Chapter 1: Kildare Academy

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I've always loved the ocean. It's so loud that the world goes silent. The waves hitting against the shore in perfect harmony. The vast amount of sand that's soft to the touch. I like to think of the ocean as a whole other world. Many people fear its unknown nature but it's the discovery of new life that makes it magical. I love the way the ocean moves in the sun. Each curve is highlighted by a golden light only the eye can capture. I love the ocean breeze as it wafts salty air over you. The wind is also silent. I guess everything seems silent when you are at peace in the world. I wish I could stay at peace by the ocean everyday. But that's wishful thinking. Life is constantly moving just like the waves and it's impossible to break away. I'm stuck in a current.

"Kiara! Come inside it's time for dinner," mom calls.

I make my way to the house, shaking off the sand from my feet as I enjoy the last breeze of the night. The porch lights glow as the sun begins to lower. A waft of smoke from the grill fills the air.

"Are we having grilled shrimp?" I ask excitedly.

"I thought after spending all this time at The Wreck you'd be sick of it," dad says laughing.

The Wreck is our family owned restaurant. We're known for the best seafood in Outer Banks. Even Kooks will come down just to try it. If you're not aware, Outer Banks is made up of two types of people. The Kooks, and the Pogues. The Kooks are wealthy and arrogant people. They think their big houses and luxurious lifestyle give them the right to shit on everyone else. I'm a Pogue. We work for what we have and live with the land. My mom always hated this social construct. She wants me to live a better life than she and my dad did. They both want me to have more opportunities. I'm grateful for all their work and I notice that I live better than a few of my friends. Still, I'll always be a pogue at heart. Up until now.

"So Kiara, are you excited for your first day of school tomorrow? High school can be scary. But knowing you, the high school should be the one that's scared," mom says while fixing my hair.

"I just don't understand why I have to go to Kildare Academy. John B, JJ, and Pope are all going to Kildare County High School. I want to go with them, not a bunch of kooks." I say aggravated.

"You know I hate that word. Don't be going around calling anyone that tomorrow, ok?" My mom looks at me with a stern eye.

"I know you'll miss your friends but you'll make new ones. Change is inevitable Kiara, and things can always change for the better," dad says while handing me a plate of grilled shrimp.

"I can't believe we have to wear uniforms. That is some full kook-," I cough.

"I mean, that is a little much don't you think?"

"Actually it'll be perfect. You won't show up to school anymore in sweatpants, or claim you have nothing to wear." My mom smirks.

I sigh. "I wish I didn't have to start high school. It would be easier to stay on summer vacation."

"Wouldn't we all love to be on summer vacation," dad says loudly.

We all start laughing.

"Mike, our little girl is all grown up." My mom says teary eyed.

"No way. She'll always be our little girl."

My parents get up and begin to hug me tightly.

"Ok guys stop! I love you too!" I say laughing.

The next morning I woke up to the pesky sound of an alarm. Its endless ringing filled the house. I slam it aggressively and sleep in for another 10 minutes. My mom wakes me up excitedly and I make my way to the bathroom, trying to make myself presentable. I stare at my school uniform. The white buttoned down shirt finely pressed against the plaid skirt. It fit well but the socks were beyond itchy. I head downstairs for breakfast and talk to my mom about all of our agreements. Be respectful, be responsible, and be yourself. I head for the door, putting on my new dress shoes. They pinch at the top and are tight on the sides. No wonder Kooks are so uptight, they're walking in tap shoes. My dad pulls up the car and we head to the school.

"You nervous?" He asks.

"Of high school? No. The people. Yeah." I say looking out the window.

The morning sun glistens above the trees. Birds fly from one branch to the next. I watch as the trees change shapes and colours. Sometimes it looks like a kaleidoscope. The light can hypnotize you in to forgetting where you are. It wasn't working this time.

"If anyone gives you trouble you know to fight back. You're strong Kiara, you always have been. Don't let anyone get you down, you have just as much right to be there as anyone else." My dad says trying to be motivational.

"The thing is dad, I don't want to be there at all. I don't want to have the right to be there." I say annoyed.

"Well, you're going to have to. We're here."

I grab my bag and get out of the car. The top of the building reads "Kildare Academy" in big engraved letters. The campus is sparkling with wealth. The buildings are all white with black roofing. Tall pillars support it, and wide doors wrap the edges. The grass is green with zero patches in sight. Everything seems pristine as if someone's been keeping it up all summer. It's meant to impress. People pass by in the uniforms, going into and out of the buildings. They stand in corners, chatting in groups. I hear rich laughter coming from each student recalling their summer vacation. I stand outside of the car, looking around anxiously.

"Hey Kiara. I believe in you," dad says with a warm smile.

"Thanks dad. I love you." I say forcing a smile.

"Don't stress out you'll be great. I love you see you after school!" He says driving away.

Loneliness has never felt so unpleasant. Before I met my best friends I felt lonely. It felt like no one wanted to talk to me. It seemed as if I was weird or didn't know how to make friends. But this is a different type of alone. An alone where you not only feel different but know you're a social pariah. Someone that people will not ignore but instead look down on. This type of loneliness is much worse.

I stand in front of the great hall watching as students continue to pass by. I head for the office, trying to find my first class. The polished floors smell like a new car. I look down and see my worried face in the floors reflection. The dress shoes make it feel like I'm walking on ice. I slip every so often with each step. People in the hallways continue to chat. Some break away from their conversations and begin to look me up and down. I want to have the strength to stare back but right now I just feel scared. I manage to find the office and head inside. The office, just like outside, is pristine. A bowl of shiny apples sits on the front desk beside a lively plant. The interior is made up of polished wood, each panel soaked with history and accomplishments. I look at the walls filled with plaques and newspaper articles about the school's stellar reputation.

"Can I help you with something dear?" A voice says from the desk beside me.

"Um yes, I'm looking for my first class." I say nervously.

"What's your name dear, I'll get you your class schedule."

"Kiara Carrera."

Suddenly a voice is heard behind me. I feel the presence of someone looming over me.

"Kiara Carrera? What a surprise seeing you here."

I turn around to see him. A tall boy with light brown hair covering his blue eyes. He stands proud with his shoulders back. His navy polo shirt unbuttoned at the top and slightly untucked from his pants. This boy embodies everything I hate about kooks. This boy is Rafe Cameron.

Rafe and Kie: Kook YearWhere stories live. Discover now