Chapter 11

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Adam's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock with Tommy by my side.

He's even cute when he sleeps.

I start to shake Tommy lightly but it doesn't work.

"Tommy get up or I'll push you off." I said as I shook him harder.

"Mmm no babe." Tommy said as he turned away from me.

"Fine then." I say as I push Tommy off the bed.

Tommy yelled as he got up.

"We have to get ready for school let's go babe." I giggled and got ready for the day.

When I walked into my class, I saw Mrs.Twain leaning against my desk.

"So Adam, did you know that it's illegal for a teacher to date a student?" She smirked at me.

"What the hell do you want?" I said annoyed.

"You. If I can't have you then your secret relationship will be brought out in the open." She said as she walked closer to me.

"Break up with Tommy. Be with me."Mrs.Twain whispers as she leans up against me.

I push her back hard as I yell "Never Bitch!"

Mrs Twain was shocked at first but she dashed out of the room.

What have I done...

Tommy's POV

I walk to Adams class first period. I'm so happy just to see his face.

I walked in the classroom to see Adam looking very depressed.

I walk up to him.

"What's wrong babe?" I ask so only he can hear me.

"If anyone asks about our relationship, deny it. No matter what." He says as he looks into my eyes.

"Ok." I answer as I walk back to my seat.

During class, Adam walked back to me and leaned close to me and while no one was watching. Kissed my cheek.

"What? What if someone saw us?!?"I whispered to him.

"I love you no matter what baby boy." he said before he walked away.

What's going on with him?

He's acting so strange.

Did I do something.

I jumped when I heard some announcements come on.

"Mr.Lambert and Thomas Joseph Ratliff come to the office." and like always, the classroom us filled with OOOOOOOOHHHH's

Adam looked at me almost terrified. I returned the look.

Adam and I walk out of the room and to the office.

When we get there, some police were in the room.

Oh shit this is and this is really bad.

Just listen to Adam and just deny it just listen to Adam and just deny it.

I play those words over and over again in my head.

The officers motioned for us to go I to a private room and both of us sat down.

"The reason I called you in here is for a serious matter. Rumors have been going around that you two are together, is this true?" The officer asked.

"No it's not true."Adam answered.

"Yeah it's defiantly not true." I said.

"Mrs.Twain explained to me that you two are living together, is she right?" The officer asked.

"Yes it is true." Adam answered.

"Tommy was kicked out of his house and I happened to find him wandering the streets and I felt like he needed a place to stay." Adam stated.

"Then why do you think Mrs.Twain made this accusation?"The officer asked.

"I don't know honestly, she might have saw us together and got the wrong idea. She does hate Tommy." Adam said.

Wow Adams too good at this I'm actually believing him.

"Is that it?" The officer asked.

"Yes." Both Adam and I said.

"Then you may go." Theodore said.

Me and Adam walked out if the room and headed to class.

"That was close Adam." I said.

"I know, but we will make it I
promise." Adam smiled at me.

Then we both walked into class.

Omg guys thank you so much for reading I really appreciate it.

Sorry this chapter wasn't as long.


Thank you so much for reading and I will make more updates soon



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