Chapter Six

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On April 17th Chatterbox had asked Ray Mond to be his official girlfriend on the beach after their jetski date through the canals behind her house, something she had mentioned months previously that she wanted to do, before they both even had admitted feelings for each other. They spent the next couple of hours together selling weed before she would be gone for a few days.

What should have been one of the best days turned sour the moment she went to Grove Street and up towards Mr. Ks house to put the dirty money she owed from the weed she had been selling. The doors were locked and the key she had wouldn't work, she tried multiple times and each time it ended in the same result. Defeated, she walked back down the street towards her own house that she shared with some friends including her gworl April Fooze.

"Chatty they took my keys" she whimpered, upset and confused.

"They took your keys? Did they call you about it?" Chatterbox angrily asks following her as she walks down the road.

"no" he voice was monotone and he knew that she was extremely hurt.

Mr. Ratchet speaks up which makes Chatterbox stop for a moment, giving Ray more distance between them as she continues to make her way down the street. She stops briefly pulling out her phone to see if she missed any text messages from Mr. K but she doesn't see any.

"Hey, don't worry about it. when you come back you can talk to him about it" Chatterbox says as he stands in front of her, sad that her family would make her so upset over her now dating him.

"I don't get it"

"I do"

"Its Chang Bang, its gang stuff they don't care....who knows it could be nothing"

"I can't talk Chatty. I need to figure this out" Ray then proceeds to keep walking down the road and reaches her driveaway.

"I need to go, okay"


"I'll see you when I get back"

"Have a good trip"

he then inches towards her slowly and pulls her into a hug, they say like that for a few minutes before she reluctantly pulls away and goes up her driveaway and into her house.


Ray had arrived back in the city after Five days. She had planned this non work related trip with April where they went to texas. Ray and April had never been and it had been organised for over a month, when both their schedules aligned. Ray dreaded being back in the city as she knew she would have to have a talk with Mr. K. When Max had pulled into the driveway of their house it was about 4am and she was extremely exhausted, both April and Max had gone straight to bed. A million different scenarios running through her head, each making her more anxious, keeping her from sleeping. She thought about the few times before she first left the city over 7 years ago when people in her gang didn't believe her over stupid, petty shit. How she felt extremely heartbroken that members of her found family didn't have her back.

She didn't even realise she was calling someone until a very raspy voice answered "Cups"

"Chatty, Did I wake you?"

"No no no, I was just about to drive to the funhouse to sleep"

"Could you pick me up? on Grove" Ray stammered out. Chatterbox could instantly tell something was extremely wrong.

"I'll be there in a few minutes"

"See you soon," Ray replied, then hung up. She grabbed some clothes and stuffed them into a duffle bag. As she snuck out of the girls house, she saw the familiar red club and knew her boyfriend was here, she instantly sighed a relief knowing that he would help ease her nerves.

"Chatty I missed you so much"

"I missed you too Cups" Chatty replied looking at her, smiling beneath the mask. "Where do you want to go?"

"The funhouse, I just can't be here right now"

"Want to talk about it?"

"I'm just overthinking about how my conversation with Mr. K will go later today."

"I'm sure it will be fine"

"I also keep thinking about the past and what happened back then, the petty wars was yucking brutal Chatty and I don't want something similar to that happening"

"The petty wars?"

"It was something seven-years-ago.... honestly it's hard to talk about"

"You don't have to tell me"

"I want to tell you so badly, it's just hard to put into words."

Chatterbox stayed silent as he drove down the motorway towards the funhouse, he could tell she was thinking back to what had happened, and he didn't want to disturb her.

"There was a time, when some stupid yucking shit went down and the boys didn't believe me, because they took his side and it made me extremely mad and hurt, because he was twisting things. I just don't want Mr. K to feel like he can't trust me" Ray opened her eyes, not realising she had closed them. The car was parked outside of the funhouse now. "Can we finish this inside?"

"We can go wherever you want Cups"

Ray exited the car, and decided to grab Chatterbox's hand, locking her fingers in his. "I did have a fun trip. Didn't overthinking at all while away"

"Did you ride any horses?"

"yesssss they were so pretty up close" Ray replied excitedly.

Once they enter the bedroom, Ray lets go of Chatterbox's hand and practically flies onto the bed. "Be careful" Chatterbox screeches out panicking that she was about to fall straight to the floor, he really didn't want an injured Ray.

"I'm okay" Ray laughs at his outburst, missing him completely while she was gone.

Chatterbox sat on the bed, she enveloped her hands around his as they sat in-front of each other, her back was against the wall, while his back was towards the door. "Who was he? the one they sided with?"

"Randy Bullet" Ray breathed out, an instant relief leaving her at being able to get the information off of her chest, finally.

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