Chapter 7

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Tommy's POV

I wake up surrounded in warmth. I look up to see Adam staring into my eyes.

"Goodmorning babyboy." Adam said with a smile.

"Goodmorning." I said smiling back at him.

"We have school tomorrow, so we have to get up early." Adam says as he puts his hand against my cheek.

"Ugh, don't even remind me." I groaned, rubbing my face into his chest. God I could stay like this all day.

"I'm gonna go shower, you can shower after I'm done." He said.

"Ok." I said.

Adam hoped out bed and well, he still wasn't dressed. I smirked.

Adam looked at me,obviously embarrassed, it was cute.

"Don't stare at my ass babe!" He said, covering his a as with his hands.

"But I can't help it." I pouted.

He laughed and walked into the bathroom.

What am I going to do? School is tomorrow and everyone is going to see him with me walking into school together.

After Adam got out of the shower. He came into the room with a towel.

"Your turn babyboy." he said.

I got up and headed to the bathroom. Damn it I'm naked still.

As I started to walk to the bathroom, Adam grabs my hips and roughly kisses me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss.

Adams tongue ravaged my mouth. I rake my fingers through his hair, causing him to moan.

I giggle into the kiss. Adams hands slid down to my ass and gripped, his fingers digging into my ass. He squeezed with his hands, causing me to moan.

I could hear him smirking at me.

"Go shower babe." he said as he smirked at me.

"Well I was going to before I was rudely interrupted." I said as matter of fact.

"Guilty." Adam laughs.

I walk into the bathroom.

After I got out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into the bedroom.

I don't see Adam at all. I get dressed into my clothes and walked downstairs.

I don't see Adam anywhere.

I yell his name but no answer. Where is he? Did he leave me?

I start to panic. Then the door opened and closed. I heard something being set on the table.

"Tommy?" I hear Adams name call to me.

"ADAM!!!!!" I ran to him and jumped on him, wearing my arms around his neck and my legs around him.

He stumbled back but put his arms under me, supporting me.

"What the hell happened Tommy?"he asked.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"I just went to get us Starbucks." he answered. I could tell he was still surprised.

"I thought you left me..." I said,hugging him.

"I would never do that to you." He said as he carried me to his couch so that we were sitting next to each other.

Adam lifted my head up to look at him with his fingers.

"I love you Tommy." he said.

I could tell he was waiting for me to say something.

"I love you too." I said.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I said because I forgot to say it last time since I was...busy.

"Yes." he said.

Adam leaned in and kissed me.

Adam tongue asks for entrance and I accepted.

Adam pushed me down so he was on top of me.

I rubbed my fingers through his hair and I but his lip, causing him to moan.

Adam the started to slowly grind on me. I groaned.

"Let's go drink the coffee." Adam says as he gets up.

"aw ok." I said in response.

"Come on babyboy." Adam says. Adam kisses my cheek and gets up.


Me and Adam are cuddled up in his bed. We lay facing each other. Arms wrapped around each other and legs intertwined.

His warmth is so soothing to me.

Man. I wish that this night would never be over

Adams POV

I need to wake Tommy up, school starts in an hour.

I shake Tommy. "Wake up babe, we have school today." I say gently.

"Mm mm five more minutes." Tommy says as he turn away from me.

"Fine then, no more kisses for today." I say.

"I'm up" Tommy shot up in bed and jumped out of bed.

He is so cute.

We both did our morning routine and got in the car.

Once we arrived at school,l we both got out of the car and looked at eachother.

"I don't wanna gooo." I whined.

"Nether do I but we have to babe." He said, looking at me.

"But at least I get to see you all day." I said smiling at him.

"That's the best part." I say as we both make our way inside.

We were early so no one was there. We were 20 minutes early.

So we both went to my classroom after I checked in.

When the door closed, Tommy sat on a desk. I laid my hands on Tommy's upper thighs. Tommy wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Your fucking gorgeous." I say as I presss my lips against his forehead. I leave a trail of kisses from his forehead to his cheek, then to his lips.

he scooted up closer and wrappers his legs around me.

After a little makeup session, I decided because I felt that Tommy's and I were getting too excited down below the belt .

"I love you Adam." Tommy said ad he pressed his forehead against mine.

"I love you too, Tommy." I said, smiling at him.

We noticed people starting to come into the school one by one.

"I should get my stuff and head to homeroom." Tommy said as he jumped off the desk.

"Ok babyboy, see you in first period." I said as Tommy started to walk out of the classroom.

I grabbed Tommy by the wrist and gave him a peck on the lips.

"See you babe." I said.

"Ok bye babe." Tommy chuckled as he walked out of the classroom.


hey guys, sorry it took so long for me to update, I have been sick and a lil busy so no fun.
I'm actually still sick but oh well.
Thank you guys so much for reading and u will update the next chapter soon. byeee!

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