Chapter Four

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When Ray left Los Santos 7 years ago only one person followed her, she is thankful every day for their time together but extremely heartbroken at the thought of it being over.

The flight was long, far too long. You'd think she would be used to sitting still by now or being in a confined space but still her fidgeting ways never seemed to go away. She tried to distract herself by drawing shapes on the plane window, but that only lasted so long. She was extremely nervous about arriving back in Los Santos after 7 years.

As soon as she got out of the airport doors, she pulled out her phone with the new sim card she got at a stall inside the airport. She opened twatter and posted her first twat after 7 years. 'Hi, Los Santos'.

Ray had found a taxi stand and got a taxi to the apartments, where she found her room. A small open area with a bed and a small kitchenette. 'I guess it's better than nothing' Ray thought as she laid back on the bed, sighing.

Ray had been in Los Santos for only a week when she was being targeted by some clowns...all because she threw out her expired ID and Benji stabbed their leader. It scared her that she was being targeted for days on end by clowns but it also excited her a little bit, the performer in her took this as an opportunity to really be dramatic. To solve the prank calls and targeting, Mickey had set up with Chatterbox a game of clown risk. Ray had won the game of clown risk (the plot armor man) which meant the clowns wouldn't target her anymore.


The first flight out of Los Santos was nerve wracking for Ray Mond as the last time she left the City she didn't come back for 7 years. Leaving behind her Twin Brother, Gworl April and her CG Family. Coming Back after 7 years was hard when she learnt that some of the people she truly cared about had left, causing heartache for the rest of her found family.

Ray had gotten back into Los Santos after being away for a few days "on business" she would tell others but really it was to be in a sound booth for the last couple of episodes of a show she was currently in, that she wouldn't be a part of after they wrapped up that season. She had decided to step away from that part of her life and focus on her family in Los Santos. Ray was told by her gworl April that she was going to be hosting a date auction, it made Ray excited to see who would bid on her, that she even texted Chatterbox to place a bid on her, just to see where it would go. (I haven't timelined ray going out of the city with this time....)


Ray and Chatterbox had formed a slight friendship over the last few weeks after he won the date auction and she went on her clown day. Ray had told Chatterbox a few days ago that she would side with Mr. K if anything happened as he was her gang leader and CG was her family, Chatterbox saw red and had been a little distant since the incident.

Chatterbox had messaged her to meet and had asked for her ping to his location. She was curious to see what it was about, she knew he would want to talk and it made her nervous, she had never been good at opening up about her feelings.

Ray had found herself parked outside of the mineshaft, she looked around to see if she could spot any danger, when she couldn't she decided to leave her car, locking the door behind her. Ray took shaky steps towards a sign by the doors which she assumed she would have to break down to be able to get inside the abandoned mine. After kicking down the doors she walked inside the tunnel, it was pitched black but she also spotted notes on the wooden beams going across the roof, she took in every word it said. When she got closer to where she assumed Chatterbox was she heard faint whistling. If she was being honest it spooked her, she had never done well in the dark, she had always had a form of light in her room.

"Hi" Ray said, her voice shaking as she made her way towards the clown.

"Welcome, you like it in here?" he greeted

"No, its..."

"Why not?" he cut her off

"Why are we here?"

Ray and Chatterbox had started to speak more about Chatterbox feelings and Ray trying to understand him, including her possibly getting the same treatment that Chatterbox gives to Carmella and she didn't want that so she put up walls to protect herself.

Ray and Chatterbox had started to talk about friendships and how she shouldn't feel used by her friends.

"Its just that i've been there before, i's loyalty, but there's also been times where i feel like i' right and i'm completely wrong. sometimes i feel like people will be there forever and they're not there anymore"

"give me an example"


"something you've experienced where somebody is there and now they're not anymore. give me an example"

"um, uh,um... like my parents. the gang i was in. my mentor a long time ago. people i've dated, friends"

"and why did they leave?"


"they say it was you?"

"i mean people just come and go i guess, i don't know"

"you tell me they just disappeared"

"yea they just disappear"

"don't say nothing to you?"

"i mean it's.... there's a common denominator, it has to be me i'm the problem"




"I tend to. i push people away, you know that, i push people away"

"you push people away?"

"because i'm afraid they will leave first, that is something i learned in the past month actually, that i push people away so they don't leave first like everyone else in my life has, they can't leave me if i can't leave them"


"at the same time Ray Mond you keep asking questions about other people, i want to know more about you. i don't think i know enough about you. i'm interested to know what the yuck you've been through. maybe it'll help me put the puzzle together here"

"whats your story Ray Mond"

"starting from when"

"wherever you want Ray Mond"

"when i first moved to the city?"


"long story short, cg pretty kuch adopted me, i got really close to a lot of people in it..... people started leaving me, then i left"

"when i left the city 7 years ago, i had someone follow me that i really liked, we spent 5 and a half years together but then that was over and i was sad and needed another escape so that's why I came back here after being gone for 7 years"


imma be honest i've had up until the mine talk written for ages but i got sick and then my hours at work changed so i've been adjusting my new sleep schedule and ofc trying to catch streams whenever i can

also i have chapter six completely written and chapter seven half written but i need to finish chapter five.

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