Chapter 3: Slip Ups

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First period was a nice start to the school year. A nice teacher, a calm class. I couldn't have asked for a better recovery. I walk down the hallway checking my schedule for period 2. "Science" it reads in bold letters. I check signs in the hallway leading up to the classroom. A group of students stand by a water fountain, laughing as they mess around with the broken faucet. Suddenly the floor feels more polished than before. My shoes begin to slide and I fall back in a puddle of water. My mind goes blank as people stop to look at me. The room feels like it's getting smaller and smaller. The sound of laughter growing louder. I want to curl up into a ball and forget this place. Forget that I'm under a spotlight. I stand up, grabbing my bag that's now dripping with water. My skirt and socks are soaked as well. Wet clothes are nothing compared to the torment inflicted by words. People in the hallway begin talking to me. They don't want a response, they want to see me embarrassed, and I am. Voices fill the room.

"What a loser."

"She is a disaster."

"This girl does not fit in here. Just go home."

I walk faster, teary eyed.

A girl stops me and looks me in the eyes.

"No wonder your parents call their restaurant The Wreck. I mean look at you." She says grinning.

Her friends begin to laugh. They are intoxicated by my humiliation.

Suddenly the sadness I felt turned into rage. The fear I had gave me adrenaline. I felt the blood coursing through my veins as my fist tightened. I was never meant to fit in here. Being nice gets you nothing in a world that's decided your fate. The only thing stronger than ego is strength...

I wasn't proud of what I did next. Neither was the school on account of me spending second period in the office. The clock ticks as time passes. I wait to speak to the principal. The apples from this morning seem less shiny than before. The plant seems to be browning at the end of the leaves. I guess gaining control took getting in trouble. That seems to be a common theme in the world. You can't be touched if you remain tough. I spot the girl I fought leaving the principals office. Her eyes are puffy from tears and her cheek is red and splotchy. That's going to be a nice bruise by tomorrow. I usually don't condone violence, but I feel vindicated knowing that her ugly inside will now match her outside. The principal opens his door and gestures for me to come in.

"Have a seat," he says pointing to a red polyester chair.

I sit down admiring the room. It's filled with natural light from the large window behind the desk. Book shelves cover the walls. A gold name plate reading "Mr. Beaumont," sits on his desk. A brown globe sits on a table between the red chairs. I wonder if he's travelled to all the places on the globe. Running Kildare Academy would give him enough resources to do so.

"Kiara is it? I don't think we've met yet, I'm Mr. Beaumont," he says sitting down in his leather chair.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," I say with a hint of sarcasm in my mind.

"Indeed. Your parents seem pleased that you're attending this school."

"You spoke to my parents?" I ask.

"Yes, your mom emailed me this morning. They believe this is a great opportunity, and I kindly replied that it was."

I sit in silence, waiting for him to bring up the recent incident.

"They've made it clear that coming here is out of your comfort zone. Would they be correct?" He asks, sitting up straighter.

"Sort of." I say timidly.

"Why is that, may I ask?"

"I'm just not used to" I look around at the finely furnished room.

"You'll get used to it, considering you're here. As I've mentioned. This is a great opportunity. Don't waste it."

I nod in agreement.

"I heard about your little brawl in the hallway. Quite a ruckus you caused. I spoke to Ms. Sinclair and she wants her parents to press charges. I advised her to not do so on account of making the first day an official disaster. However, your misconduct will not go unnoticed by the school."

He looks at me sternly.

"I'm sorry. Really, I didn't mean to punch her. I just-," I pause, collecting my thoughts.

Mr. Beaumont interjects.

"The first day of school is hard. The first day of high school is even harder. Still, you had no right to get physical with another student. We don't tolerate such behaviour at Kildare Academy. Seeing as this is your first warning I will not give you a suspension. You will, however, be attending detention after school this week. From today on I don't want to see any trouble from you Ms. Carrera. Is that clear?"

He stands up and tightens the button on his blazer. I stand up as well, brushing off my soaked skirt.

"Yes Mr. Beaumont," I say opening the door.

"One more thing."

I turn around.

"There's a lost and found under the stairwell to the left. Perhaps you can find a change of clothes if you don't have a spare uniform. I'll excuse your dress code for today. There is no reason to sit in wet clothes during school."

I thank him while leaving the room. I let out a sigh after closing the doors. The hallway is silent with everyone in their class. I hear my footsteps on the floor as I head for the lost in found. There are not many options except for short white socks folded inside out, and old gym shorts sitting on the floor. I shiver at the sight of the socks and decide wearing the gym shorts is my best bet. The dress shoes look beyond stupid with the shorts. I grab a pair of dirty white sneakers to wear for the day. I put them on, finally feeling a grip beneath my feet. I put the dress shoes in my bag and hear someone walking above the stairwell. I look up, only to make eye contact with Rafe. He looks me up in down in silence. A smirk starts appearing on his face.

"Rough day Kie?" He asks staring at my sneakers.

"Don't call me that." I say seriously.

His smirk grows in to a smile.

"This is amusing for you isn't it?" I ask.

"A little," he says nodding.

"Why do you insist on bothering me Rafe? You don't even know me." I ask curiously.

"You're right I don't. You're just easy to bother."

I pick up my bag and head up the stairs, passing by Rafe as he continues to watch me.

"You don't belong here Kiara. But maybe the school needs someone like you. Someone different. Don't be weak."

I turn around to find an empty stairwell. Was Rafe trying to be nice? Was he genuinely trying to help, or get in to my head? Rafe is a bad guy. There is no way he'd help anyone, especially a Pogue like me. Maybe he doesn't see me as a Pogue, or maybe he wants me to distract the school from his own bad behaviour. But he's right about one thing. I have to stay at Kildare Academy. I may be a Pogue, I may be different, but one thing I will never be is weak.

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