1.2. The Bar

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'Ash!!' -F/C
Frank and Clay smile at me intensely, making them the light of my life. Frank is the popular, rich type. While Clay the soft, pansy type.

'Ashton. You're late.' My boss mutters, followed by him throwing a washcloth into my chest.

The washcloth falls, just before i grab him by the neck, and gouge my boss' eyes out. He swiftly drops to the floor and eat his seemingly empty insides. Only blackish, ripe blood, no organs, no bile or plasma, just ripe, earthly blood. Everyone screams, as if they haven't wanted to do this for eternity.

He's still breathing.

'Earth to Ashton?!' He's still alive...

'Get to work, jackass!!'

I hear the sweet laughter, mixed with a dash of muffles from the crowd of old men and my little group.

I pause to get a glimpse of the moonlight, shadowed by smoky, wine-stained windows. Reddish scratches remind me of the blood seeping through my flesh. Perhaps a sign of hope? Or is the moon looking over me tonight?

My crushing bane of existence, now rudely interrupted by the joyous sparks of Clay, Vlad and Frank.

'Get over here, yah goop!!' -F
I stumble over, giving me enough time to collect my thoughts and fantasies.

'Fix me a drink will you, my love??' -V

I'm in love with him, i swear as i yell
'You got it, sugar tits!!'

First drink of the night, always vlad's

My Bar Regulars // Ashton's POV //Where stories live. Discover now