𓈒⠀ ୭ৎ⠀⠀𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒.

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͘ ͘ ౨ৎ⠀ ͘ 𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐀 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  .ᐟ  ⟢  ۫
  ✶ . ࣪ ׅ   𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒.

pop music blasted through holly's ears as she poked her fork into her lettuce, sighing and staring around the loud asphalt café filled with rowdy students

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pop music blasted through holly's ears as she poked her fork into her lettuce, sighing and staring around the loud asphalt café filled with rowdy students. it was her second official full week at a new school, hollywood arts high school, to be specific. two weeks, yet still no friends. 

in all honestly, holly wanted to go back home to alabama. it was calmer there, with beautiful views of the sunset over the fields and the sounds of farm animals waking her up in the morning.

just as holly was about to pull out her phone and text her mom, she felt a tap on her shoulder, distracting her. the girl pulled out her earphones and turned around to be met with a smiley redhead. "hi, i'm cat! what's your name?"

"i'm holly, why ya asking?" holly forced a smile onto her face, but it just ended up turning into a weird mixture of a frown and some other unexplainable emotion.

"me and my friends," cat pointed to a group of teenagers, all varying in expressions, from scowls to friendly and sheepish smiles, "we all noticed you were in sikowitz' class!"

holly raised a brow curiously, as if asking cat to get to the point. gladly, the redhead did just as holly wished. "so, we were wondering, would you like to sit with us?" cat's tone quieted down by the end of her sentence out of bashfulness, but her smile still stayed prominent, resulting in a small grin from holly, as well.

"well, i reckon i could sit with you and your gang... why not?" holly playfully flashed cat a smirk before grabbing all her stuff and linking arms with her newfound friend who led her to the filled-up lunch table.

"hey guys, this is holly!" cat introduced holly to the rest of her friends as the blonde girl waved shyly to everyone and exchanged pleasantries, preparing to sit down and continue her lunch, only to be stopped by a girl adorned with black clothing and accessories from head-to-toe.

"don't sit next to my boyfriend." the girl deadpanned, and if looks could kill, holly could've sworn she'd be a dead girl right about now. so, for her own safety, she simply nodded and laughed awkwardly before moving over to sit herself down next to a dreadhead instead of her original spot.

everyone at the table (except for the 'girlfriend') winced slightly at the interaction. "so, i see you've met jade. she's clearly the sweetest one here." the boy next to holly nudged her shoulder and joked.

"don't start, andré!" holly's eyes widened as jade threatened andré with nothing but a black plastic fork. the aforementioned boy put his hands up, as a sign of surrender.

"jade!" holly turned her attention to a boy with fluffy brown hair. "stop—"

he was quickly cut off by another one of jade's petty comments. "what, so you don't lo—"

"why would i— i never said that!"

holly couldn't help but giggle a little to herself while watching the entire group blow up into a playful banter. "are y'all always like this? throwing hissy fits?" holly glanced sideways, towards a lanky boy with curls.

"oh, yeah." instead of the boy, the puppet resting on his hand responded. "why? you wanna go somewhere else with me, pretty girl? somewhere quiet?"

holly's brows furrowed in confusion and disappointment towards the curly-headed boy, who just shrugged out of embarrassment before reprimanding his... puppet. (which didn't really work, considering that the puppet only shouted back louder at its owner.)

holly looked around the table before locking eyes with cat, the only one not arguing with anyone currently. the both of them failed to hold eye contact for long, however, since the two girls just ended up laughing at the situation around them.

throughout all the chaos, holly couldn't help but zone out, wondering. maybe hollywood arts wasn't as bad as she'd imagined? not only did she have some pretty cool (and hectic) friends now, but the school even had her name in it!

◞          ಣ  ˚   。        via note     this prologue shows how holly became friends withthe rest of the gang! takes place 1 year before the pilotepisode <3 next part will be the pilot episode, tho! staytuned

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◞          ಣ  ˚   。        via note     
this prologue shows how holly became friends with
the rest of the gang! takes place 1 year before the pilot
episode <3 next part will be the pilot episode, tho! stay
tuned. not proofread, wc 742

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