Chapter 4

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The next evening, Derek was waiting for Meredith outside Grey Sloan Memorial. He had chosen a discreet Italian restaurant, known for its warm atmosphere and delicious food. Meredith arrived, wearing a simple black dress that showed off her natural beauty. Derek smiled when he saw her.

“You look beautiful,” he said sincerely.

Meredith rolled her eyes, but a slight smile betrayed her satisfaction. "Thanks, Derek. So where are you taking me?"

“A little Italian restaurant that I love. I hope you like pasta.”

They made their way to the restaurant, engaging in light conversation on the way. Derek talked about his love of Italian food, while Meredith shared some stories from her day. When they arrived, they were greeted warmly and shown to a quiet table in the corner.

The dinner took place in a relaxed atmosphere. Derek did his best to put Meredith at ease, sharing funny stories from his early days in neurosurgery. Meredith, although still on guard, began to enjoy Derek's company. He was funny, intelligent and clearly passionate about his work.

"I have to admit," Meredith said, sipping her wine, "I expected it to be more...awkward."

Derek laughs. "I'm glad you don't feel uncomfortable. My goal tonight is just to show you that I can be a friend too."

"And you're doing well," she replied with a smile.


As the evening progressed, the conversation became more personal. Derek spoke about his motivations, his desire to make a difference as a surgeon, and his deep respect for Meredith.

"Meredith, you are one of the most talented surgeons I have ever met. And it's not just your technical skill, it's your compassion for your patients. It's... inspiring."

Meredith looked down, slightly embarrassed by the compliment. "Thank you, Derek. That means a lot to me, coming from you."

They continued to talk, and for the first time, Meredith felt truly connected to Derek. The barrier she had erected around her heart was slowly beginning to crack. Derek, for his part, was delighted to see Meredith relax and open up a little more to him.

Dinner finished, Derek walked Meredith to her car. They stood there, under the street lights, a gentle breeze blowing through the night. Derek leaned slightly towards Meredith, his eyes shining with hope.

"Thank you for this evening, Meredith. It's been a pleasure getting to know you a little better."

Meredith smiled, touched by his sincerity. "Thank you, Derek. It was... nice."

They stood in comfortable silence for a moment, before Meredith spoke. "Derek, I know you're really trying. And I want to tell you that I appreciate it. But I need time."

Derek nodded. "I understand, Meredith. Take as much time as you need. I'll be there."

With one last smile, Meredith got into her car and drove away, leaving Derek alone in the night. He watched her leave, a look of determination in his eyes. He knew winning Meredith's heart wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to wait.

The next day, news of their dinner spread quickly through the hospital. Amused looks and whispers were everywhere. Cristina, of course, was the first to approach Meredith.

"So, Grey, how was dinner with McDreamy?"

Meredith rolled her eyes. “It was just dinner with friends, Cristina.”

"Friends, huh? We'll see how long it lasts," Cristina replied with a smirk.

Alex, for his part, gently made fun of Derek. "So, Shepherd, did you finally get Meredith out? How was it?"

Derek smiled, remembering the evening fondly. "It was good. She's starting to open up a little more."

"Good luck, buddy," Alex said, patting Derek on the shoulder. “You’ll need it.”

Mark Sloan, always the wise advisor, did not fail to give his opinion. "Derek, you're making progress. Keep it up. Meredith is definitely worth it."


Encouraged by their dinner, Derek continued his efforts to gain Meredith's trust. He was even more caring, respecting her boundaries while looking for ways to support and surprise her.

One day, he placed a stack of files on Meredith's desk with a handwritten note: "I took care of these patients so you could get some rest. You work too much. - Derek."

Meredith smiled as she read the note, touched by his kindness. She was starting to see a side of Derek that she hadn't noticed before. A generous and selfless side.

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