Chapter 2

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Days turned into weeks and Derek Shepherd continued to woo Meredith Grey with unwavering persistence. Every morning, he arrived at the hospital early, hoping to be the first to see Meredith in the hallways. He greeted her with a bright smile and hot coffee, exactly how she liked it: black, without sugar. Meredith accepted the coffee with distant politeness, but she couldn't help but notice the effort he put into it.

One day, as they passed each other in the break room, Derek approached her with a relaxed but determined look. "Meredith, I was thinking... there's a symposium on new neurosurgical techniques this weekend. That might be interesting. I have two tickets, if you want to come with me."

Meredith looked up from her file, her gaze cold and analytical. "Thanks, Derek, but I already have plans for the weekend."

Derek didn't let that deter him. "Sure, maybe another time then."

Cristina Yang, Meredith's best friend, watched from a corner of the room. She raised an eyebrow as Derek walked away, then turned to Meredith with an amused pout. "You know, he's not giving up, right?"

Meredith sighed. "He probably thinks I'll give in like everyone else. But I'm not interested in ladies' men."

Cristina burst out laughing. "Good luck. If anyone can resist McDreamy, it's you."


Derek wasn't satisfied with simple invitations. He also sought to show his support for Meredith in a subtle but meaningful way. During a particularly stressful night shift, when Meredith was trying to juggle several patients in intensive care, Derek appeared at her side with a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

"I figured maybe you didn't have time to eat," he said softly, handing her the sandwich.

Meredith looked at him, a look of surprise mixed with gratitude on her face. "Thanks, Derek, but I'm really busy."

"I know. Just take a bite between patients, it'll give you some energy."

She accepted the sandwich with a nod, although she still had trouble understanding why Derek was so insistent. Maybe he was sincere, but she wasn't ready to find out. Not yet.


One of the areas where Derek hoped he could break Meredith's shell was the professional field. He knew Meredith was passionate about her work and he used every opportunity to work alongside her on complex cases.

"Meredith, I need your opinion on a case," he called out one afternoon when they were both in the conference room.

She looked up from her notes, skeptical. "On what case?"

Derek handed him a file. "A patient with a
brain tumor, very rare and complex. I think your expertise would be invaluable."

Meredith examined the file, her professional interest piqued. "Okay, I'll take a look."

They spent hours discussing the case, exchanging ideas and strategies. For the first time, Meredith felt respected for her skills and not just courted. Yet, despite their productive collaboration, she remained on guard, aware that Derek might have hidden agendas.

Despite Derek's relentless efforts, Meredith remained steadfast. With each attempt, she found a polite but firm way to push him away.

One evening, after a long day at work, Derek suggested, "How about we go for a drink? Just to relax after this hard day."

Meredith shook her head. "Thanks, Derek, but I already plan to go home and rest."

Derek smiled, although he was visibly disappointed. "Another time maybe."

Derek's attempts and Meredith's constant rejections did not go unnoticed among their colleagues. Murmurs and amused looks were commonplace in the hospital corridors.

Alex Karev, another close friend of Meredith's, couldn't help but make snide comments. "So, McDreamy, how many more times are you going to get rejected before you realize Meredith isn't interested?"

Derek smiled, taking the remark with humor. "As many times as necessary, Karev."

Mark Sloan, Derek's best friend and plastic surgeon, was also watching the situation with amusement. "Derek, you're really stubborn, you know that? Meredith is not an easy conquest."

"I know," Derek replied. "And that's exactly why I won't give up."

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