Chapter 2: Impressions

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Rafe Cameron is a an entitled, manipulative, and reckless jerk. He does nothing but complain when the world doesn't revolve around him. His father, Ward Cameron, is involved in real estate development across Outer Banks. He's influential and has a lot of connections. Rafe seems to take advantage of this, thinking he can get away with anything because his dad will come save him. Sometimes his dad won't care at all, which makes it worse. I've had interactions with Rafe throughout the years and wish to not have any in the future. Now that I go to Kildare Academy, I have no chance of escaping the Kooks.

"Hey Rafe," I say painfully.

"Thought you'd be going to school with the Pogues. It's good to see you here though. You can't live in Figure 8 and go to the county high school." Rafe says while finding his schedule.

"If it were up to me I would be there right now." I say with a straight face.

"Trust me Kiara. You're better off here. You'll have a chance to make something of yourself. The uniform looks good on you too." He leaves the office.

I grab my schedule and follow him out.

"Whatever Rafe. Don't think I forgot the shit you pulled last month. You do not care about me or anyone else's well being." I say a little too loudly.

Rafe turns around to face me.

"Remind me again of what I did?"

"You threw fish bait on me and my friends." I say while recalling the upsetting memory.

"No I didn't. I threw fish bait in the water to attract fish. You and those Pogues just happened to be there."

"Asshole," I mutter.

"What did you just call me?"

Rafe looks at me provoked. His jaw tightens as he walks closer. I look up at his cold expression, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Listen you little shit, you know who runs this place? Me. You're on my turf now and if I catch you insulting me again I won't be so friendly." He points in my face and scowls.

I push his finger away.

"Rafe. You are never friendly." I say trying to walk away.

He grabs my hand and turns me around. I stare at him wondering what he's going to do next. He looked shaky and carried a blank expression. We stay still for a few seconds before he lets go of my hand.

"Just stay out my way," he says walking off.

I watch as he walks down the halfway. Brushing his hands through his hair. I've mentioned we talked before. But I've never seen Rafe act like this. For being in his own domain he seemed cautious. Maybe he didn't want to fight me. Either way, Rafe Cameron is a hot head who needs to be avoided. People in the hall continue to stare at me after that interaction. I put my head down and find my first period class. Something tells me this is only the beginning.

My first class is English. I've always liked reading. There's a sense of adventure in every book. I imagine myself in each characters position. Travelling through their journey, living their life in a different reality. Books are a good escape from reality if you read the right ones. I walk into class expecting to be late. However, I make it on time and manage to find an empty seat by the back window. The room is big. The ceilings much taller than at my middle school. A giant chalkboard fills the front wall with the name "Mr. Donovan" written in white. He sits at his desk organizing papers and typing on a computer. He has pale features, but a dark beard and messy hair. I watch as he opens drawers in a hectic search to find something unknown. I look to my right and see a few people whispering while stealing glances in my direction. Word spreads fast in this school, especially when it comes to Kook king Rafe Cameron. So much for making friends I think.

"Good morning class. I hope everyone had a great summer. This is your first day of high school, congratulations! I want to start off with a few introductions. My name is Mr. Donavan and I'll be your English teacher this year. Now some of you may already know each other but I'd like us all to go around the room and say your name and something you like."

The class sits silently.

Mr. Donovan clears his throat.

"Why don't we start with you."

He points to a girl sitting at the front of the class. She has blonde hair held up in a clip. She looks put together and prepared for anything thrown her way. The teacher gestures for her to stand up. Suddenly I realize who it is. Sarah Cameron, Kook princess and Rafe's sister. I often see Sarah with her friend Topper at the country club. I try to avoid that place at all costs but my mom believes being present sets a good image.

She stands up.

"Hey everyone, I'm Sarah as you may know. I like the outdoors, surfing, paddle boarding, biking occasionally. I also like to journal, and enjoy a good party."

"Yeah you do!" Says a voice from across the room.

Sarah laughs and sits down. I anxiously await my turn to speak. After that seemingly viral conversation this morning I need to start this class off on a better note. Eventually the teacher calls on me. I stand up, feeling my heart pulsate. Most times I imagine being judged by others in a crowd. I'm normally not nervous speaking in front of people but their judgemental eyes are real this time.

"Hi. I'm Kiara, and I like the ocean." I say bluntly.

I begin to sit down when Mr. Donavan speaks again.

"So Kiara, what do you like about the ocean?" He asks engaged in the topic.

"Well I like the water. I like turtles. I like surfing and the sand."

Somehow talking about the ocean calmed my nerves.

"I like turtles too," Mr. Donavan says with a smile.

He continues to talk to other people in the class and I listen as some answer with stuffy interests like shopping, golfing, and hanging out on yachts. The rest of the class is uneventful, which I'm grateful for. We went over the syllabus and books we have to pick up for this year's reading. Some already had their books ready and read through. First day of school and I'm already behind. I leave the class feeling better than this morning. The sun beams through the glass windows above the lockers in the hallway. The air seems light as if a storm has just passed. Students continue to laugh through the halls and joke about wanting to leave. Despite their high social status, these people seem...normal. Kildare Academy was my living nightmare, but after seeing it first hand I think it'll all work out.

Boy was I naive.

Rafe and Kie: Kook YearWhere stories live. Discover now