Chapter 9: Halloween house party

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I wake up to a golden room. The sun has finally started to set, meaning the full moon is about to rise. I check my phone for the time. 8:15 p.m. The party doesn't start until 9:00 and I thought it was best to get a nap before hand. Halloween has finally arrived. Kildare Island is set for the festivities. Pumpkins are placed on every porch, and bowls of candy are laid out for the children who trick-or-treat. I remember last year, John B, JJ, Pope, and I went trick-or-treating. We hit all the Kook houses in my neighbourhood. Everyone knows Kook houses give out the full size candy bars. I also remember JJ betting us he could eat all the candy bars that night. He spent the rest of Halloween hunched over in stomach pain. A part of me wished we could do it again this year. But I was too old for trick-or-treating now anyways, it's best to go to a party and make a new life for myself. I don't regret this decision because if there's one thing Outer Banks is known for, it's how to party.

My mom yells at me from the living room. "Kiara! Hurry! It's starting to get late and your dad is already waiting in the car."

"Almost ready!" I respond, knowing I was in fact not ready at all.

I throw on my white dress and black corset. The dress is soft and has frills on the bottom, making my waist look even smaller in the corset. I've never worn something like this before, nor have I gone to a party before. My mom gifted me a pair of dark brown boots to wear and a red banana to tie around my head. After braiding the front strands of my hair and pairing the outfit with gold jewelry and black eyeliner, I was ready. I walk to the living room to find my mom holding a camera.

"Aw don't you look so cute! That pirate costume was a great choice. I wish your friend Sarah were here so I can get a picture of the both of you."

My mom takes some pictures as I smile and hold out my skirt.

"I'll take some when I get there," I offer.

"Amazing. Ok so..." she gets serious.

I know a parental conversation is about to take place.

"Let's go over the rules one last time. Don't drink, I mean you can drink a little but just enough where you're still aware of your surroundings. Also don't take a drink from anyone especially if they hand something to you and ask you to 'try it'. Don't take anything that someone offers you to try honestly. Please call us if you need anything or when you want to come home. Topper only lives 3 minutes away, I'd feel much safer if your dad picked you up rather than some drunk driver driving you into a tree trunk on your way home."

"Thanks for that visual mom."

"And have fun! This is your first high school party I'm so excited!" She gives me a tight hug.

"You know Kie, you hit a real rough patch these last few weeks with going to a new school and all. But I'm so proud to see you finally embracing it and making friends." She starts tearing up.

"I love you mom," I say giving her one final hug and heading for the car outside.

I get into the car to see my dad looking at my costume.

"Since when did pirates become cool again?" He asks smiling.

"I don't know. Sarah said they're the it thing right now."

"Well she ought to know. I have to give you 'the speech' or did your mom already do that?" He laughs.

"Of course she did, but I'm happy to hear your version," I say smiling.

"You're smart Kiara, you know what you're doing," he says backing the car out onto the road.

I appreciate my parent's concern. I'm also grateful that they trust me. As long as I don't make spontaneous decisions and don't cause any trouble, they'll keep trusting me this way. We get to Topper's house at a reasonable time. I say bye to my dad and watch him drive off. The place is packed with people. The field is crowded with colourful costumes and clusters of groups all laughing and drinking out of red solo cups. I head up the white, wooden stairs to the porch, pushing past a few people in the way. I lock eyes with Sarah and walk over with excitement. We both grin and hold each other's hands, cheering as we look at our costumes.

Rafe and Kie: Kook YearWhere stories live. Discover now