Chapter 15

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I regret saying that I'm gonna write two chapters and a Christmas special. but I have my word.

Tommy's POV

I slam my foot on the pedal. I need to get to him. I need him.

I took out my phone and dialed 911.

"Hello this is 911, what is your emergency?" the operator asked.

"Hi. This is Tommy Joe Ratliff and my boyfriend has been kidnapped!" I said to her.

I continued to answer her questions and I have her the address of the abandoned house.

"Alright, help will be on the way sir." the operator said to me.

"Thank you Ma'am. please hurry." I said to her.

"I'll try my hardest, try to relax in the meantime, bye." she said as she hung up the phone.

Please be ok Adam, I'm coming for you.

I'm pretty sure I'm going 70 miles above the speed limit, but I couldn't care less.

Every turn I made cause my tires to screech.

I arrived upon the abandoned house and slammed on the brakes.

I reached into a compartment in them car and pulled out a gun, I'll make sure whoever took MY Adam will regret it for the rest of their damn life.

Adam's POV


What does Sauli want with me?

I just wanna live a happy life with Tommy.

A life where we would hold each other every night.

A life where I knew that everytime I woke up, he would be right there,next to me.

A life where I wouldn't have to worry about what others say about us.

A life where everything would be perfect and I would be able to take care of Tommy, only Tommy.

A life where I could have a family with Tommy.

My life revolves around Tommy, he is the only one I care about.

I hear a door open.


"So Adam, have you finally come to your senses to be with me?" Sauli says as he walks over to me.

"Fuck off!" I spit at him.

Sauli walks over to me and grabs my face.

"Oh boy, I love you."Sauli says.

He slams his lips onto mine.

Trying to stick his tongue in my mouth but I sucked my lips into my mouth and slammed it shut before he kissed me.

"Aw baby, Trying to avoid my kiss?" Sauli says.

I jump when I hear the door slam open.

" Touch my Adam again and I will shoot you!" I hear a voice say.

The voice sounds pissed, VERY pissed.

Sauli lets go of me and turns around.

"Tommy! how nice of you to join us! All alone." Sauli says as he walks over to Tommy.

"Don't come near me!" Tommy shouts at him.

Sauli laughed at him.

"TOMMY NO!" I shouted when I saw Sauli pull out a gun.

Tommy looked at me and looked back at Sauli.

"TOMMY RUN!" I scream but it's too late.

I hear a gunshot and I see Tommy fall.

I go limp.

All I remember are sirens and police after that.

Then I black out.

Where am I?

I wake up to a bright light and notice that I'm in a hospital bed.

"Hello?"I ask.

"Oh Adam your awake." I see a nurse walk up to me.

"You just fainted for awhile. We will give you something to eat and you can leave." She says as she brings me food.

Ugh, I hate hospital food.

The nurse walks back in and takes my plate.

"Where's Tommy?" I ask.

She looks at me and ignores my question.

"WHERES TOMMY!?!?!" I basically scream at her.

"I'm sorry to say this to you but he's dead." She says to me.



This can't be.

I'm dreaming.

I burst out crying and screaming.

"TOMMY!!!!" I scream.

"NOOOOO!!!!!"" I yell.

"Please calm down sir!" The nurse say to me.

"I CANT THATS MT BABYBOY!!!" I scream at her.

I lost all my reasons to live.

Doctors run in the room and but a mask on me, in getting tired. Really tired.

I want......

So Tommy is dead.

I hate to say it but this isn't a dream.

Tune into the next chapter that could be the end.


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