Chapter 1

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Hey so this is my first story ever so no hate please and I hope you enjoy!


Tommy's POV

Why do I have to be here? oh yeah, to get a stupid education that is apparently going to help me so much in life. I really don't need it. I plan on becoming a professional bass player when I get out of school.

I get bullied for wearing makeup and being gay. I just don't understand why people can't mind their own business and leave me alone. It's not that hard.

The bell rings as I gather my stuff and head out of homeroom.

As I walk through the hall to get to my first period, I spot a bunch of jocks heading my way.

I try to avoid eye contact with them so maybe they won't notice me, I was wrong.

"Faggot!" one of the jocks yelled at me as he pushes me to the ground. My books scatter everywhere. I try to get up just to run away but another jock kicks me down.

"Do you really think you can get away from us?" another jock says.

Teachers walk by just ignoring this.

No one cares about me. I start bursting into tears knowing what's gonna happen.

As prepare myself for an impact I hear someone yelling in my direction.

"Hey! Get to class! Now!" the voice says. The jocks back away from me confused and then run away.

What just happened. Did someone actually save me.

"Hey, are you ok?" The man says as he helps me up. "Yeah, I guess." I turn around to look at the man.

I look into his eyes. His ocean blue eyes. His eyes are so beautiful. He was wearing a black suit with a purple glittery tie. He had eyeliner on with purple eyeshadow. His hair was black and framed his face.

Damn, this man was breathtaking. I have never seen him here before, he must be new here. I was almost lost in his eyes but he then said something which snapped me out of my trance.

"Hello? What class do you have first period?"he said with a little laughter.

"I have music first period." I said. God, this man was beautiful. His smile is perfect. Wait why am I thinking like this?

"Great, I teach music now since your old teacher quit" he said."I'll see you there" he said, about to walk away but turned towards me again.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Um it's Tommy, Tommy Joe Ratliff" I responded. My voice was shaky. Why am I so nervous.

"I'm Mr.Lambert. Come see me if you ever need anything, ok?" he said. I nodded in response right before he walked away.

Does he really care? Well he's the only one who has actually ever helped me ever. His eye were so beautiful and his lips were so lu- wait stop tommy, he's your teacher, you need to stop.

I keep having thoughts about it as I walk to his class for first period.


ok so I'm writing this on my phone because I don't have a computer. I'm sorry it's so short but it's my first story so I don't know how long to make it
but thank you so much for reading it is my first book so I don't know how well this will be and I will come out with the next chapter soon so byeee!

The New TeacherWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt