Chapter 4: P4L

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The rest of the day I spent alone and quiet, briefly catching glances from people judging my choice of clothing. Lunch was unbearably lonely. I ate a sandwich outside in the back parking lot, thinking about what John B, JJ, and Pope were up to. At the end of the day I spent an hour in detention. In the spare time I completed todays homework. Receiving homework on the first day left me baffled for a minute. After detention I put back the clothes from the lost and found and headed home in a partially damp skirt. The school was not too far from my house. During the walk I thought about what I will tell my parents. Punching someone and receiving detention is not what they had in mind for my good first impression. The air feels hot as I stroll through the valley of trees. It reminds me of summer. I arrive home feeling a difficult conversation ahead of me. The door creaks as I unlock it.

"Hi mom I'm home," I say loudly.

"Kiara! Good thing you're back, school ended over an hour ago I've been waiting all afternoon!"

She seems excited. There is no way she heard about what happened. For a moment I question whether I should bring it up. Ultimately, the best course of action was telling her the truth.

"Ya about that...I kind of had detention..." I say awkwardly.

The room is silent.

"I'm sorry, did you say detention? How in the hell did you get detention?" She looks concerned.

"I got into a fight with some girl and they gave me detention for the week."

"THE WEEK! You got into a fight?! Kiara..."

My mom appears frazzled. The shakes her head, most likely deciding if she will kill me or not.

"Did she deserve it?" She asks.

I stand still, shocked by the response.

"Um ya...she did."

"Well then. I'm glad you're alright. Are you alright?" She holds my head.

"Yes mom I'm fine. Sort of. The first day was rough. I got my homework done in detention though so that's a highlight. My English teacher also seems nice."

"That's good. You can tell me more about it over dinner, your dad should be home any minute."

She heads over to the kitchen getting the plates ready.

"Actually mom, I was thinking of heading over to John B's place," I say heading for my room.

"Actually no."

I stop, coming up with reasons to leave in my head.

"Let's have dinner first and then you can go." She smiles and eyes for me to sit.

"Alright mom." I smile back.

Over dinner, my parents and I shared an interesting discussion about my school day. The house was quiet afterwards. A part of me hoped they were thinking about pulling me out of the academy. Another part hoped they'd let me stay so I can show those Kooks that they don't matter to me. Today has been nothing but a mind fuck. I needed to get out of the house and stop stressing. I change into a white tank top and denim shorts. The comfort of my converse after a day in dress shoes is incomprehensible. My dad drives me over to John B's house. My parents don't understand the relationship I have with these boys. They think hanging around them will get me in trouble in the future. Their fears are just frustrating because they are my best friends. I don't care if I get in trouble as long as they're by my side. John B's house looks the same as ever. A one story, white panelled house with a giant live oak tree in the front yard. I spot everyone sitting on the porch. JJ and Pope are in a heated argument. It sounded like something along the lines of best ways to make a sandwich. I walk up to the porch.

"Hey guys."

"Kie! You're here! Finally someone with some good input. Listen to this, Pope thinks that tomatoes and lettuce should go beneath the meat in a sandwich. I mean clearly he's on crack because the toppings should go on TOP!"

JJ looks at Pope and back to me.

"You're crazy man. The tomato on top makes the bread all slippery," Pope responds.

"Guys can you shut up for like one minute, Kiara spent her day at Kook Academy don't you want to hear about it," John B says stopping the argument. He looks back at me.

I smile, sitting down on the couch. I tuck my hair behind my ear and sigh.

"I missed you guys." I look up at them.

"We missed you too Kie," JJ says giving me a hug.

"Ya it wasn't the same without you. So how was the school?" John B asks.

"Rumour has it, kids pay off the teachers to not give them homework," JJ says.

"Does that work?" Pope asks.

"I don't know, does it?" JJ looks at me.

"I didn't see anyone try, but I wouldn't put it past them. Those Kooks were a bunch of assholes."

John B looks at me concerned.

"Did something happen?"

"I wish I could say no but...a lot happened. First of all I slipped into a puddle of water and had to wear gym shorts and old sneakers from the lost and found all day. Second I got bullied by a bunch of Kooks for not belonging there, and lastly I got called to the principals office for punching someone and now I have a week's detention." I look away from them.

"Hold on. You punched a Kook?! Like you walked on to their turf, said I'm staying here, and punched one of them? That is...the best thing...I've ever heard Kie." JJ says jumping and patting me on the back.

"It wasn't one of my finest moments JJ. I regret doing it. I mean the look on her face was worth it but I still got detention for it, and now a reputation."

"Screw the reputation Kiara, at least she'll never bother you again." John B says kindly.

I smile at the thought.

"Wait, so you got a week's detention?" Pope asks.

"Yep. I'm also officially grounded for a week by my parents. They mostly feel bad for me but they didn't want me getting away with basically assaulting a stranger. As if detention were not enough...that also means I can't see you guys for a bit after this. Going completely off the grid."

"What? Kie, you can't do that. We need you." JJ says holding my hand.

"I guess I'm just scared of losing you all. Going to this school...a lots going to change." I start tearing up.

"We'll always have your back Kie. P4L." John B says getting up for a group hug.

"P4L baby, woooooo!!!" JJ shouts.

We all start laughing. The rest of the night I spent listening to their first day of high school. Turns out it was just as hectic as mine. JJ got 2 lates already, Pope got caught up on the first book reading of the year, and John B spent most of the day staring outside the window. A big food fight occurred in the cafeteria and a kid got pushed into a locker. Obviously this all went unnoticed. Big John sat with us as the sun went down, reminiscing over his favourite high school memories. He wasn't present as much as he used to be. John B says he's busy with something that will change their lives. I wish I had that kind of hope. The hope of knowing there is something out there to change my life. At least, change it back to the way it was before summer. But I knew there was nothing I could do to fix this. I said goodbye to my friends and went home knowing tomorrow was another day at Kook Academy. Looking back, I guess things did change that night. Just not for the better.

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