard some men talking about us.
"Isn't that corporal Levi in the wagon?"
"Yeah it is. What happened to him?"
"Titans got to him. Guess he couldn't handle it"
"So much for humanity's strongest".
My blood boiled at that last comment and i shifted to get up, but levi stopped me.
"Eren don't....please".
I nodded and returned to my previous position, accepting his head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of his head.
"Don't worry. It'll be over soon".
He smiled weakly and closed his eyes.
We passed through wall Maria and reached wall Rose, soon arriving at our HQ. I carried Levi inside, reaching our medical center.
I layed him down on a bed and allowed our medical experts work on him. We never take them with us because we obviously need them here when we return.
I sat in a chair outside the room and bounced my leg up and down. Mikasa sat next to me. I looked at the floor. She stayed silent for a minute, glancing at me every few seconds out of the corner of her eye.
"I'm sorry Eren".
"Don't be sorry. He's not dead".
I snapped at her. She looked shocked and i tirned mu attention to the floor.
"Sorry Mikasa.....i shouldn't have snapped at you. I'm just worried about Levi".
She sighed, "i know. I'm glad you found someone to care for you Eren. I don't have someone like that.....i lost Ian".
Ian was her leader when she was placed in the Elite squad while we were cadets. A glorious love story blossomed between them. He asked for my permission to propose to her. They were to be married. And then he died because of me..
"I'm so sorry Mikasa. Ian died because of me. He died... Trying to protect me".
Tears slid down my cheeks as i looked at her with pleading eyes, hoping she would accept my late apology.
"Eren. It's not your fault. He knew the risk he was taking. He fought hard to protect others. He fought snd died to protect you. And for that i am grateful. I'm happy that i still have you by my side".
I hugged her and let her bury her face in my shirt, letting her cry into my chest. I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back.
"It's okay".
She sniffled, "thank you Eren.....for everything".

*A/N* hello my lovelies!! I really hope you like this chapter. Please excuse any typos that might be in here. I'm typing on my phone. Anyway!! I hope you enjoyed this.

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